Need Different Sound Effects For Survivor Reveals

Like crows sounding off if you have Spies from the Shadows. You hear ... an explosion? Did the crow explode? Can you not add a loud flapping, crow-screeching sound effect?
Or if you have Iron Maiden, opening the door causes .... an explosion? How about make a really loud, screeching, swinging locker opening sound effect?
Or if you hear a fast vault. The vault made the Survivor explode? Wha ... ? Add the voice and vault sound effect superloud (relatively) and highlight the actual vault yellow like Kate's Windows of Opportunity perk for the same amount of time the explosion graphic stays on.
I don't get it. You know, the spatial quality of sound in DBD (when not bugging) is pretty good, but why do they insist on the explosions when it can't be that hard to simply make new sound effects or just use the existing ones? It will really help diversify actions instead of that damn generic explosion which makes the game aesthetically poorer in distinguishment, and breaks immersion.
Thank you for reading my thread, Dev's, and friends of the Fog.