Thank you for destroying this game



  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    edited July 2018

    @Mr_Jay_Stark said:
    Ok I just finished reading this and may I recommend other games to you:

     identity V
     soul at stake
     hide or die
     last year

    Even White Noise 2 is pretty good.

    Thank you! I forgot about that one I’d have recommended Friday the 13th but well we all know what happened there.
  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    TLDR ?????

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    @DukeJukem said:
    ok so you're telling me to...instead of flaming them to suggest changes. if you read anything i said you'd notice i suggested changes for everything i feel they ######### up. idk where or how you learned to read......but get better at it lol.

    secondly hours do account for something in this game. this game is all about being experienced and knowledgable.......which involves hours.

    thirdly. why are u mentioning flashlights? did i mention flashlights? is it a part of the main post of the thread? no? then don't mention it. the flashlight nerf didn't effect me and neither did this quicker pick up in the ptb.

    finally. if you read the things i said above you'll realize you're a [BAD WORD] idiot who needs to learn to comprehend what he reads or just learn to read in general. everything you said i didnt do in my post i did and vice versa.

    I see you're another one that likes to throw insults around too, great!

    @DukeJukem said:
    one last thing. heres proof the devs dont know what they're doing. remember a few months back when they reworked pallet stuns/flashlight saves on killers? so you could flashlight during anytime or drop the pallet at any time and the killer would drop the survivor every single [BAD WORD] time? yea i remember that too and as a survivor.......i was shocked and dumbfounded. it floored me so badly that i played properly like before the patch. i timed the pallets and flashlights properly because i knew it was terribly unfair. these devs are just........idk man. [BAD WORD] canadians. maybe i'll check back during christmas or so but this game is catered to rank 20 noobs now. bye bye

    What was that about not bringing up flashlights and that I didn't read your post or don't know how to read properly either? If I didn't read your post, then I wouldn't have seen your comment about flashlights. Why argue with me over this when I clearly agreed that flashlight change was awful when it was around?

    In addition to this, yes you suggested that they fix the volume and that they make less aura reading perks to make this more of a "hide and seek" game in a way, the problem that I was pointing out at was the fact that you never suggested what should be done with perks like dark sense or bitter murmur instead. You at no point suggested what should be done with these perks that wouldn't lead to them being back to garbage tier. Your "solution" to DS is additionally not a solution at all, the perk deserves to be burned down to the ground and things like enduring only make DS a little less annoying, any half decent player will still be able to make good use out of even that little amount of time by getting themselves back at yet another pallet or window.

    Yes, you can gain knowledge of the game by having hours but if you even paid the slightest bit of attention as to what I was saying you would realize that I said it's still possible to come up with terrible and unbalanced ideas regardless of how long you've played and that at the end of the day it just doesn't add onto your argument but rather is just you flexing off about how much time you've spent. Yes it means you've played the game a lot, but does it mean you have a good idea? No, an idea from someone with as many as 1,000+ hours can still be as bad as one that comes from a person with 100 or less hours. Hours do not make up for bias and in this case does not make up for your attacks either on here.

    I have read your post, you're simply unwilling to listen to anybody with a different opinion and will resort to insulting people any chance you get. Good job, you've confirmed to me that you will be yet another person on the forums to do just that.

  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114

    @MrChills said:

    @DukeJukem said:

    @MrChills said:

    @DukeJukem said:

    @MrChills said:
    This guy used to be a high rank 1 survivor then purposely deranked to 17 so he and his premade could harass killers. I've faced this guy at high rank and low rank. he's such a little #########.If you play by his rules, he flames you. If you don't, he flames you. Everytime I've laid eyes on this dude, I've legit made him die first because not only does he flame me, if he is solo, which sometimes he is, he sandbags and flames his teammate. Good ridden, you tumor.

    you've no idea how many times people on the DBD discord have came to me saying "Duke you're in montos video." or "omg duke i saw u in this video in dbd" buuuuuuuuut its not me. it never is lol and thank god cuz they get wrecked. those are the people you probably are referring to. im not the only duke jukem on steam let alone dbd kid. lastly i dont play solo like you've said. can't rely on randoms. link my steam profile if you know who i am :dizzy: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif for some reason it just so happens to me. i'll gladly reinstall the game in order to wreck you in a kyf and i'll record it/let you record it. oh and by the way the thing you tried to say at the very end is actually called "good riddance." nice try though. you [BAD WORD] tumor

    I don't stalk people. I justt remember extreme douches, you seem like the duke douchem I've seen. Go play Runescape 3 or something, Kid.

    weeeeeeeellllllllll then don't call me out if you don't know me. if you've played against me, you've most likely lost. my challenge is still open to you.

    I don't know you but from meeting you in game and on here, you're a douche. so I know you're a loser and cancer on the community that we're glad you're gone/. I am done with this post, I don't associate with trolls and losers. Enjoy another game.

    you stupid #########. you cant be sure youve really met me in game. ive said it god knows how many times by now.......there are thousands of duke jukems on steam let alone DBD. this is what happens when i try to explain something to a ######### 14 year old. like i've said in other posts too.........learn to read bro. my challenge still stands mr shocky boi

  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114

    @vampire_toothy said:

    @DukeJukem said:
    ok so you're telling me to...instead of flaming them to suggest changes. if you read anything i said you'd notice i suggested changes for everything i feel they ######### up. idk where or how you learned to read......but get better at it lol.

    secondly hours do account for something in this game. this game is all about being experienced and knowledgable.......which involves hours.

    thirdly. why are u mentioning flashlights? did i mention flashlights? is it a part of the main post of the thread? no? then don't mention it. the flashlight nerf didn't effect me and neither did this quicker pick up in the ptb.

    finally. if you read the things i said above you'll realize you're a [BAD WORD] idiot who needs to learn to comprehend what he reads or just learn to read in general. everything you said i didnt do in my post i did and vice versa.

    I see you're another one that likes to throw insults around too, great!

