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Survivor Tier List (Each Survivor Being Judged with their 3 Default Perks)

Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

As the title explains, this list ranks the Survivors if you're just using their 3 default perks, because otherwise it would just be ranking them on how neat-o they look, and I want this to be a fair competition, not an overwhelming Daddy Dwight fest, who we all know is the most handsome boi.
There's only going to be an A, a B, and a C tier, because I don't want to split them any further than that. Because that takes effort. And who even likes effort.

Claudette Morel: Look, this shouldn't be a surprise. The Survivor with access to the fabled Self-Care is obviously going to be the winner. Botany Knowledge and Empathy are both cool too, but nothing game breaking. Self-Care allows you to heal yourself at anytime; in the middle of a loop, behind cover, on the opposite side of the map from your buddies, it does it all. Botany Knowledge let's you do this even faster, and Empathy let's you heal your teammates easier, but who even likes teamwork?
Meg Thomas: Easy enough to see coming, second place is Ms. Sprint Burst, who has Sprint Burst, a perk that let's you go faster than the killer whenever you decide to start running. It's kind of hard to catch you when you're breaking the sound barrier. Her other perks, Quick and Quiet and Adrenaline certainly have their uses, but they aren't Sprint Burst. You can quickly vault over things without a care in the world, and Adrenaline is perfect if you're playing Distraction because- oh, you're gone. To add insult to injury, it even wakes you up from poor Freddy's Dream World.
Nea Karlsson: The scariest killer in the game, Nea has some potential. She's the greatest at stealthing with Urban Evasion, Streetwise let's her endlessly flashlight the killer and make him/her cry, and she even has some chase potential with Balanced Landing, letting her fall from large heights for a nice speed boost.

Dwight Fairfield: What Dwight does right, he does right. Dwight can quickly locate teammates and work on a gen with them while boosting them and himself, allowing for the ultimate Gen Rush character. Unfortunately, Prove Thyself falls behind a little bit, but Dwight certainly can do what he does just fine. Plus, he's a handsome boi.
Laurie Strode: I'm sure I'm bound to be proven wrong about this one, but Laurie's DS is undeniably a strong tool, but I would also argue that Object of Obsession can be insane when it works. Plus, while Sole Survivor is normally terrible, in just the right circumstances when combined with OoO you get free vision on the Killer at almost all times; it's good stuff. I'm surprised I don't see more Lauries.
David King: Dead Hard is good. No Mithers isn't. WGLF let's you kill teammates off the hook for points. David is a special boy.
Ace Visconti: Ace's luck increasing perks are awesome, but it's just that; luck, which is all down to RNG. RNG isn't always something you can trust. Oh well, at least his aura reading increase is cool. Ace gives benefits to his whole team, which is something not many other perks do.
William "Bill" Overbeck: We pick him for Borrowed Time, Borrowed Time is so good. Unbreakable has it's rare use. Left Behind doesn't, screw Left Behind.
Quentin Smith: Quentin's perks are quite underrated, at least to me. Wake Up! let's him open gates faster and tell teammates he's opening them, Vigil helps his homies get over stupid effects no one wants faster, and Pharmacy... well, hey, at least he has two winners.

