Why does no one use second wind?

This perk is really good imo, don’t know why everyone hates this perk. Being able to do a gen and get healed at the same time is really great imo.
(Also surprised that I haven’t seen a four man camaderie swf)
I tried it, it was really tough to get the initial heal in most of the games going. Someone would always self care just a little bit, or a teammate would come help out with the heal and deny its activation. It also was probably bugged (They might have fixed it) Where you couldn't heal one person to 50%, and then another to 50%. So it had to be a 100% solo heal.
It would be easier with SWF to use though.
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I think they fixed that
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It's just a bad perk. Healing someone 100% isn't a given. A lot of times you'll run up on someone who has already started healing themselves. Even if they only healed 1%, that means you need to find another person to heal. The heal only works after you have been unhooked so at most this will result in 2 heals per game. It is just too inconsistent. Most games you won't even get a single activation. There are just way better perks available.
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I’ve been getting to use it in most of my games, unhook someone and then heal them, it isn’t difficult unless they refuse the heal.
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Problem with it is that every survivor runs away after a unhook and if they self-care for 0.1 seconds, kiss ######### goodbye second wind.
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Why use Second Wind when DS provides the same thing but better and without a tough condition? :)
That's my thoughts personally.
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Inner Strength is much better IMO. Easier to activate.
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Why not both? :)
People usually let me heal them.
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Second Wind is weird to activate
Inner you do a totem and done
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I have to strongly agree, Inner Strength is really good. Think of it as a pocket heal. :)
I don't know, it seems kinda overkill in my opinion. :(
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Because it's OBJECTIVELY a bad perk. You were lucky to active, but not only is a difficult and situational (remember that situational perks are always bad and weak) only to activate, the reward is only a heal in time.
Seriously bring self-care if you want some heal, or Aftercare so your teammates can heal you faster which is much better.
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I don’t think it is majorly overkill, it isn’t much different than inner being paired with DS.
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Inner Strength is just better for a locker dweller like me :v
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I’ve been activating it in the majority of games I play with it, it really isn’t hard to activate.
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Because Adrenaline and Inner Strength outclass Second Wind.
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Why are you trying so hard to convince players to use a bad perk?
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If someone is healed like 1% just fail a skill check to get more healing (not actually serious, but would be okay if the killer is distracted)
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I mean, if people go to Self Care in the corner or the map or touch themselves for a split second before you heal them, the perk doesn't activate. Same goes for a teamate assisting in healing. Its condition is annoying, so I don't use it.
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It's camaraderie not camaderie, mr bubba xD
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I play with Second Wind on my Steve :)
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Because it isn’t bad.
Don’t correct bubba! >:(
I’ll have it on my Claudette soon. :)
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I use it in a bit of a self-healing meme build.
Second Wind, Inner Strength, Unbreakable and Adrenaline. I've been having lots of fun with this build, even though I'm not claiming it's "good", viable or whatever 😄
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I must say this perk is pretty good, but sometimes it's kinda hard to find someone injured...
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I usually unhook people and heal them, works for me usually.
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tbh I would use it if it had a safe hook rescue or something
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Cause Inner Strenght kicked the S out of Self Mending and Second Wind, less time to heal, easy conditions to trigger, you get to hide whyle healing, any questions?
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I can’t do a gen while in a locker, just sayin’.
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Well I usually I'm doing gens, because my mates are doing everything except this.
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@GrootDude So I don't have any chance to use it, except if the mates wants the heal from me.
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I only just unlocked Second Wind yesterday. So fad, I have only used it on Steve and it has worked very well overall. There were very few cases I was unable to use it, but Second Wind isnt bad at all.
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My mates usually do gens so it works for me, I can see why it doesn’t work well in your case.
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I mean, I was trying to be altruistic when I played solo, but everyone died, because no one was repairing a gens, so I am now a gen jockey in my team.
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This! If I have to solo heal one person then forgetaboutit... I think folks didn't realize it was bugged and thought meh I'll move on.
Seriously though queueing with randoms this is an awesome perk. Not so much when playing with friends - everyone wants to help 😉
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I find it has too many conditions for something as simple as a heal.
You can heal faster through other methods.
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SW: 3 conditions, 15 seconds of FULLY healing someone else BY YOURSELF + being unhooked + if you're hit (downed) the perk deactivates and you have to start over + 30 of healing yourself
- 400 healing others BP + 400 healing yourself BP = 800 BP let's say you did a full gen whyle healing, add 600 BP to gain a total of 1400
Inner Strenght: 2 conditions, 14 seconds totem cleansing + 8 seconds healing, the perk never deactivates unless you use it regardless of being downed, hooked, etc.
- 1000 cleansing BP (1500 if it's a Hex) + 400 healing yourself in a locker BP = 1400 to 1900 BP
I mean, yes, you can be doing a gen whyle healing but there are lots of context matters to have in mind with the danger of your perk being deactivated by a tunneler hit, have in mind that the perk only heals you when being unhooked, therefore if you won a chase you'll still be injured if you got hit, whyle if you used IS you can heal any time you want.
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Second Wind
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Inner Strength > Second Wind
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It's pretty much deliverance 2. Sure, you get two chances to activate it rather than one, but I'd say it's more difficult to activate than deliverance unless you have we'll make it (and even then you won't always get the full heal). The killer will also know that you have it once it's active, which kinda sucks since it deactivates if you get slugged.
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I think it is a good perk, if people leave the hook I'll follow them until i get that heal. "Oh no you don't!" So far in most of my games everyone is injured. Try Empathy if people are hard to find. So far for me it's kind of easy to find someone injured to heal. There are better perks, but this perk ain't bad.
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Second Wind>Inner Strength
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I would use it
If I was a survivor main and had FREAKING STEVE HARRINGTON
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Inner strength is the better choice
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I agree
Especially with something like Quick and Quiet and Head On
Quick And Quiet so if I'm getting chased, just break LoS for a sec then Q&Q into a locker
Head On so if they go to look in the locker I can just stun them
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I haven't tried it. I do remember Panda was having a nightmare of a time getting it to activate. Nancy's perk seems better. Far easier to activate.
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It gets more use if you pair second wind with we’ll make it. I like pairing both of them together
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Truth hurts >:c
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Well, you should accept it then 🙊.
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No u! >:V
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I played few games with both perks, here are my avarage numbers of how many times these perks healed me:
Inner Strength: 20+ (more times per match)
Second Wind: 0