    @DukeJukem said:
    one last thing. heres proof the devs dont know what they're doing. remember a few months back when they reworked pallet stuns/flashlight saves on killers? so you could flashlight during anytime or drop the pallet at any time and the killer would drop the survivor every single [BAD WORD] time? yea i remember that too and as a survivor.......i was shocked and dumbfounded. it floored me so badly that i played properly like before the patch. i timed the pallets and flashlights properly because i knew it was terribly unfair. these devs are just........idk man. [BAD WORD] canadians. maybe i'll check back during christmas or so but this game is catered to rank 20 noobs now. bye bye

    What was that about not bringing up flashlights and that I didn't read your post or don't know how to read properly either? If I didn't read your post, then I wouldn't have seen your comment about flashlights. Why argue with me over this when I clearly agreed that flashlight change was awful when it was around?

    In addition to this, yes you suggested that they fix the volume and that they make less aura reading perks to make this more of a "hide and seek" game in a way, the problem that I was pointing out at was the fact that you never suggested what should be done with perks like dark sense or bitter murmur instead. You at no point suggested what should be done with these perks that wouldn't lead to them being back to garbage tier. Your "solution" to DS is additionally not a solution at all, the perk deserves to be burned down to the ground and things like enduring only make DS a little less annoying, any half decent player will still be able to make good use out of even that little amount of time by getting themselves back at yet another pallet or window.

    Yes, you can gain knowledge of the game by having hours but if you even paid the slightest bit of attention as to what I was saying you would realize that I said it's still possible to come up with terrible and unbalanced ideas regardless of how long you've played and that at the end of the day it just doesn't add onto your argument but rather is just you flexing off about how much time you've spent. Yes it means you've played the game a lot, but does it mean you have a good idea? No, an idea from someone with as many as 1,000+ hours can still be as bad as one that comes from a person with 100 or less hours. Hours do not make up for bias and in this case does not make up for your attacks either on here.

    I have read your post, you're simply unwilling to listen to anybody with a different opinion and will resort to insulting people any chance you get. Good job, you've confirmed to me that you will be yet another person on the forums to do just that.

    things like that tend to happen when you're wrong. im unwilling to listen to anyone yet no one is giving ME any ideas either. they're just telling me how wrong and stupid i am or telling me to suggest fixes when in fact i do. again. everything i complained about, i stated why its ######### and what they could do/should have done. i did this with everything i complained about. idk what you peoples deal is but you simply cant ######### read to save your lives. i mentioned flashlights at the end of my post yes but i was not complaining about the nerfs that happened to them etc. i was making fun of the devs for their stupidity for changing the way flashights and pallet stuns worked making survivors way op. i cant suggest a fix for something i mentioned at the end of my post when they already reverted the change dude.......i just posted it their as a laughable example of what goes through the devs brains sometimes.

  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114
    edited July 2018

    @RemoveSWF said:
    I've actually played against this guy before.

    He died first and waited for about ten minutes in the post-game lobby for me to finish so he could send some insults. I left the chat about five seconds later without replying. Hope it was worth it.

    proof. i also banged your mom last night. now ask me for proof. oh wait i don't have any proof of that either just like you don't have any. i'll open a kyf challenge to you too mr leatherfacerino. at least im willing to put my money where my mouth is unlike you and dr love up there

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258
    edited July 2018

    @DukeJukem said:
    let me first start out by saying i don't care about your little troll posts like git gud etc. people like you are children and should just carry a portable noose around. anyways here we go :chuffed:

    these nerfs and reworks are just terrible and it all started when you introduced "the victory cube" for me anyway. when you were trying to change the way killers ranked up. that was a terrible idea by the way. this new emblem system is also terrible and didnt need to happen. it's seriously insanely simple to balance the ranking system. it used to be based on bloodpoint value endgame which determined if you pipped right? so if it was too easy or too hard to pip change the required bp values to pip or depip and find the sweeet spot. fixing that problem was that simple but you just ruined it with AMAZING ideas. go back to the bloodpoint pipping system. the emblems dont mean anything.......we don't collect them or gain anything from them. why make the system?

    you introduce with new dlcs/perks etc all the time then shortly thereafter nerf them to hell. then when we complain you say you plan on "reworking" all this stuff you just nerfed to hell and made useless. ironically im pretty sure the clown is the only dlc killer to be immediately buffed instead of nerfed lol.

    what you're doing right now with killers isn't too great either. the tinker perk idea is fine but the other perks revealing auras isn't. this is a hide and seek game. bbq and chili is barely acceptable. as a matter of fact bbq shouldnt be acceptable but if it were taken away alot of killers would quit and now we are back to the subject of giving us nice things then nerfing them to hell after we buy them. bbq was nerfed after release too. instead of giving killers more aura reading abilities you need to just flat out fix the sound in your game. you've broken the sounds from the killers perspective a million times over in almost all of your patches. you've broken survivor terror radius stuff yada yada yada. do u guys test before you release? seriously some of these broken things ARE IMMEDIATELY NOTICEABLE. if the sound wasn't so terrible in this game killers wouldn't need bbq or whispers. stridor would be meta of course but still.

    killer exploits are never fixed unless its an every match sort of thing. survivor exploits are patched asap. why? because this game needs killers in order to stay alive

    the self care nerf is terrible. if i lose the killer.......thats his fault and i should be able to heal myself. i've earned it. make self caring sounds louder if its such an issue. this whole resetting the heal is garbage. just remove the perk if you're going to do that. stop acting like self care is overpowered because a ton of people use comms on this game so we can either call out where we are or run bond and find someone. running bond and finding someone is almost more beneficial than actually self caring if u find someone near you fast enough. if you want to change self care. nerf it to 40 percent and see how it goes and adjust from there. stop REWORKING things that are based on a percentage/value based system. that's not the proper way of doing things.

    the decisive strike nerf. terrible idea. here are some good idea. run enduring. make gens take longer. decisive strike isn't a survival perk it's a time wasting perk towards the killer. any killer who isnt a [BAD WORD] is going to follow your scratch marks after you dstrike and down you again unless you're running iron will and someone juke him in a nearby jungle gym etc. you can also make the d strike stun shorter. these ideas are better than the current rework that doesnt need to happen.

