Why This Game Is Un-Fun Sometimes

I've been a fan of DBD since i started playing a year ago during Hollowed Blight. What drew me to the game was it's horror theme, what has kept me playing the game is it's insane amount of content, characters, maps, perks, items, offerings, and unique gameplay. DBD at it's best is one of the best MP games I've ever played and it's genuinely exciting, fun, and rewarding to have great hard earned games
However at it's worst it is one of the most frustrating and un-fun games I have ever played and that is due to player mentality. With the current state of the game you almost never see fun builds anymore, you almost never see anyone really being ambitious or anything, and partially this is due to the game's design, but still. The game has over 100 perks for each side and maybe 10-15 are used per both sides and the reason for this is due to the sheer fear both sides have of losing
No one wants to run fun, silly, or niche situational builds because everyone fears the specter of a curbstomp match. Killers always play seriously because they don't want to be bm'd, depip, and insulted at the end of the game so they use the same perks and killers over and over again too afraid to do anything different. Likewise Solo survivors are too afraid to be silly because they don't want to let the team down, 1-hooked or run into a toxic killer. Everyone's so afraid of running into toxic players that we ultimately end up creating toxic players, with everyone playing seriously, never going easy, or playing for fun purposes, Toxicity is always just one bad match away for every player.
Everyone rushes the objective as fast as they can because they "Have to deny the toxic player from insulting, beating us, and reveling in his own pretentiousness" with everyone so high strung in this game and so afraid of the boogeyman, ultimately
They become the Boogeyman
My Devour Hope build joined the conversation.
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I agree, but I do not see how this problem could be fixed without completely wiping the community. Perhaps they could reward using different perks with extra shards or bloodpoints, and it was discouraged to run the same build too much by removing some of the players bloodpoints or shards.
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well i guess we wont get casual gamemode :( (some ppl run op stuff because they believe its competitive game xd and rank matters, so just making gamemode which doesnt have impact for their rank would make them change their minds at least i think so
im keeping myself between rank 8 and 10 all the time because im sick tired of tryharding ppl (from both sides) i like my silly builds, not using slowdown perks, or at most running 1 meta perk for surv (exhaust perk) and dont have to worry about 3 blink nurse 4men slugging or 4 blendettes hiding in corners with only desire to do gens xd red ranks and high purple aint fun because when ppl think sth is competitive (nice joke but ppl think this way) there is too little room for fun
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I agree OP - not all perks are created equal.
I don't think this situation will change.
I think they should give each perk a point value bit like that old COD game and let you assign a set amount of points to your loadout.
So for example BBQ might be worth 5 points but instead you could take The Third Seal (2 points) and Overcharge (3 points).
Implication being that you could take more than 4 perks.
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That is actually a great idea. It would allow even more perk combinations and builds. The only problem is that people would rage that x perk was placed in x point value.
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You're absolutely right. I'd give anything for more build diversity.
Can't really blame the players for using the same 10 or so meta perks though, because they were simply designed to be a cut above the rest.
If we want the meta to be shaken up, the devs will need to buff/rework perks that have been Left Behind (pun intended) to get people out of their comfort zones.
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I agree as it's a symptom with any game where you have a system with abilities that can aid you in a match.
I have always viewed DBD as a fun casual game where the end outcome has little bearing on my enjoyment.
For the more competative crowd the stronger one side gets the more the other uses the best tools they have available which creates meta's for both sides and unfortunately I dont see that ever changing as some old and new perks will always be or become better for certain killers.
If only there was a reward system for playing around with different perks. Maybe a roulette idea like some streamers use in the game which choses person perks which net you some more blood points like the dailies do.
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Every multiplayer game can be unfun no matter what, i'd say the game is just engaging really. You have a bad game and you try to do better in the next one, can't always have a chance of winning.
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Only solution is casual mode. Nothing else can force someone's mind into NOT tryharding.
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Or, you know. They could make an unranked mode so people could try new killers and more relaxed builds without risk of losing their pips and confidence to tryhards.
I doubt the game has the population to support both unranked and ranked lobbies though.
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Today was one of the most unfun times I have ever had in this game
First match: Lagswitching wraith
Second match: Camping leatherface
Third match: Someone disconnected the second they saw the spirit
Fourth match: Omegablink nurse
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I'm out of DBD tbh, game has been stressful these days
I'm tired to deal with keys and instaheals every time a match begins. Dead By Daylight is the only game that punish you for... playing
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I like DBD but I enjoyed hacking people up as Jason in Friday 13th so much more.
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Gimmie a random mode!
Random killer, random survivors, random perks for everyone - even ones you don't own.
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That could actually be really interesting! There are a lot of really cool and fun perks that are overlooked either because they are too situational or their effects aren't as strong as the "meta perks"
Though this could also create its own can of worms in what amount of points do you apply to perks?
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Perks I run = Low cost
Perks I don't like facing = High cost
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Identity V has a system a bit like this. While I wouldn't say the specific perks are the best for each slot, the core idea is cool
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They need to buff other perks, and they are, but anyone notice how much that slowed down?
They wen't from like 5-8 perks a patch when they started the buffs and are now barely getting buffed perks. Hell if im not mistaken, a recent patch didn't even buff a single perk!
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If you haven't already, go watch Monto's and Pupper's perk wheel challenges (both killer and survivor). Should spice your life up a little bit.
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What if the daily challenges were changed to be based on perk builds instead of specific actions? That could be a fun way to encourage varying perk builds while giving bonus bp for successful execution.
