Why do some killers get so upset about looping?
Hey again! Good to see you being as reasonable as ever!
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I think it's cause of the time crunch of playing Killer and well... you are a Killer, It's really annoying to not be able to get your target cause they went behind a broken fence or something like that. It's not against the person doing it (Unless they are abusing well known "God Loops") but it's just a natural thing of "I should be in control here, not chasing this guy around a box."
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Same reason survivors complain about tunneling/slugging.
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Because it's a weird oversight-turned-feature that the devs have haphazardly decided to balance the game around? Ok, in all seriousness...
Only about half of the loops have mindgames to them, meaning in a lot of cases, there's very little an m1 killer can do to get a hit at said loop that they have a say in, unless the survivor is greedy and doesn't drop the pallet quickly enough. Unmindgameable loops are time-wasters that the killer cannot use their mindgame skill to mitigate, meaning they either eat the loop for the duration (which could take anywhere from 20 to 30 seconds) or they leave the chase (and have to start momentum over). There's no real good outcome, because the loop will just cause trouble later if the pallet isn't broken at some point.
While some people do say "don't chase there!", my eyes roll back in the middle of my head a bit because it assumes that other survivors will be equally mispositioned, or that the map allows such a situation. Maps like Fractured Cowshed will always have a safe loop, be it the shack, the cowshed, a jungle gym, the meat tree, or the trailer god loops, in running distance, meaning at some point you'll need to commit to one of them and eat some astronomical time-waste. Things get worse when there is a god-loop the survivors know about, as they will run to it at any opportunity. Have you ever played on Rancid Abbatoir with the god-window open, and all of the survivors use their on-hit speed burst to get to the godwindow because the map is so small? They'll camp around there and heal, knowing you cannot touch them.
The most a killer can do when a survivor knows how to play the safe loop tiles is hope their team isn't playing efficiently and doing something useless like searching chests while they eat the loop. It's mind numbing and frustrating.
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Welcome back!
Looping is just such a stupid mechanic. I can't be mad at survivors for doing it, I kinda do it too (badly, but I try) when I play survivor, because what other choice is there? But it's dumb that the game has basically evolved so that a large focus of the gameplay is survivors running in circles around piles of junk and getting away with it because it turns out every killer's weakness is their fat ass and a knee-high box.
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Yep. You basically just said what I was getting at. The game went from "Oh no! This Killer is gonna get me!" to "OH hey, a Killer, time to turn around this box or wall for a while."
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Because playing killer is stressful. We're on a clock, and since there is a whole host of killer characters that have nothing to counter looping, it's really easy to eat up the time placed on that clock. I get the point of looping, I do, that doesn't mean I have to like it.
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Honestly it frustrates me because I have seen absolute god survivors duck and weave in and out of tiles over the whole map and they've been incredible at it.
Then you come up against the hundred people who want a medal for running in a circle around the same piece of debris 6 times and it gets boring fast, especially because it's incredibly effective.
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It's disliked primarily because of the double standards the devs apply to it.
What is commonly referred as "pallet-looping" is an exploit that takes advantage of the survivors' smaller collision to circle around debris, or, in general, tiles encompassing pallets, pretty much nullifying the killer's higher movement speed.
Most games would classify pallet-looping as "hitbox abuse", and fix it accordingly.
As to the double standards I mentioned before, at one point killers started doing a similar thing, namely phisically blocking the space for unhooking. Survivors cried, and that was taken away, whereas pallet-looping is still in the game to date, in spite of being the exact, same, friggin' thing. Hitbox abuse.
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I don't think it's the looping in and of itself, it's moreso how safe a lot of the loops are and how bad the RNG can be i.e safe pallet next to killer shack window on Coldwind. It can be frustrating to play what is supposed to be the power role and have every survivor run to the Ironworks window. We can't put a doorway anywhere near that in 3 years?
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Looping should not be an issue since you can just bloodlust if have to, infinites are what triggers killer since they need to go against the clock most of the time