Feng Min: Her perks kind of suck, honestly. Alert is almost worthless with niche uses that can do something, Lithe is actually quite great, and Technician, oh GOD Technician is awful. It's like what I said with Ace, except you have to suck to have it's effect triggered and even then it's such a low chance for you to have your butt saved. It's like jumping from a three story building onto a singular pillow. Like, it CAN work... but...
Detective Tapp: Tenacity is good if paired with Unbreakable, that's about it; Detective's Hunch is cool but... not really, you can just find the generators. Finally, Stake Out is neat except... if you want your Good skill checks to be Great skill checks, why not just get a Great skill check? Besides, the difference between the two isn't even that much progression so... sorry Tapp, not much going for you.
Jake Park: Even with it's incoming change, Calm Spirit is stupid. You don't alert SOME animals, and you don't scream when whacked or shocked by Doc, etc. K cool and good. Saboteur would be nice... you know, if it were nice. Sabotaging isn't even that good, not to mention you're doing it even slower than normal. Finally, Jake's only redemption perk, Iron Will... yeah, it's good. Not much else to say about it.
Kate Denson: Oh woe, poor Kate, our newest and worst Survivor. Windows of Opportunity is almost worthless if you already have taken a 3 second look of your surroundings, Dance With Me is okay, except it's ONLY good if you pair it with Quick and Quiet and we're not judging Survivors with perk synergies, just their default perks, so Dance With Me fails as well, and finally, for god's sake, Boil Over. Want to make the killer feel mildly drunk as he/she carries you? Good for you, you can do that with this perk. It does almost nothing. It is only useful if in an enclosed space which there aren't that many of, or if The Trapper is carrying you and you push him into one of his own traps. That's it. Let's have a moment of silence for poor Kate.

Did you like it? Did you not? Do you want to call me stupid in the comments? You do that, I want feedback.

Post edited by Mrrgle_the_Mediocre on


  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    Spot on for the most part especially with Meg and Claudette being top two. Although I’d say Nea and Laurie could swap for A and B. Decisive is Laurie’s strongest perk but sole survivor isn’t a great perk and OOO isn’t as great as Urban Evasion. Balanced Landing is just a sprint burst but with a condition attached to it. I’d say Laurie is A tier but if she is A tier then so is Nea.

    I’d also put Feng ahead of Ace. Again, Lithe is another sprint burst but with a condition attached to it. Technician at level 3 can be pretty powerful while Ace’s entire perks rely on RNG.
  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334
    For Feng, with Technician,  having a 50% chance for the generator to not explode isn't a low chance if you ask me lol.
  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    @ProfoundEnding said:
    For Feng, with Technician,  having a 50% chance for the generator to not explode isn't a low chance if you ask me lol.

    Oh, I thought it was 30% at maximum, my bad. 50% isn't terrible. Though, you should just not miss the skill check in the first place, with the only exception being something like Overcharge which IS the perk Technician is trying to counter what with Feng Min and The Doctor being linked and all.

    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336

    Excuse me, Left Behind saved my ass one singular game out of like, 7 games so it's also a god tier perk.

  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    @Tombstone218 said:
    Excuse me, Left Behind saved my ass one singular game out of like, 7 games so it's also a god tier perk.

    But of course.

  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    @MegMain98 said:
    Spot on for the most part especially with Meg and Claudette being top two. Although I’d say Nea and Laurie could swap for A and B. Decisive is Laurie’s strongest perk but sole survivor isn’t a great perk and OOO isn’t as great as Urban Evasion. Balanced Landing is just a sprint burst but with a condition attached to it. I’d say Laurie is A tier but if she is A tier then so is Nea.

    I’d also put Feng ahead of Ace. Again, Lithe is another sprint burst but with a condition attached to it. Technician at level 3 can be pretty powerful while Ace’s entire perks rely on RNG.

    I swapped Nea and Laurie.
    I'm still gonna keep Ace ahead of Feng though, because his potential has a team supporter over Feng's specific selfish perks still keep him higher in my opinion.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    C tier feng with lithe? Bump up, good survivors know when to head to a zone this can activate before a chase or use a pallet for time to get to a lithe zone. Also, alert with open handed is overlooked and kind of broken, go around gen tapping and the killer will kick gens constantly giving you alert and wasting their time as they look around that gen for survivors.
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Even without open handed, alert is still good. 
  • guest602
    guest602 Member Posts: 149
    edited July 2018
    What about iron will? This is an amazing perk I don't understand why its underestimated 
    Post edited by guest602 on
  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    @guest602 said:
    What about iron will? This is an amazing perk I don't understand shy its underestimated 

    I mean, you still leave a trail of blood, and when you're injured it should be your goal to heal yourself or get healed anyway. It CAN save your life, but not always. Not nearly consistent enough to be good enough, at least to me. Plus, Calm Spirit and Saboteur suck so much that Iron Will isn't enough to boost Jake alone.