    exhaustion ideas. almost a good idea but if im not in a chase my exhaustion should cooldown if im running. while in a chase and running...fine......i understand the no cooldown but if im outside of a chase and running around you shouldnt be holding my exhaustion cooldown against me. you're just being a dick now. also this idea is pretty terrible with your new random ass pallet spawning system. i can load gas heaven once and pallets will be here and the nexts they're there. amazing idea while nerfing exhaustion. thats 2 kicks in my ass. thanks.

    how to counter pallet looping. you did one thing right you removed the double pallets from areas. that was good. now instead of removing a ton of pallets in spots like u did with the last should just have either made the looping spots a shorter distance so the killer could take advantage of bloodlust better or just make bloodlust occur faster so they can catch up faster. or we could make it so breaking a pallet only drops you to bloodlust 1 until you lose the chase. so many ideas to choose but you choose an idea that gives killers an ez win.

    pallet vacuum system rework. if i reach a pallet i should be able to suck myself through. not like the old system that vaccum was bigger. you didnt need to be touching the pallet with the old system you could be a few meters away and it would still vacuum you. now i cant even reach the pallet and slam it down i have to run halfway through it........or more depending how shittily the game is acting. secondly what is this ######### "twirly ballerina barbie" bullshit survivors now do when dropping a pallet..........but if im just standing there........? why?! why do they do that? it slows the pallet drop down which screws people over constantly while just standing there dropping a pallet or if theyre running through it. the amount of downs that happen because of it are bullshit. also with the killer vacuum nerf if survivors get downed on a pallet the killer should NEVER pick them up lol. congrats devs you created a stalemate.......and played yourselves.

    im not going to go into killer very much because i quit putting alot of time into it after the victory cube was released. it wasnt fun anymore and these new changed aren't making it fun either due to the way you're pussifying survivors as well. i played the ptb. nothing is fun about killer anymore

    go back to the patch before the killer victory cube and just try again man. adjust values on everything instead of reworking stuff by coming up with these new ideas nobody wants. you're changing a game everyone fell in love with and you're basing it on rank 20 gameplay and 13 year olds who don't know their head from their own ass. children are literally the reason why no good video games are made anymore/have a decent lifespan. look at all these mobile games or these copy and paste game or the sequels every year that are weak. stop catering to these noobs.....seriously.

    i have 1.4k hours in this game so i have a pretty decent view to go off of. 1/3 or so of that is killer gameplay........but you ruined that for me so......i dont care.

    As of right now i'm uninstalling this game. i've bought all of your dlcs and have spent money on your new in game currency as well. i've technically gotten my 20 dollars worth but that isn't the point. you just keep reworking things......breaking things......fixing things that break other's just a huge joke honestly. you hardly ever give a straight answer when you do your q&a's etc on twitch or youtube. you just step around the answer or say you have plans. you are seriously the nascar drivers of video game developers. i can't believe matthieu cote or however you spell it wasn't fired when he told everyone to play the other role in their game or to play civ 6 while people tuning into their stream were telling them their game was broken. when a community complains about everything you're doing wrong AND its the majority of the community you don't tell them to go play something else you [BAD WORD] fix your broken ass game.

    one last thing. heres proof the devs dont know what they're doing. remember a few months back when they reworked pallet stuns/flashlight saves on killers? so you could flashlight during anytime or drop the pallet at any time and the killer would drop the survivor every single [BAD WORD] time? yea i remember that too and as a survivor.......i was shocked and dumbfounded. it floored me so badly that i played properly like before the patch. i timed the pallets and flashlights properly because i knew it was terribly unfair. these devs are just........idk man. [BAD WORD] canadians. maybe i'll check back during christmas or so but this game is catered to rank 20 noobs now. bye bye

    I will let you live in your small, autistic world. Feel my mercy.

  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114

    @powerbats said:

    @DukeJukem said:

    @powerbats said:

    @DukeJukem said:

    @powerbats said:
    May I recommend games that don't change the rules like Checkers or Chess and avoid any and all online games since they tend to change.

    You'd best stick with solo desktop games like solitaire since that one never changes the rules of how to play. If Darwin's theory wasn't proven before this post it has after.

    actually if you've ever played chess or checkers you'd know that both of those games start with a certain set of rules and depending how the game is played the rules change throughout the game. moreso in chess than checkers, but nice try.

    Actually the base rules you play by don't ever change so in fact it's actually a valid point I made.

    that's all well and good.........but i don't care lol. the rules in chess change. even the base rules under certain circumstances (tournaments etc.) do you have one of those portable nooses handy i mentioned in my main post? hand it to your mom real quick

    If you don't care then why'd you respond? The base rules never change though, the pieces all can only move in certain ways ever. Also nice logical fallacy attempt there since tournaments were never brought up until you did as a diversion.

    Oh and here.

    So don't let that uninstall button hurt your finger.even though we all know you'll keep playing the game while bashing the changes on the forums.

    the base rules in chess change when you're in a tournament game. for example. you have a time limit in tournaments as to how long the match is allowed to last and how long you are allowed to take when moving your pieces. therefore the basic set of rules has changed, due to a tournament. i used to do chess tournaments lol. lame yes im sure, but i know about chess. the basic rules of chess can change and i just told you how. not wrong. sorry dude. look it up if u dont believe me.