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True that would be cool, I just got a Mori daily today for the Demo. So I went in with a Green Mori and Rancor, I decided at the start to mori the obsession who had a rare instaheal. After that I didn't really play to win after that because I hate moris and I felt bad doing it
Come to end game I discover the team was a SWF with two insta heals and they yell at me at the end for being trash and "Moring the obsession like a moron"
Sometimes it's truly difficult to not become toxic when you aren't even treated like a human in 80% of the matches
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I get it man. Sorry you had to put up with that. I've gotten to a point where I don't take it personally, although it is still very hard at times. I know it feels like a personal attack but it's usually the other person being a poor sport because you didn't play by their arbitrary rules.
I wouldn't worry about what other people tell you is toxic, especially if it's a specifically included game mechanic like Moris. Being a bully is different and you shouldn't do that! But you don't have to justify any build you make and your actions. People complain about things being toxic because they have to work harder and/or figure out counterplay.
Moris are cool! Especially considering this is as much a horror movie simulation as a vs game. Would I be ok with them being reworked to require 2 hooks before kill? Yes, yes I would. But my point is play the way that's most fun to you and ignore the haters. When people talk trash to me I just say "gg" and leave it at that. As a bonus, it often drives them crazy! ;)
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Ah its no problem, I've been treated a lot, LOT worse in other games, especially when I was learning how to play Billy and Hag. Honestly on the Billy one had I screenshot the chat and reported them that team would have been banned hard, that's my biggest regret of that match
Honestly I don't mind it too much at all. I play to have fun, play in a fair way that lets others have fun, and just overall relax. Toxic players come and go as do one's recollections, but memories of being toxic to others don't.
It may not come very rarely but it's nice when you get a lobby that appreciates my playstyle and philosophy
People are amazed when they go against a bubba that doesn't camp
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hehe yep possibly the most infuriating game I've ever played
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I feel like I have more freedom as a survivor, and I do have some dumb builds that I run when I play that role. As killer though, I don't feel like I can do a super niche build simply because the niches just aren't good.
I was gonna give a few examples of fun perks to run as killer, but I honestly can't find any. Survivor perks are so much better and can give you brand new tools and methods to play with. Autodidact, Diversion, Saboteur, Plunderer's/Ace in the Hole, Poised, Unbreakable/Flip Flop/Tenacity, MoM, Fixated, Second Wind, Inner Stength, ect... just to name a few survivor perks that can not only be useful in some situations, but can be fun to use. Killer perks seem to revolve much more around winning the game. The only killer perks that I would put into the fun and sometimes useful category are Devour Hope, PWYF, STBFL, Agitation/Mad Grit, and Dark Devotion. These all give the killer some new tools to play with, but that's all we really have. There's not enough variety here to make a lot of fun and interesting killer builds, and I think that's why we don't see many killers running fun builds. (plus, there's an incentive not to make fun builds if it requires the player to take off the perk that literally doubles the value of the game (BBQ))
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Agreed. Sometimes I just want to put around and play Hag's totem. Any hex, insidious, and just guard the pretty totem the whole match. When survivors figure it out, they usually become obsessed with destroying it and we have a blast. Sometimes, you get the toxic warts who talk like they just won the World Series in a sweep because they got out.....even when you were clearly not trying.
The players often are the worst part.
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I think you're right but this is only part of the picture.
Another game to bring in as an example is the near-miss that was Evolve, another 4v1 multiplayer which in 2015 was tipped to be something very special, then it wasn't. I've seen the issue identified with that game(among many problems it had) is that the game is fun when people are role-playing; acting like hunters or acting like monsters. It stops being fun when people instead act like players and try to optimise to win.
This narrows down the range of behaviours they express, what tolerances they have for those they are playing with and the play-style choices that are considered to be viable. Once they realised as monsters that unlocking every possible ability was better than investing the mid-match evolution points into specialising an ability, now every fight with them was the same. That meant picking certain hunters was mandatory too.
I love sub-optimal and interesting builds in DbD, one of the few pleasures I get out of the game now. It does mean though that when I go up against a SWF premade determined to guard against any possibility of losing, most of it is going to be spent with them holding the match hostage as the actual meat of it left me unable to do anything much to change the outcome. Likewise for survivors who are randoms against a Nurse or Billy with Ruin and Dying Light.
I have my own thoughts for how we got to this state, but I've expressed them enough times already.
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You forget that even if the design changed there are always going to be “meta” builds like there are in every other game.
I mean I’ve actually seen people bring perks that normally I don’t see. A lot of times it’s a good option to have for survivors because they are least expected.
I think though, the problem you see is what happens when you’re allowed to combine any perks you want and people are ultimately going to go for the strongest combos. This is a pvp game after all.
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Alot of perks are so situational that they have potential to be useless in some games. In which case why even run them? Why not run the few perks that almost always have good value?
Good example is some of the downed perks for survivors. Like what are the chances the killer will leave you on the ground? Yeah it does happen but not every game. People want useful things for every game not just guess what will happen to them and hope their perks pay off.
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I can't say I agree with you fully. Cause for me toxicity is pretty much avoidable by toxicity I mean the ingame chat just leave but if you are talking about some OP perks I dont think the problem is toxicity and why do you want people to stop playing seriously. That is why there is pallets and why you can mindgame and perks like hex ruin and corrupt intervental and many more but I mean if you are talking about fun it is not fun losing now is it and I play silly with people that play silly but playing is just silly xD