  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    Even without open handed, alert is still good. 

    Not really. It's just a little unnecessary. If you're close enough for it to work, then you should be able to just tilt the camera to see them anyway. At least, I believe. I've never used the perk so I don't really know it's max range.

    Anyway, yeah, Lithe is alright. But not enough alone to boost Feng higher than C-Tier, at least to me.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    It's beyond your camera at times and shows aura after it
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    Meg is the best starter character because she has 2 meta perks and 1 high tier perk. No other survivor has that many good perks. Claud has SC which is meta, and Empathy which is like mid tier at best. BK is IMO worthless tier. Nea would also be above Claud because UE and BL are really good perks.

    Kate should be higher. WoO and DWM are actually really nice perks. BO is okay, I think it's map dependent, but her perks are definitely better than most.

    You should know that Bill's perk are set to "All" for consoles, because Bill could not be brought over. But I think he would be 4th, right below Claud, because Unbreakable and Borrowed Time. Left Behind is not bad, but very situational. Still better kit than the rest of the cast.

  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Meg is the best starter character because she has 2 meta perks and 1 high tier perk. No other survivor has that many good perks. Claud has SC which is meta, and Empathy which is like mid tier at best. BK is IMO worthless tier. Nea would also be above Claud because UE and BL are really good perks.

    Kate should be higher. WoO and DWM are actually really nice perks. BO is okay, I think it's map dependent, but her perks are definitely better than most.

    You should know that Bill's perk are set to "All" for consoles, because Bill could not be brought over. But I think he would be 4th, right below Claud, because Unbreakable and Borrowed Time. Left Behind is not bad, but very situational. Still better kit than the rest of the cast.

    Meg's aight, though I still think Claud's healing is better. But Nea stays in 3rd because she has some good sneaking with UE, sure, but BL is not that great, it's just a lesser Sprint Burst, which I still don't think measures up to our all holy savior Self-Care. Speaking of Self-Care, when paired with Botany Knowledge, it becomes even more godlike. Botany Knowledge does suck unless put with Self-Care because it just makes Self-Care better.

    No, Kate shouldn't be higher. Dance With Me is okay, but... like... just okay? Windows of Opportunity is worthless if you already know the map at least a little bit, in which point WoO is just wasting a perk slot, and Boil Over is bad. Just bad.

    Anyway, Bill's three are nowhere near that. Unbreakable is ultra situational, it's once every 16 matches or so that you even get to stand up on your own. Borrowed Time is good, I'll give you that, But it's not so good that it singlehandedly puts him in 4th place. I might put him over Ace, but that's it.Also, Left Behind is poo poo. If you're the last one alive, then go through the hatch. If the hatch isn't open, then bummer. You don't need an entire Perk slot to get one Generator done to open the hatch. If you're more than one Generators away from the hatch, then you just weren't meant to win.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    I'm grading these based on how easy it is to get their achievements