  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114

    @RSB said:

    @DukeJukem said:
    let me first start out by saying i don't care about your little troll posts like git gud etc. people like you are children and should just carry a portable noose around. anyways here we go :chuffed:

    these nerfs and reworks are just terrible and it all started when you introduced "the victory cube" for me anyway. when you were trying to change the way killers ranked up. that was a terrible idea by the way. this new emblem system is also terrible and didnt need to happen. it's seriously insanely simple to balance the ranking system. it used to be based on bloodpoint value endgame which determined if you pipped right? so if it was too easy or too hard to pip change the required bp values to pip or depip and find the sweeet spot. fixing that problem was that simple but you just ruined it with AMAZING ideas. go back to the bloodpoint pipping system. the emblems dont mean anything.......we don't collect them or gain anything from them. why make the system?

    you introduce with new dlcs/perks etc all the time then shortly thereafter nerf them to hell. then when we complain you say you plan on "reworking" all this stuff you just nerfed to hell and made useless. ironically im pretty sure the clown is the only dlc killer to be immediately buffed instead of nerfed lol.

    what you're doing right now with killers isn't too great either. the tinker perk idea is fine but the other perks revealing auras isn't. this is a hide and seek game. bbq and chili is barely acceptable. as a matter of fact bbq shouldnt be acceptable but if it were taken away alot of killers would quit and now we are back to the subject of giving us nice things then nerfing them to hell after we buy them. bbq was nerfed after release too. instead of giving killers more aura reading abilities you need to just flat out fix the sound in your game. you've broken the sounds from the killers perspective a million times over in almost all of your patches. you've broken survivor terror radius stuff yada yada yada. do u guys test before you release? seriously some of these broken things ARE IMMEDIATELY NOTICEABLE. if the sound wasn't so terrible in this game killers wouldn't need bbq or whispers. stridor would be meta of course but still.

    killer exploits are never fixed unless its an every match sort of thing. survivor exploits are patched asap. why? because this game needs killers in order to stay alive

    the self care nerf is terrible. if i lose the killer.......thats his fault and i should be able to heal myself. i've earned it. make self caring sounds louder if its such an issue. this whole resetting the heal is garbage. just remove the perk if you're going to do that. stop acting like self care is overpowered because a ton of people use comms on this game so we can either call out where we are or run bond and find someone. running bond and finding someone is almost more beneficial than actually self caring if u find someone near you fast enough. if you want to change self care. nerf it to 40 percent and see how it goes and adjust from there. stop REWORKING things that are based on a percentage/value based system. that's not the proper way of doing things.

    the decisive strike nerf. terrible idea. here are some good idea. run enduring. make gens take longer. decisive strike isn't a survival perk it's a time wasting perk towards the killer. any killer who isnt a [BAD WORD] is going to follow your scratch marks after you dstrike and down you again unless you're running iron will and someone juke him in a nearby jungle gym etc. you can also make the d strike stun shorter. these ideas are better than the current rework that doesnt need to happen.

    exhaustion ideas. almost a good idea but if im not in a chase my exhaustion should cooldown if im running. while in a chase and running...fine......i understand the no cooldown but if im outside of a chase and running around you shouldnt be holding my exhaustion cooldown against me. you're just being a dick now. also this idea is pretty terrible with your new random ass pallet spawning system. i can load gas heaven once and pallets will be here and the nexts they're there. amazing idea while nerfing exhaustion. thats 2 kicks in my ass. thanks.

    how to counter pallet looping. you did one thing right you removed the double pallets from areas. that was good. now instead of removing a ton of pallets in spots like u did with the last should just have either made the looping spots a shorter distance so the killer could take advantage of bloodlust better or just make bloodlust occur faster so they can catch up faster. or we could make it so breaking a pallet only drops you to bloodlust 1 until you lose the chase. so many ideas to choose but you choose an idea that gives killers an ez win.

    pallet vacuum system rework. if i reach a pallet i should be able to suck myself through. not like the old system that vaccum was bigger. you didnt need to be touching the pallet with the old system you could be a few meters away and it would still vacuum you. now i cant even reach the pallet and slam it down i have to run halfway through it........or more depending how shittily the game is acting. secondly what is this ######### "twirly ballerina barbie" bullshit survivors now do when dropping a pallet..........but if im just standing there........? why?! why do they do that? it slows the pallet drop down which screws people over constantly while just standing there dropping a pallet or if theyre running through it. the amount of downs that happen because of it are bullshit. also with the killer vacuum nerf if survivors get downed on a pallet the killer should NEVER pick them up lol. congrats devs you created a stalemate.......and played yourselves.

    im not going to go into killer very much because i quit putting alot of time into it after the victory cube was released. it wasnt fun anymore and these new changed aren't making it fun either due to the way you're pussifying survivors as well. i played the ptb. nothing is fun about killer anymore

    go back to the patch before the killer victory cube and just try again man. adjust values on everything instead of reworking stuff by coming up with these new ideas nobody wants. you're changing a game everyone fell in love with and you're basing it on rank 20 gameplay and 13 year olds who don't know their head from their own ass. children are literally the reason why no good video games are made anymore/have a decent lifespan. look at all these mobile games or these copy and paste game or the sequels every year that are weak. stop catering to these noobs.....seriously.

    i have 1.4k hours in this game so i have a pretty decent view to go off of. 1/3 or so of that is killer gameplay........but you ruined that for me so......i dont care.

    As of right now i'm uninstalling this game. i've bought all of your dlcs and have spent money on your new in game currency as well. i've technically gotten my 20 dollars worth but that isn't the point. you just keep reworking things......breaking things......fixing things that break other's just a huge joke honestly. you hardly ever give a straight answer when you do your q&a's etc on twitch or youtube. you just step around the answer or say you have plans. you are seriously the nascar drivers of video game developers. i can't believe matthieu cote or however you spell it wasn't fired when he told everyone to play the other role in their game or to play civ 6 while people tuning into their stream were telling them their game was broken. when a community complains about everything you're doing wrong AND its the majority of the community you don't tell them to go play something else you [BAD WORD] fix your broken ass game.

    one last thing. heres proof the devs dont know what they're doing. remember a few months back when they reworked pallet stuns/flashlight saves on killers? so you could flashlight during anytime or drop the pallet at any time and the killer would drop the survivor every single [BAD WORD] time? yea i remember that too and as a survivor.......i was shocked and dumbfounded. it floored me so badly that i played properly like before the patch. i timed the pallets and flashlights properly because i knew it was terribly unfair. these devs are just........idk man. [BAD WORD] canadians. maybe i'll check back during christmas or so but this game is catered to rank 20 noobs now. bye bye

    I will let you live in your small, autistic world. Feel my mercy.

    did you do your chores today little guy?

