The SWF Matchmaking Change

Jeffcomet Member Posts: 3
edited September 2019 in General Discussions

I am extremely upset with the new update causing swf to play against killers of the highest rank in your party. I think this is a very bad change causing me to not be able to play with my friends AT ALL. i was even starting to get some of them into the game and them wanting me to teach them now i can't cause i am red rank and all the killers have a heyday killing them leaving me useless cause i have nothing to work with. They can't ever get better at the game cause they die too quickly and i can only get them to play if its with me. i hope a change can be found to make all happy.


  • PeenutsButt3r
    PeenutsButt3r Member Posts: 695
    edited September 2019

    Let them play solo to get the hang of it then play SWF. As SWF you can voice chat which is a huge advantage compared to solo players. Plus they're low rank so they'll get low rank killer and most of them are really bad so all and all it's a good change.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    Truly professional matchmaking. Nom nom nom

  • ImKateDenson
    ImKateDenson Member Posts: 33

    Is it working ??? I am rank 1 survivor playing with a friend rank 8 and we get red rank killer BUT when I play killer (rank9) I got team with a red rank in it. ( a lot of games not just 1) So what ? The game is trolling only me ? or the matchmaking is ######### ????

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    The friends won't play without OP playing with them. The friends most likely don't give a ######### about DBD and just want a game to play with OP. They won't play without friends, simple.

    Source: Past experience with these types, I think...

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    I've lost all hope that they'll fix matchmaking. (the killer was a rank 11)

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    @Regionlock I wholeheartedly agree with you.

    Played against rank 19s earlier and I felt gross afterwards.

    They said “Bullying the killer was bad” but somehow “Bullying a survivor” is ok. Cuz you know CoMMs

  • ImmortalReaver
    ImmortalReaver Member Posts: 243

    Just tell your friends to get good. It's better than bringing in survivors that are way higher rank than the killer.

  • Jeffcomet
    Jeffcomet Member Posts: 3

    @ImmortalReaver you can't tell people to just get good. Person playing killer would be quite upset if you said that to him after he lost a match to people high rank than him. it goes both ways. i don't want it to be unfair to the killer both extremes are bad for the game. i do think 4 people having a bad time is a lot worse than 1 person but still not good for the game because you need people to want to play and learn to play to keep it alive.

  • doublev1986
    doublev1986 Member Posts: 78

    After rank reset we will all be back at 15. I played with my daughter today she is rank 20 I am rank 11 but it was ok.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Play Custom Matches with them. You can teach them the ropes there a lot better than you can when facing a stranger, giving them a chance to practice the specific things they need to work on. It's not like you need a full group or anything.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Flipside, I know new killers that used to get matched up against three 20s and a rank 1, and got looped forever by the rank 1. They should have went after an easier target but they're new so they don't know any better. See how it can't ever seem to be fair for both sides?

  • ImmortalReaver
    ImmortalReaver Member Posts: 243

    Actually, you can. I play with my friend that's always a higher rank and I just sucked it up and got good.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768
    edited September 2019

    So you are not using green ranks as a toy to teach your friends? Then the mm change did exactly what it was supposed to do. Thank you devs.

  • Opekyn
    Opekyn Member Posts: 83
    edited September 2019

    It sounds like your friends really aren't into the game, and you were kinda forcing them to play as your space bar potatoes while you looped the killer.

    I can't imagine why they didn't find that fun.

    Post edited by Opekyn on
  • Jeffcomet
    Jeffcomet Member Posts: 3

    feel like some people are missing the point that i don't want it to be easy for me or my friends i just don't want them to get destroyed by a red rank killer as i also don't want to destroy a rank 20 killer both extremes are bad

  • aazimuth
    aazimuth Member Posts: 190

    They should just average out the ranks and create a happy medium. Again, this is literally only encouraging deranking.

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    Brah, people in here miss very obvious points, it's actually sad. I'ts gotten to the point I've stopped trying to reason with people and just troll in these forums. There's people in here actually loving the change and defending it like it's the best thing that's happened in 3 years since release.