    1. Nea: she has 2 mobility perks and an efficiently buff
    2. Meg: she as well has 2 mobility perks, a clutch heal, and stealth attached to kit.
    3. Min: mobility with lithe, technician is under rated but it does help, alert helps with sneaky killers in chases.
    4. Claudette: self heal has always been meta, empathy has the longest range of any aura, botany boosts all healing
    5. Quentin, Pharmacy is a really under rated perk and it is more effective than self heal imo, wake up is clutch especially in matches that end with dying light, noed, thanophobia, vigil is good but as a self kit doesn't work with Quentin.
    6. Tapp: Stake Out is surprisingly good and pretty much gets max value in your skillchecks and helps you detect the killer, Detectives Hunch is meh pretty much a free map, Tenacity is really clutch if your team mates are altruistic and distract the killer.
    7. Dwight: Bond is good but the downside is that you see how bad your team mates are, prove thyself is meh, leader is solid for coop actions.
    8. Ace: Open handed doesn't do anything with Ace's kit, Up the Ante can be good? Ace in the Hole doesn't proc enough to be worth it.
    9. Jake: Saotage is ok but it has a limited use imo due to hooks being everywhere, Calm spirit is garbage and is barely noticeable, Iron Will is the only useful perk jake has
    10. Laurie Strode: Sole Survivor is ok and actually useful in the bbq meta, Object of Obsession is a good perk as well since you can always see where the killer is unless it's freddy :/, Decisive Strike is just a free save from a hook but it triggers killers so much that you're more likely to get camped unless you used it on your last hook chance.
    11. Kate: Dance with me is meh, Boil over is meh, Windows of Opportunity fills your screen with info your really should know.
    12. David: We're Gonna live forever is the only reliable bloodpoint bonus for survivors but it causes this toxic farming behavior that I despise in team mates, Dead Hard sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, No Mither is probably the worst perk in the game.
    13. Bill: Left Behind has a dumb mechanic and is only useful in the most worst way imaginable, Borrowed Time is good against killer camping sorta? Unbreakable is only good if you have a team that distracts the killer long enough for you to self revive.
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    @ProfoundEnding said:
    For Feng, with Technician,  having a 50% chance for the generator to not explode isn't a low chance if you ask me lol.

    Oh, I thought it was 30% at maximum, my bad. 50% isn't terrible. Though, you should just not miss the skill check in the first place, with the only exception being something like Overcharge which IS the perk Technician is trying to counter what with Feng Min and The Doctor being linked and all.

    Well, but at the same time, Survivors should just not die, they should not heal within the terror radius of a killer with NC, they shouldnt have looped that one spot. You cannot really judge a perk by how you should perform, but rather how it helps you. Same deal with Stake Out.

    If you are a new player, or just suck at skill checks, or you get distracted, those perks can save you. A bit situational, maybe. But still not as much as Unbreakable. :P

    I would place them like this:
    1) Meg: SB, Adrenaline and QnQ. Three really powerful perks and widely used. The first one is meta, second one is meta-ish but not quite and QnQ is a stealth players' second best friend.
    2) Claudette: She is only here for Self Care, really. Sure, Botany Knowledge is strong, but mainly paired with items or perks from other survivors. Empathy is potentially strong, I feel. I would rather use Bond.
    3) Nea: Balanced Landing is the weaker one of tje Exhaustion perks, but its benefits help a lot with chases on maps with drops. Urban Evasion is stealth's best friend. Streetwise is ok.
    4) Laurie: DS, enough said. The OoO and Sole Survivor combo is just decent. If you want awareness of the killer's position, I would rather take stuff like Premonition or Spine Chill, as they have a much lower risk (as the Obsession, youll most likely get tunnelled) and price (two perk slots vs one).
    5) Feng: Lithe is the second best Exhaustion perk, being usable in every map and draws quite a distance between you and the killer. Technician is decent with the skillchecks stuff I mentioned above, even though I would pick something else instead. Alert is a bit situational, but good enough. Still, same deal with OoO and SS, I would take something else.
    6) Quentin: He is my main, so I am a bit biased. :P Pharmacy is really good for healing, not as good as SC, and it also helps with faster chest searches. Wake Up helps at time of most danger (at least imo). And Vigil is powerful when used with the most desired perks.
    7) Tapp: Stake Out counters Ruin hardcore, especially in Gideon's Plant. Detective's Hunch is fine, maybe requiring a bit of luck. Tenacity is quite situational.
    8) David (this one can change, maybe higher): Dead Hard is effective, but I feel a missed attack gives less distance compared to other Exhaustion perks. It helps with ranged killers like Huntress, but at the same time, killers can bait it or counter it with a bit of ease. WGLF, bonus BP, yay. This is middle ground, I feel, depending on your objectives while playing and how you perform. No Mither though... I believe this perk is what its pushing him down in my list.
    9) Jake: Mainly here for Iron Will. Another stealth-er's best friend. Calm Spirit, in its current state, nah (and even after it gets changed, not my favourite). Saboteur, outdated.
    10) Dwight: Bond is certainly good. My issue is that his two other perks hurt you (in terms of emblems) and are situational. Relying on others is what I dislike about them.
    11) Kate: By themselves, Kate's perks are pretty yucky. Mainly talking about The Dance With Me combo. Boil Over does a job, not excellently, but something, such as potentially wasting the killer's time. Windows of Opportunity is good-ish for awareness and counters Doctor in a certain way. Still not my taste.
    12) Bill: Borrowed Time is pretty okaish, really. But, honestly, I would never use it myself. Unbreakable is extremely situational and Sole Survivor few times is effective at all.
    13) Ace: RNGesus. Up The Ante is only useful for escaping the hook, and that is only once per match. Open Handed and Ace in the Hole are ew.