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @DukeJukem said:
    let me first start out by saying i don't care about your little troll posts like git gud etc. people like you are children and should just carry a portable noose around. anyways here we go :chuffed:

    these nerfs and reworks are just terrible and it all started when you introduced "the victory cube" for me anyway. when you were trying to change the way killers ranked up. that was a terrible idea by the way. this new emblem system is also terrible and didnt need to happen. it's seriously insanely simple to balance the ranking system. it used to be based on bloodpoint value endgame which determined if you pipped right? so if it was too easy or too hard to pip change the required bp values to pip or depip and find the sweeet spot. fixing that problem was that simple but you just ruined it with AMAZING ideas. go back to the bloodpoint pipping system. the emblems dont mean anything.......we don't collect them or gain anything from them. why make the system?

    you introduce with new dlcs/perks etc all the time then shortly thereafter nerf them to hell. then when we complain you say you plan on "reworking" all this stuff you just nerfed to hell and made useless. ironically im pretty sure the clown is the only dlc killer to be immediately buffed instead of nerfed lol.

    what you're doing right now with killers isn't too great either. the tinker perk idea is fine but the other perks revealing auras isn't. this is a hide and seek game. bbq and chili is barely acceptable. as a matter of fact bbq shouldnt be acceptable but if it were taken away alot of killers would quit and now we are back to the subject of giving us nice things then nerfing them to hell after we buy them. bbq was nerfed after release too. instead of giving killers more aura reading abilities you need to just flat out fix the sound in your game. you've broken the sounds from the killers perspective a million times over in almost all of your patches. you've broken survivor terror radius stuff yada yada yada. do u guys test before you release? seriously some of these broken things ARE IMMEDIATELY NOTICEABLE. if the sound wasn't so terrible in this game killers wouldn't need bbq or whispers. stridor would be meta of course but still.

    killer exploits are never fixed unless its an every match sort of thing. survivor exploits are patched asap. why? because this game needs killers in order to stay alive

    the self care nerf is terrible. if i lose the killer.......thats his fault and i should be able to heal myself. i've earned it. make self caring sounds louder if its such an issue. this whole resetting the heal is garbage. just remove the perk if you're going to do that. stop acting like self care is overpowered because a ton of people use comms on this game so we can either call out where we are or run bond and find someone. running bond and finding someone is almost more beneficial than actually self caring if u find someone near you fast enough. if you want to change self care. nerf it to 40 percent and see how it goes and adjust from there. stop REWORKING things that are based on a percentage/value based system. that's not the proper way of doing things.

    the decisive strike nerf. terrible idea. here are some good idea. run enduring. make gens take longer. decisive strike isn't a survival perk it's a time wasting perk towards the killer. any killer who isnt a [BAD WORD] is going to follow your scratch marks after you dstrike and down you again unless you're running iron will and someone juke him in a nearby jungle gym etc. you can also make the d strike stun shorter. these ideas are better than the current rework that doesnt need to happen.

    exhaustion ideas. almost a good idea but if im not in a chase my exhaustion should cooldown if im running. while in a chase and running...fine......i understand the no cooldown but if im outside of a chase and running around you shouldnt be holding my exhaustion cooldown against me. you're just being a dick now. also this idea is pretty terrible with your new random ass pallet spawning system. i can load gas heaven once and pallets will be here and the nexts they're there. amazing idea while nerfing exhaustion. thats 2 kicks in my ass. thanks.

    how to counter pallet looping. you did one thing right you removed the double pallets from areas. that was good. now instead of removing a ton of pallets in spots like u did with the last should just have either made the looping spots a shorter distance so the killer could take advantage of bloodlust better or just make bloodlust occur faster so they can catch up faster. or we could make it so breaking a pallet only drops you to bloodlust 1 until you lose the chase. so many ideas to choose but you choose an idea that gives killers an ez win.

    pallet vacuum system rework. if i reach a pallet i should be able to suck myself through. not like the old system that vaccum was bigger. you didnt need to be touching the pallet with the old system you could be a few meters away and it would still vacuum you. now i cant even reach the pallet and slam it down i have to run halfway through it........or more depending how shittily the game is acting. secondly what is this ######### "twirly ballerina barbie" bullshit survivors now do when dropping a pallet..........but if im just standing there........? why?! why do they do that? it slows the pallet drop down which screws people over constantly while just standing there dropping a pallet or if theyre running through it. the amount of downs that happen because of it are bullshit. also with the killer vacuum nerf if survivors get downed on a pallet the killer should NEVER pick them up lol. congrats devs you created a stalemate.......and played yourselves.

    im not going to go into killer very much because i quit putting alot of time into it after the victory cube was released. it wasnt fun anymore and these new changed aren't making it fun either due to the way you're pussifying survivors as well. i played the ptb. nothing is fun about killer anymore

    go back to the patch before the killer victory cube and just try again man. adjust values on everything instead of reworking stuff by coming up with these new ideas nobody wants. you're changing a game everyone fell in love with and you're basing it on rank 20 gameplay and 13 year olds who don't know their head from their own ass. children are literally the reason why no good video games are made anymore/have a decent lifespan. look at all these mobile games or these copy and paste game or the sequels every year that are weak. stop catering to these noobs.....seriously.

    i have 1.4k hours in this game so i have a pretty decent view to go off of. 1/3 or so of that is killer gameplay........but you ruined that for me so......i dont care.