    I feel you man, but we got to keep in mind a lot of people in here are probably kids and have very narrow perspectives. As long as the changes work for them it's a "get GUD, bro" lol

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I sympathise with your position, I really do, but as someone who has had similar experiences to your friends in the past with other games, I think the problem is partly with their attitudes.

    For example, when I used to play league with my much-higher-ranked friends, I knew that we would get matched with people far above my skill level, and I just expected that most of the time I would get wrecked. I never expected to win my lane, my goal was always just to delay my inevitable defeat as long as possible. And after a while, I did start winning every once in a while, because even though it sucks at first, learning to play against opponents who are far better at the game than you are is the #1 fastest way to get good at a game.

    There are also things you can do to help. Watch what they're doing and tell them what they're getting wrong. Customise your loadout to give them as many second chances as possible while they're learning the game - bring instaheals, borrowed time, we'll make it, or get them to do generators while you distract the killer and take the heat off them.

    It's not a perfect solution, I know, my point is just that anyone who gives up on a game because their opponents are too skilled is never going to get far with an attitude like that anyway. Maybe DBD just isn't for them.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Average rank still isn’t a great solution. A team with a ranks 1, 1, 20 and 20 for example would get a rank 10 or 11 killer that would have very little chance catching half of the survivors because loopers by rank 1 can give the killer massive chases. This means if he found either of these rank 1 first most likely multiple gens would be done by first hook.

    i don’t know what a good solution is honestly, going by highest rank, lowest, or even averages don’t seem to work. Maybe some sort of move speed slowdown or bonus for every rank difference between players?

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    The difference is that before red ranks got to choose to party up and destroy killers that had no way to see it coming, through no fault of the killer's.

    Now, a killer may destroy low rank survivors, but it's because survivors are CHOOSING to be with friends who are a much higher rank.

    In matchmaking where we aren't capping ranks that can pair up, it's better to punish the players that have a choice in the matter than the killers who don't have a choice.

  • DrJones
    DrJones Member Posts: 3

    I agree! This makes it impossible for the current player base above rank 10 to introduce the game to their friends, even if you buy the game for your friend and try to play the game with them, they will get angry and frustrated at the huge skill difference and probably never play it again. (as i am usually red ranked)

    I know people are saying they can play solo to try and get to a closer rank but they don't care to do that, they just want to play a game with their friend.

    All this does is make the me have to derank all the way down to at least 15 so they will actually enjoy getting into the game as i have.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I see this a lot, and it’s a valid point, BUT no one ever gives and answer about what to do for new killers? A rank 16-20 killer playing against a 5, 20, 18, 18 is going to struggle with that 5 and won’t be smart enough to give up that chase

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited November 2019

    I'm sure all of those killers felt the same way for all of the years they had to deal with the exact same problem :) It is pretty lame of a situation for both sides one way or the other.

    You could fix the problem if you simply gave the killer the option to see the ranks of the SWF in their lobby, or something along those lines, if you switched it back.

  • DrJones
    DrJones Member Posts: 3

    You also make a valid point, and my initial thoughts is "this should teach killers to give up timely or overly difficult chase" and i believe that ever killer should learn that, but i feel like that way of thinking is too selfish in this discussion.

    So i will argue, since we seem to agree that both match making types are leaning to far either to the killer or the SWF groups, that we take the average rank of the numbers you mentioned. which i calculated would be a rank 15 or so and adding 3-5 ranks onto it? so a 12-10.

    now the killer may still struggle to catch that one survivor, but he should have enough experience to drop the chase and catch one of the 18-20 rank survivors. and yes the rank 5 and one other survivor may escape but i believe the killer should be able to get 1-3 kills is most games of this type. which as a killer i would consider is a fair game between all players if i received 2 kills in a match.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2019

    Killers don't get to choose whether they play against SWF or not. They have no control over who they get matched with. If the Killer runs into a closely-coordinated SWF who are all close to the same rank as him, his only options are to suck it up and take the loss, or disconnect.

    Survivors, on the other hand, can willingly choose to play SWF against a high-ranking killer. You know what you're getting yourself into when you bring your low-ranking friends into a group with you. If you don't want to play with SWF, you don't have to.

    Therefore, the system should be left as it is.