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Healing nerf + Gen Rushing + Adrenaline = New SWF + deranking

joan Member Posts: 122

Time ago BHVR listen to this biased killers' forum and nerf healing. This was a very big error and gen rushing appear.

Now in another very bad movement BHVR has nerfed SWF to the ground and the solution is to derank. Why? First because you know your friend can't play more than 2 minutes against a killer who is 10-15 ranks better than him. And also because in few days noone will want to play with these SWF teams because they know the game will be probably 4k.

And what will happen next?

First you'll see a lot of god survivors playing at mid ranks. So killers in these ranks will play exactly the same games they play against SWF teams before the change. You'll play with the same survs, but within rank 15.

Second, killers in red ranks won't find survivor to play with and probably the solution for them will be to derank too.

Then solo survivors in mid ranks will play against god killers. Solution.. derank too.

I don't know what will happend at the end, but this was a very very bad movement.


  • joan
    joan Member Posts: 122

    Many people want to play with his friends, not gain a reward.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Wouldn't it be hilarious if the entire DBD population was just rank 11-15 and nobody was above rank 10.

  • joan
    joan Member Posts: 122

    With the previous matchmaking both, killers and survivors, wanted to rank to get better games. With the new matchmaking is better for both to derank. I don't see how someone thought about it.

  • joan
    joan Member Posts: 122

    Sorry but I'm not agree with you. If you played with one of your friends and 2 solo in rank 1 the killer was rank 3, and this was balanced. If you played with 2 of your friends the killer was rank 5, and this was balance too. If someone wants a challenge he has no mither. Do you really think everybody will want to play with your SWF when they know the killer will be rank 1 and your friends rank 10?

  • Danielgdp3
    Danielgdp3 Member Posts: 452

    I don't see the issue, why would you dodge a lobby as survivor anyway I already wait over 5 minutes per match to find a lobby. I'd like to think that I'm not the only person who doesn't dodge lobbies as survivor just cause someone isn't my rank.

  • joan
    joan Member Posts: 122

    Before the change I love to play with SWF with bad survivors, but yesterday I played 3 games with killers ranks 3-4 and survivors in ranks 19-20. And now I prefer to wait 5 minutes finding a lobby than playing games lasts 3 minutes with 4k and 5 gens left, and then wait the same 5 minutes

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    I don't see why we can't just have an unranked mode of some kind. Toss some BP or shard rewards on ranked mode. That way if people want to roll the dice and have fast matchmaking with whoever the hell shows up, they can, and those of us who don't want surprise red ranks in our matches every other game can have a more stable experience.

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    I empathize with people who want to be able to play SWF without so many issues, but I'm tired of never knowing whether I'm going to face a bunch of sweaty loop gods or rank noobs in every match.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    Well why don't you actually give a solution to how to fix the problem? Honestly.. ALL I saw was people in the forums complaining about Matchmaking because of the last patch! NOT because of what it is now, but that was because people of all sorts of random ranks were facing each other causing a ton of unfair matches...

    Due to all of the complaints they decided to do something about it, and this is what we got. It's different, and personally I actually am having much worse games now than I was before the change, however, they tried to fix it and now we have a new problem. Don't just get upset at them over them trying to fix something, too many people complaining about the Matchmaking again now.. whether its working as it should and we are just salty about it or it needs to be changed again but we need to offer real solutions.

    They may not be able to figure it out on their own.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Just give SWF a seperate queue.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    In my opinion having a "Casual Play" Lobby that is relatively random and unranked would help, and then having ranked lobby be separate but actually offer some solid rewards for ranking up.. so that way there is still incentive to compete and play ranked, but if you're just trying to have some fun and learn a new killer, play an unleveled survivor, or play with your low rank friends there's a place for that which is unaffected, and perhaps there it could be a wider variety of ranks facing each other with less "strict balancing" where-as ranked will have absolutely "strict balancing"..

    This is almost how every other competitive game is that I have played lol.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    Unfortunately as Killer today 4/5 matches I faced (in Purple Rank) where Red Ranks were "Deranking" as they said after in the Lobby and just DC'd in match the moment I downed them... it was not fun and a huge waste of time, I wish it wasn't a thing, but people are seriously doing it left and right!!!

