Ill say it now and ill say it again



  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,141
    edited September 2019

    @xEa The issue is, the grind in DbD is not a side element. A side element would be grinding for cosmetics, for example. DbD is a game whose core design is predicated around character builds. Perk builds are central to the game, and can help determine success or failure in a match.

    And the grind in DbD puts that core element behind not only a grind, but an asinine bloodweb RNG.

    That's the difference. Perks should have been done via spending bloodpoints (a lesser grind) to purchase them directly. Even if they still required purchasing lesser tiers to eventually get to Tier 3 of a perk (also a lesser grind). It would then have a grind that was at least in a player's control.

    While unlocking a teachable is within a player's control, the RNG grind of the bloodwebs to then get the perks on needed characters, especially killers, is where Behavior went entirely too far.

    It would be different if Perks didn't have such an impact on the game. They do. And that is what eliminates the concept that the grind in DbD is a side thing.

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    I don't play this game for the grind. I play this game despite the grind. I don't mind there being some grind, but the grind we have now is counterproductive. It's sprawling and nonsensical. I don't mind working for BP and spending them, or even dealing with the bloodweb's RNG, but the teachable perk system is one of the most absurd things I've ever seen in a game.

  • KrazyKat1011123
    KrazyKat1011123 Member Posts: 170

    Okay umm sorry I can't dedicate every hour to this game....

  • survivormain1105
    survivormain1105 Member Posts: 327

    Yeah its horrible trying to do both. But after a while you stop spending money on new content and just lvl up everyone for teachable and main one survivors and have no use of blood points expect to spend on killers.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    AGREED. At that point we wouldn’t need daily rituals since we receive the amount of BPs x2.