    This is based on the current perk effects. It will be interesting to revisit this thread after all the rebalance is done.
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Windows is underrated, map knowledge or not, mid to late game pallets aren't guaranteed and you travel to a spot and have to take an L cause there's no pallet left. Not all pallets are visible from any angle, especially  some of the god pallets.
  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    Windows is underrated, map knowledge or not, mid to late game pallets aren't guaranteed and you travel to a spot and have to take an L cause there's no pallet left. Not all pallets are visible from any angle, especially  some of the god pallets.

    Maybe so, but the long frickin' 40 seconds cooldown makes it so it only works every blue moon.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    @Mrrgle_the_Mediocre said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Meg is the best starter character because she has 2 meta perks and 1 high tier perk. No other survivor has that many good perks. Claud has SC which is meta, and Empathy which is like mid tier at best. BK is IMO worthless tier. Nea would also be above Claud because UE and BL are really good perks.

    Kate should be higher. WoO and DWM are actually really nice perks. BO is okay, I think it's map dependent, but her perks are definitely better than most.

    You should know that Bill's perk are set to "All" for consoles, because Bill could not be brought over. But I think he would be 4th, right below Claud, because Unbreakable and Borrowed Time. Left Behind is not bad, but very situational. Still better kit than the rest of the cast.

    Meg's aight, though I still think Claud's healing is better. But Nea stays in 3rd because she has some good sneaking with UE, sure, but BL is not that great, it's just a lesser Sprint Burst, which I still don't think measures up to our all holy savior Self-Care. Speaking of Self-Care, when paired with Botany Knowledge, it becomes even more godlike. Botany Knowledge does suck unless put with Self-Care because it just makes Self-Care better.

    No, Kate shouldn't be higher. Dance With Me is okay, but... like... just okay? Windows of Opportunity is worthless if you already know the map at least a little bit, in which point WoO is just wasting a perk slot, and Boil Over is bad. Just bad.

    Anyway, Bill's three are nowhere near that. Unbreakable is ultra situational, it's once every 16 matches or so that you even get to stand up on your own. Borrowed Time is good, I'll give you that, But it's not so good that it singlehandedly puts him in 4th place. I might put him over Ace, but that's it.Also, Left Behind is poo poo. If you're the last one alive, then go through the hatch. If the hatch isn't open, then bummer. You don't need an entire Perk slot to get one Generator done to open the hatch. If you're more than one Generators away from the hatch, then you just weren't meant to win.

    You have to look at their chances of survival based on the perks they have. Meg has the absolute highest chance of survival because she can SB away from the killer, AND she has a insta-heal ace in the whole with Adrenaline. Nea has her own version of SB, which while more situational has an added effect that can make it useful all the time, and UE which almost hard counters slow killers and makes it a lot safer to move around. Claud has SC. That's it. Paired with BK it's...mildly better but the thing with SC is that the same results can be achieved with a medkit that anyone can use. A perkless Dwight with a medkit has almost as much survivability as an adept Claud. She has nothing to help her evade the killer which is way more important than being able to heal. Take that away and she literally has nothing except probably having the best 'natural camo' of the survivors outfits.

    Bill has a pretty good chance for surviving compared to the rest of the cast that isn't Meg/Nea/Claud. Unbreakable can change the tide of a game very much. Borrowed Time as well, though it doesn't help Bill directly by keeping someone else alive longer he ensures his own survival.