2nd chances and the problem that come with it.

5inned Member Posts: 3

Lack of Fear everyone complains about is the lack of fear in terms of doing mistakes. Most of the game is designed to compensate your bad decisions and misplays.

You get caught. Yeah thats already a misplay. You have to question yourself why did you get caught? Why are you here in the first place?
If you get caught on the street in the middle of haddonfield and the wraith is reapearing behind you. That is stupid play by you. What is the consequence of that silly behaviour? A free hit? No you get to SB away to the next safespot and youre now in chase.
Does being chased by the killer have consequences? No there are at least 15+ pallets on the map, which to loop around and always gives you enough time to reach the next pallet. Yeah it doesnt end the chase, but is working towards the goal of surviving(because its 4vs1, 3people are working on objectives)
Now by any reason, be it map design or your own stupidity you fail to reach the next pallet and get hit. What is the consequence of that? Do you have to deal with the state of beeing injured? No SC will patch you right up again to healthy and you dont have to fear getting downed, if the killer breaks the chase. Thats one reason(there are more) why Killer dont change targets or break chases.
So youre probably still in chase and are back to pallet looping. By now 3 gens should be close to be done. So 3/5~6sh of objectives(gates are part too, so 5~6) are done on survivor side... while youre here doing mistakes over mistakes....
Lets say youre getting hit again and downed... whas is the consequence of that? Well there is DS... which allows you to negate the mistake of getting downed...

well i can keep going on, but I guess its clear now what the difference is between perks that simple strenghtes you or just flat out compensate your misplays and having a strong basic game machanic that stop any offensive. There are situational 2nd chance perks like unbreakable, but those are fine because they are situational. But having universal perks that 85-100% allow bad plays to be viable are just plain wrong. And we see the consequences of such gamedesign... survivors getting bold beyond believe and getting entitlted to have everything going their way... since it does most of the time... they dont get punished for bad plays.

Summary: Mistakes are getting negated way too much by bad game design. This leads to simple just not carring for playing bad and doing mistakes and such leads to the lack of fear of playing bad(doing mistakes)


  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    Dstrike has to go ASAP, flashlight lock animation escape has to go ASAP. i dont mind body blocking too much but yeah i hate get out of jail free cards.

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