    As of right now i'm uninstalling this game. i've bought all of your dlcs and have spent money on your new in game currency as well. i've technically gotten my 20 dollars worth but that isn't the point. you just keep reworking things......breaking things......fixing things that break other's just a huge joke honestly. you hardly ever give a straight answer when you do your q&a's etc on twitch or youtube. you just step around the answer or say you have plans. you are seriously the nascar drivers of video game developers. i can't believe matthieu cote or however you spell it wasn't fired when he told everyone to play the other role in their game or to play civ 6 while people tuning into their stream were telling them their game was broken. when a community complains about everything you're doing wrong AND its the majority of the community you don't tell them to go play something else you [BAD WORD] fix your broken ass game.

    one last thing. heres proof the devs dont know what they're doing. remember a few months back when they reworked pallet stuns/flashlight saves on killers? so you could flashlight during anytime or drop the pallet at any time and the killer would drop the survivor every single [BAD WORD] time? yea i remember that too and as a survivor.......i was shocked and dumbfounded. it floored me so badly that i played properly like before the patch. i timed the pallets and flashlights properly because i knew it was terribly unfair. these devs are just........idk man. [BAD WORD] canadians. maybe i'll check back during christmas or so but this game is catered to rank 20 noobs now. bye bye

    I will let you live in your smatt, autistic world. Feel my mercy. > @DukeJukem said:

    @RSB said:

    @DukeJukem said:
    let me first start out by saying i don't care about your little troll posts like git gud etc. people like you are children and should just carry a portable noose around. anyways here we go :chuffed:

    these nerfs and reworks are just terrible and it all started when you introduced "the victory cube" for me anyway. when you were trying to change the way killers ranked up. that was a terrible idea by the way. this new emblem system is also terrible and didnt need to happen. it's seriously insanely simple to balance the ranking system. it used to be based on bloodpoint value endgame which determined if you pipped right? so if it was too easy or too hard to pip change the required bp values to pip or depip and find the sweeet spot. fixing that problem was that simple but you just ruined it with AMAZING ideas. go back to the bloodpoint pipping system. the emblems dont mean anything.......we don't collect them or gain anything from them. why make the system?

    you introduce with new dlcs/perks etc all the time then shortly thereafter nerf them to hell. then when we complain you say you plan on "reworking" all this stuff you just nerfed to hell and made useless. ironically im pretty sure the clown is the only dlc killer to be immediately buffed instead of nerfed lol.

    what you're doing right now with killers isn't too great either. the tinker perk idea is fine but the other perks revealing auras isn't. this is a hide and seek game. bbq and chili is barely acceptable. as a matter of fact bbq shouldnt be acceptable but if it were taken away alot of killers would quit and now we are back to the subject of giving us nice things then nerfing them to hell after we buy them. bbq was nerfed after release too. instead of giving killers more aura reading abilities you need to just flat out fix the sound in your game. you've broken the sounds from the killers perspective a million times over in almost all of your patches. you've broken survivor terror radius stuff yada yada yada. do u guys test before you release? seriously some of these broken things ARE IMMEDIATELY NOTICEABLE. if the sound wasn't so terrible in this game killers wouldn't need bbq or whispers. stridor would be meta of course but still.

    killer exploits are never fixed unless its an every match sort of thing. survivor exploits are patched asap. why? because this game needs killers in order to stay alive

    the self care nerf is terrible. if i lose the killer.......thats his fault and i should be able to heal myself. i've earned it. make self caring sounds louder if its such an issue. this whole resetting the heal is garbage. just remove the perk if you're going to do that. stop acting like self care is overpowered because a ton of people use comms on this game so we can either call out where we are or run bond and find someone. running bond and finding someone is almost more beneficial than actually self caring if u find someone near you fast enough. if you want to change self care. nerf it to 40 percent and see how it goes and adjust from there. stop REWORKING things that are based on a percentage/value based system. that's not the proper way of doing things.

    the decisive strike nerf. terrible idea. here are some good idea. run enduring. make gens take longer. decisive strike isn't a survival perk it's a time wasting perk towards the killer. any killer who isnt a [BAD WORD] is going to follow your scratch marks after you dstrike and down you again unless you're running iron will and someone juke him in a nearby jungle gym etc. you can also make the d strike stun shorter. these ideas are better than the current rework that doesnt need to happen.

    exhaustion ideas. almost a good idea but if im not in a chase my exhaustion should cooldown if im running. while in a chase and running...fine......i understand the no cooldown but if im outside of a chase and running around you shouldnt be holding my exhaustion cooldown against me. you're just being a dick now. also this idea is pretty terrible with your new random ass pallet spawning system. i can load gas heaven once and pallets will be here and the nexts they're there. amazing idea while nerfing exhaustion. thats 2 kicks in my ass. thanks.

    how to counter pallet looping. you did one thing right you removed the double pallets from areas. that was good. now instead of removing a ton of pallets in spots like u did with the last should just have either made the looping spots a shorter distance so the killer could take advantage of bloodlust better or just make bloodlust occur faster so they can catch up faster. or we could make it so breaking a pallet only drops you to bloodlust 1 until you lose the chase. so many ideas to choose but you choose an idea that gives killers an ez win.

    pallet vacuum system rework. if i reach a pallet i should be able to suck myself through. not like the old system that vaccum was bigger. you didnt need to be touching the pallet with the old system you could be a few meters away and it would still vacuum you. now i cant even reach the pallet and slam it down i have to run halfway through it........or more depending how shittily the game is acting. secondly what is this ######### "twirly ballerina barbie" bullshit survivors now do when dropping a pallet..........but if im just standing there........? why?! why do they do that? it slows the pallet drop down which screws people over constantly while just standing there dropping a pallet or if theyre running through it. the amount of downs that happen because of it are bullshit. also with the killer vacuum nerf if survivors get downed on a pallet the killer should NEVER pick them up lol. congrats devs you created a stalemate.......and played yourselves.

    im not going to go into killer very much because i quit putting alot of time into it after the victory cube was released. it wasnt fun anymore and these new changed aren't making it fun either due to the way you're pussifying survivors as well. i played the ptb. nothing is fun about killer anymore

    go back to the patch before the killer victory cube and just try again man. adjust values on everything instead of reworking stuff by coming up with these new ideas nobody wants. you're changing a game everyone fell in love with and you're basing it on rank 20 gameplay and 13 year olds who don't know their head from their own ass. children are literally the reason why no good video games are made anymore/have a decent lifespan. look at all these mobile games or these copy and paste game or the sequels every year that are weak. stop catering to these noobs.....seriously.

    i have 1.4k hours in this game so i have a pretty decent view to go off of. 1/3 or so of that is killer gameplay........but you ruined that for me so......i dont care.