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,308

    There is no perfect solution. No matter what someone will be "screwed" in one way or another, so it's just up to the devs to decide which is the "lesser evil" so to say. Personally the only bad thing I've noticed are longer survivor queues, as I usually play survivor with people that are around my rank (and if they haven't played for a bit, around or above my skill level anyway). For others it might of course be different.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    then both killer and survivor queues would be ridiculous. Few killers would be willing to risk going against a SWF and few survivors would want to play without their friends. They're not going to split up the playerbase even more

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    I can live with long queue times personally if it means i don't have to be forced against SWF. If anything SWF is the thing forcing me away from playing as the killer.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    The difference is that you can punish people who deliberately de-rank. You can't punish people for gen rushing and using Adrenaline

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Gen time was already a problem and so was deranking. Depip squad was over a year ago. Survivor main streamer were openly deranking not too long ago.

    Don't take recent events and tie them to long standing issues.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Do kinda wish healing was a better option than it is now.

  • EyeFearFoolie
    EyeFearFoolie Member Posts: 33

    Everyone doesn’t t have time to spend on KYF you might only have a small amount of time to play and want to make the best of it. It’s not hard to fix the game the more you think about it I can name a few off the top of my head.Re-ranking system,Change the matchmaking pools to be more accurate(I’m not going into detail just go look at other games),Player hours should be in account when matching as well. Not to mention the killer can pretty much force my new friends to de pip just by tunneling/camping cause he knows they’re not that good.

  • Rootlo
    Rootlo Member Posts: 82

    I like the idea of the SWF now after the nerf, I just hate how there arent many red killers and we have to wait ages to find a match. I spent 10+ minutes in que with (Rank 16, Rank 7, Rank 6, Rank 1). When i can leave at Rank 6 and spend 3-4 minutes only.

    Now if i want to play with my lower ranked friends Ill have to derank

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    Can't bully new killer = Nerf

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    From what I've heard other people say, other games have friend groups matched based on the highest ranked member.

  • joan
    joan Member Posts: 122

    What do you think if a NBA player wants to play basket with 2 friends and he can only do it against a NBA team? And the other nba team says is fair and they have to improve :D

    This is what devs do in this game

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,317

    As opposed to the NBA player having 2 friends that are 8 years old, so he goes and dunks against some other 8 year olds.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited September 2019
  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    That's not how it works in competitive games which ya'll seem to think this is.. Take league of legends or any E-sport game and it pools average MMR.

    Nice try tho

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I mean, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I'll gladly own up to that. For what it's worth, a game like Rocket League skews towards the highest ranked player if the gap in rank is wide. Not a hard "highest-rank" but it is closer to that than to a flat average.

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    I don't play rocket league and no serious person that wants a career in E-sport does, but if they have a different system, good for them.

    CS-go, league, Dota, COD, and so on have an mmr type system which tries it's best to make sure the team is as even as possible. The thing with DBD is that a rank 1 killer only has to rely on his performance and in DBD it's a team effort. One weak link basically decides the match. If you can't understand that, im sorry.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    All the more reason why the weak link should train in low ranks first to avoid holding back the team when they do decide to go SWF, no?

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    I've said this many times in these forums " No amount of training will help some people" Forever 10-20, and they will always get rekt when they try to play with friends.

    The problem with that for some of us is that they are in our solo queue lobbies as well..

    I for example am forced to play with these people or wait another 5 min trying to find nothing but red ranks. one red rank 1 can bring his 20 and ruin the entire match lol

    It might not be affecting you, but it's hurting Red ranks

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    That's....a "them" problem, I'm afraid. They'll simply have to decide between working to improve or biting the bullet. I doubt an average matchmaking thing would help them that much.

    BTW, just want to ask: Why is it that, when I look up Counter-Strike's matchmaking with friends, I'm finding people saying that friends have to be within a certain range of rank in order to play together in matchmaking? That is very much not "friends from opposite ends of the spectrum can join together, and they'll just match you up based on the average between the group".

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    I'm already tired of all that pointless mimimi and blablabla. It's so hard to understand and accept that MM is now fairer than almost 3 years before? And btw, genrushing was already a thing since late 2016. All those double standards and excuses in this forums are just ridiculous.

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    I haven't played CS-go in ages to tell ya, but any system that doesn't pool on average to try it's best to balance both sides is a ######### system. In league for example you can have a chanllenger queue with a Diamond, and the system tries it's best to pool the other team with same. It tries it's best to have the discrepancy to be as small as possible.

    Also, the Cs-go system is contrary to what you are trying to defend. If it truly is that way there than they for example are not letting rank 1s queue with 10s. So you agree that rank 10-20s shouldn't be in red rank lobbies right?