    As of right now i'm uninstalling this game. i've bought all of your dlcs and have spent money on your new in game currency as well. i've technically gotten my 20 dollars worth but that isn't the point. you just keep reworking things......breaking things......fixing things that break other's just a huge joke honestly. you hardly ever give a straight answer when you do your q&a's etc on twitch or youtube. you just step around the answer or say you have plans. you are seriously the nascar drivers of video game developers. i can't believe matthieu cote or however you spell it wasn't fired when he told everyone to play the other role in their game or to play civ 6 while people tuning into their stream were telling them their game was broken. when a community complains about everything you're doing wrong AND its the majority of the community you don't tell them to go play something else you [BAD WORD] fix your broken ass game.

    one last thing. heres proof the devs dont know what they're doing. remember a few months back when they reworked pallet stuns/flashlight saves on killers? so you could flashlight during anytime or drop the pallet at any time and the killer would drop the survivor every single [BAD WORD] time? yea i remember that too and as a survivor.......i was shocked and dumbfounded. it floored me so badly that i played properly like before the patch. i timed the pallets and flashlights properly because i knew it was terribly unfair. these devs are just........idk man. [BAD WORD] canadians. maybe i'll check back during christmas or so but this game is catered to rank 20 noobs now. bye bye

    I will let you live in your small, autistic world. Feel my mercy.

    did you do your chores today little guy?

    Yeah, now you can go back to ochicunt group and ######### about killers being "SO OVRPRD PLZ NERF I WANNA CRAI" like your master likes to say.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @DukeJukem said:

    @powerbats said:

    @DukeJukem said:

    @powerbats said:

    @DukeJukem said:

    @powerbats said:
    May I recommend games that don't change the rules like Checkers or Chess and avoid any and all online games since they tend to change.

    You'd best stick with solo desktop games like solitaire since that one never changes the rules of how to play. If Darwin's theory wasn't proven before this post it has after.

    actually if you've ever played chess or checkers you'd know that both of those games start with a certain set of rules and depending how the game is played the rules change throughout the game. moreso in chess than checkers, but nice try.

    Actually the base rules you play by don't ever change so in fact it's actually a valid point I made.

    that's all well and good.........but i don't care lol. the rules in chess change. even the base rules under certain circumstances (tournaments etc.) do you have one of those portable nooses handy i mentioned in my main post? hand it to your mom real quick

    If you don't care then why'd you respond? The base rules never change though, the pieces all can only move in certain ways ever. Also nice logical fallacy attempt there since tournaments were never brought up until you did as a diversion.

    Oh and here.

    So don't let that uninstall button hurt your finger.even though we all know you'll keep playing the game while bashing the changes on the forums.

    the base rules in chess change when you're in a tournament game. for example. you have a time limit in tournaments as to how long the match is allowed to last and how long you are allowed to take when moving your pieces. therefore the basic set of rules has changed, due to a tournament. i used to do chess tournaments lol. lame yes im sure, but i know about chess. the basic rules of chess can change and i just told you how. not wrong. sorry dude. look it up if u dont believe me.

    Yet the base rules of how the game operates still never change, for instance a pawn can't move sideways unless it's taking another piece, a castle can't move like a queen etc. So in fact the base rules never actually change. I know about tournaments i used to do them as well. The rules you're talking about don't affect the actual base rules underpinning the entire game.

    So if we look at the facts yes you're wrong still, the base rules never change, the pieces can only ever move in the ways the rules state. Bringing up time limits and such to deflect doesn't change the facts. The base rules are still there and don't change.

    If we look at DBD the base rules aka mechanics of the game haven't changed it's do gens to get out and hook survivors to keep them in. There isn't a online game out that that hasn't changed since it's come ut. There's always changes and change is a fact of life. The fact that you don't like these changes is on you.

    We can debate the merits of the changes but most people don't have an issue with them and will adapt as always. It's the same with life, things change and most people adapt and the same is true for the animal and plant world.

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    But we all know he won't uninstall and won't leave. He just wants the usual survivor snowflake attention. I hate those people who don't get the point of adapting in multiplayer games. Tbh i really appreciate those refreshing changes in this game. And total hours don't mean anything in this game. I know killers with almost 5k hours who don't even know how the treatment mechanics of The Doctor actually work.

  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114

    @megdonalds said:
    But we all know he won't uninstall and won't leave. He just wants the usual survivor snowflake attention. I hate those people who don't get the point of adapting in multiplayer games. Tbh i really appreciate those refreshing changes in this game. And total hours don't mean anything in this game. I know killers with almost 5k hours who don't even know how the treatment mechanics of The Doctor actually work.

    those people are fakes who leave dbd open and walk away lol. i said earlier this could be a troll post anyways. come on now

  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114

    @powerbats said:

    @DukeJukem said:

    @powerbats said:

    @DukeJukem said:

    @powerbats said:

    @DukeJukem said:

    @powerbats said:
    May I recommend games that don't change the rules like Checkers or Chess and avoid any and all online games since they tend to change.

    You'd best stick with solo desktop games like solitaire since that one never changes the rules of how to play. If Darwin's theory wasn't proven before this post it has after.

    actually if you've ever played chess or checkers you'd know that both of those games start with a certain set of rules and depending how the game is played the rules change throughout the game. moreso in chess than checkers, but nice try.

    Actually the base rules you play by don't ever change so in fact it's actually a valid point I made.

    that's all well and good.........but i don't care lol. the rules in chess change. even the base rules under certain circumstances (tournaments etc.) do you have one of those portable nooses handy i mentioned in my main post? hand it to your mom real quick

    If you don't care then why'd you respond? The base rules never change though, the pieces all can only move in certain ways ever. Also nice logical fallacy attempt there since tournaments were never brought up until you did as a diversion.

    Oh and here.

    So don't let that uninstall button hurt your finger.even though we all know you'll keep playing the game while bashing the changes on the forums.

    the base rules in chess change when you're in a tournament game. for example. you have a time limit in tournaments as to how long the match is allowed to last and how long you are allowed to take when moving your pieces. therefore the basic set of rules has changed, due to a tournament. i used to do chess tournaments lol. lame yes im sure, but i know about chess. the basic rules of chess can change and i just told you how. not wrong. sorry dude. look it up if u dont believe me.

    Yet the base rules of how the game operates still never change, for instance a pawn can't move sideways unless it's taking another piece, a castle can't move like a queen etc. So in fact the base rules never actually change. I know about tournaments i used to do them as well. The rules you're talking about don't affect the actual base rules underpinning the entire game.

    So if we look at the facts yes you're wrong still, the base rules never change, the pieces can only ever move in the ways the rules state. Bringing up time limits and such to deflect doesn't change the facts. The base rules are still there and don't change.

    If we look at DBD the base rules aka mechanics of the game haven't changed it's do gens to get out and hook survivors to keep them in. There isn't a online game out that that hasn't changed since it's come ut. There's always changes and change is a fact of life. The fact that you don't like these changes is on you.

    We can debate the merits of the changes but most people don't have an issue with them and will adapt as always. It's the same with life, things change and most people adapt and the same is true for the animal and plant world.

    just let it die man. you're telling me the time you're allowed to take while moving or the length of the game isn't a part of the basic ruleset? just let it die

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    @DukeJukem said:

    @megdonalds said:
    But we all know he won't uninstall and won't leave. He just wants the usual survivor snowflake attention. I hate those people who don't get the point of adapting in multiplayer games. Tbh i really appreciate those refreshing changes in this game. And total hours don't mean anything in this game. I know killers with almost 5k hours who don't even know how the treatment mechanics of The Doctor actually work.

    those people are fakes who leave dbd open and walk away lol. i said earlier this could be a troll post anyways. come on now

    Nah, i don't mean the fake ones. I talk about streamers for example who don't know ######### about this game with that amount of hours.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @DukeJukem said:

    just let it die man. you're telling me the time you're allowed to take while moving or the length of the game isn't a part of the basic ruleset? just let it die

    No I'm telling you that you're logical fallacy arguments didn't help you. The basic rules of the game were and still are there long before and after tournaments were done. the pawn can only move forward, not backwards nor sideways no matter what you try and say. The King can't move more than 1 space ever no matter what you say, those are the basic rules of the game and tournaments don't and haven't ever changed that.

    Your Straw Mans and Red Herrings have failed you miserably and now you're just grasping at straws trying to save face literally. you're not fooling anyone here and in fact are just digging yourself in deeper with each more foolish deflection and insult.

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    @DukeJukem said:
    things like that tend to happen when you're wrong. im unwilling to listen to anyone yet no one is giving ME any ideas either. they're just telling me how wrong and stupid i am or telling me to suggest fixes when in fact i do. again. everything i complained about, i stated why its ######### and what they could do/should have done. i did this with everything i complained about. idk what you peoples deal is but you simply cant [BAD WORD] read to save your lives. i mentioned flashlights at the end of my post yes but i was not complaining about the nerfs that happened to them etc. i was making fun of the devs for their stupidity for changing the way flashights and pallet stuns worked making survivors way op. i cant suggest a fix for something i mentioned at the end of my post when they already reverted the change dude.......i just posted it their as a laughable example of what goes through the devs brains sometimes.

    There is no "right" or "wrong" when it comes to making ideas, there's only "good" or "bad" which regardless if fully based off of opinion. Maybe the reason why nobody wants to add onto the conversation as much has to do with your horrible attitude both in your initial post and the responses towards what others have to say. The thing here is, you also completely missed the point I made earlier on in my first response to this.

    @vampire_toothy said:
    My final bit of advice is not to flame the people you're asking to listen to you, think you'd ever go up to the police and then insult them before asking them to listen to your complaint? No. You should treat the people you're asking with respect otherwise don't expect them to want to read your post or respect you.

    You want the devs to listen to what you have to say, why the hell would you flame them? At the end of the day that's just going to discourage any developer from responding to you, or at the very least it's just going to make you look like an ass when looking at what you have to say. You told me you never brought up flashlights but you couldn't even remember your original post. Your attitude in response to others though? Even worse! Pal, if you want any respect and a decent discussion on this where people are actually willing to chip into this then you're going to have to treat the others responding to it with respect and also change the attitude of your initial post. Had you actually made a quality post that calmly addressed the issues of the game others like myself would actually take the time to be discussing about your ideas and what can be done to the perks rather than everyone making a meme out of your attitude. Obviously nobody is going to give you ideas when you come in screaming all over the place, change your attitude and try again is my advice. People here are listening and they are definitely reading (well, other than the ones asking for TL;DR as that was a massive post), you're simply approaching this wrong and are using the wrong arguments. Additionally, if you want to convince anybody to listen to your points you're going to have to give multiple examples of how the current perks are bad (on both ends) and then give off examples of how your suggestions should (in theory) work.

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316

  • BottledWater
    BottledWater Member Posts: 248

    What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things i've every heard. At no point in your rambling and incoherent post, where you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it. Please never post again, may god have mercy on your soul.

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396
    Okay so:
    1. Killers NEVER pipped off bloodpoints, it was off of kills
    2. BBQ is a perk that fits because it’s not hide and seek, it’s an objective game.
    3. Just because the killer lost you doesn’t mean he can’t find you before you go back to being an entitled survivor main. 
    4. Killers can’t rely only on sound because then survivors would hide by the cop cars in Lampkin Lane or by generators. A tip for the survivors is that generators are loud and can cloak healing and other sounds. 
    5. 1.4k hours is obviously into survivor because you are very one sided.
    6. I love the pallet rework for killer and survivor. It helps killers catch up and creates a skill curve for the survivors.
    7.Ive never seen an exploit that only killers can exploit.
    8. Yes, they do test their updates before they put them out, but they can’t hold it back once it’s ready enough to be put out. Remeber what happened when they held back the Xbox and PS4 update? EVERYONE was pissed at them. 
    9. This post is so bad. You keep saying stuff proving you are an entitled survivor main and that you rely on your crutches to play.