    " That's a them problem" But it really isn't just a them problem.. You really are interesting to try and reason with. They affect anyone in red ranks solo qeueing, so it becomes my problem as well.

    Why don't you just say as long as the system doesn't affect you, it's fine... Honestly you ignore a lot of very obvious points.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited September 2019

    That system that you describe for LoL wouldn't work with DBD because it's not possible to match with the same rank if the range of ranks in SWF is so wide. There's a difference between "trying to have the two teams be as close to identical in rank between members as possible" and "trying to have the two teams be as close to the same average rank as possible."

    EDIT: So I took a look at League of Legend's ranked play with friends. Why am I seeing that LoL has a similar system to CS:Go with regards to playing ranked with friends?

    Rank 10-20 are probably best facing people in their own rank. That is my stance.

    An average rank system would also affect solo queue as well. Do you think someone in high green/low purple wants to queue with a yellow/brown rank?

    Oh, the system absolutely benefits me (on paper). I have no problem admitting that.

  • Keanuqwerty
    Keanuqwerty Member Posts: 126

    lol, i love how some people like to complain no matter what the dev team do... many people for such a long time, mainly killers, were all asking for a change to SWF, and then when the devs finally make a change, the survivors mains now start complaining that they arent getting good teammates and that the killers are getting too many 4ks xD, lol, this is why i love going on the forum so much, there are so many interesting people that will complain no matter what the devs do, and oh do i love laughing at these peoples funny posts.

    p.s. well done devs, dont listen to these twisted people.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428
    edited September 2019

    As I said before this will only encourage deranking... even if it means killing yourself on hook.

    I know some random people in my matches have already started doing it.

    I don't even consider this a nerf, I just think they flipped the side that gets to be bullied. IF they are doing this for the supposed "bullying".

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    My stance has always been that both systems were #########, I've said this many times before on these forums, and why. Don't pretend like you haven't spoken to me before on these forums. I remember your stubborn stand points from before.

    Anyways, the new implementation is worse than the last one as it's destroying red rank lobbies for both killer and survivors. They are forced to destroy these noobs that have no idea what they are doing because they are trying to play with friends. It's become extremely easier to 4k at red ranks because of it.... Lobbies are faster but survivors solo queueing are forced to deal with it and killers have no idea if a noob is in their lobby.

    I've delt with the older system that tried to pool average, it was by far better in my opinion. A rank 10 should be able to deal with a 20 and a 5 for example. If he can't deal with that he will never learn how to improve. No rank 15-20 or person his level is gonna loop efficiently to show them what to avoid chasing, and what to commit too. I get you want to have a fun experience, but dealing with some SWF sometimes was part of the learning curve, at least for me. Create early pressure, and find the weakest link if possible quickly to get people off gens. Learn counter looping, mindgames, moon-walking if you want to commit a chase to the strongest person on the SWF, don't sit there and complain after chasing them and getting outplayed and refusing to find the weaker links in the team.

    Some of the strongest teams at red ranks aren't even SWF, they are just rank 1s who are efficient without comms. As you can see happening right now, any decent rank 1 is destroying these SWF, and just feels bad, lol.

    Mark my words if this system is kept people will stop playing this game. It's basically anti-playing with friends atm. That's all this game had going for it for some people. We can't forget it takes 4 survivors and one killer. One killer to launch a lobby, one killer to perform in his match. If he is hard stuck at what ever rank, he is just stuck because of refusing to accept it might not just be his performance.

    At red ranks I got to rely on a level 20 to not make a stupid play because it's not a one man effort, it's a team effort. I get some SWF are toxic at some levels, but you can't just throw them to red ranks as punishment, lol. Not all SWF are toxic and some are just suffering because they want to play with friends.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    my stance is that it is a small subset of the total population... bhvr can track it, they have metrics... either way, it's not good for them because it results in players crying...

    so a while ago, in Iran... a woman disguised herself as a man to go watch a soccer game...she was discovered and the penalty was probably going to be prison...

    she chose to set herself on fire instead of going to prison...

    let's complain about how we don't get our way in a video game 🤷🏽‍♂️

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,235

    The NBA player shouldnt bring his noob friends into an official match of his league. If he wanna teach his friends, he can do so in private.

    Btw the old system was akin to bringing michael jordan in his prime to let him stomp middle school kids to some school match.