Killer attacks


Could someone explain to me how the killers attacks work, i don't feel i have a good grasp on them. I was under the impression that being in range of a survivor and using the quick attack would auto aim to the survivor and hit them, but it does not always work like that. Do all killers have the same attack range? It feels like Freddy and doctor have a slightly smaller range compared to trapper and clown. Do all killers have the same lunge speed and length? Are there any numbers or a graph i could look at to see this? Maybe it could be a thing the dev's could implement.


  • Doom_Punk
    Doom_Punk Member Posts: 371
    edited July 2018

    Basically, you can tap the button on the Survivor do just do a quick attack. Sometimes it autoaims but I notice sometimes it does not.

    If you hold it down you can do a lunge. There was a guide somewhere showing the lunges of the Killers, I'll go dig that up for you. But anyways I don't think lunges autoaim but you can move your mouse to aim it.

    Killers with normal movement speed (Trapper, Wraith, Billy, Shape tier 2, Doc, Bubba, Freddy, Pig, Clown) have the same lunge.

    Nurse has a smaller lunge when walking but I think it's normal if you do a blink hit.

    Hag I think has the same lunge as others but it's a longer one cause you move slower.

    Shape tier 3 has the biggest lunge in the game.

    Huntress has a weak lunge cause she's slower.

    Freddy's lunge is a little deceptive because he has a small weapon, however it's the same as others. Feels bigger but it is not.

    Hope this helps! I'll try to find that chart.

  • MasterLoli
    MasterLoli Member Posts: 73

    I see, does this mean that the quick attack is bugged right now? Does it need to be fixed or will that cause a riot in the community...?

  • Doom_Punk
    Doom_Punk Member Posts: 371
    edited July 2018

    @MasterLoli said:
    I see, does this mean that the quick attack is bugged right now? Does it need to be fixed or will that cause a riot in the community...?

    I'm not sure it's bugged, it just acts up sometimes, making you miss where you had your aim on them. I've lunged onto people but then had my camera tilt away completely missing and that pisses me off a lot. Quick attacks seem to do that more often.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230
    It's not bugged since there is no auto-aim in this game anymore. What you guys keep calling auto-aim is simply the animations trying to line up properly when the game detects a successful hit.
  • TheRealHansGruber
    TheRealHansGruber Member Posts: 204

    Each killer has a different lunge range, check out the Wiki it has all of their lunge's and movement speeds

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    Btw you can't lunge when carrying a survivor.
  • MasterLoli
    MasterLoli Member Posts: 73

    @TheRealHansGruber said:
    Each killer has a different lunge range, check out the Wiki it has all of their lunge's and movement speeds

    I find the wiki to have weak descriptions that are vague and doesn't state everything.

  • MasterLoli
    MasterLoli Member Posts: 73

    @DocOctober said:
    It's not bugged since there is no auto-aim in this game anymore. What you guys keep calling auto-aim is simply the animations trying to line up properly when the game detects a successful hit.

    Well is it a bug when my screen flips out and i just get to watch the survivor walk away unharmed even though i was absolutely 100% in range?

  • Doom_Punk
    Doom_Punk Member Posts: 371

    @MasterLoli said:

    @DocOctober said:
    It's not bugged since there is no auto-aim in this game anymore. What you guys keep calling auto-aim is simply the animations trying to line up properly when the game detects a successful hit.

    Well is it a bug when my screen flips out and i just get to watch the survivor walk away unharmed even though i was absolutely 100% in range?

    I think it is, cause my screen will do the same thing and make me miss when I swung onto the Survivor. Perhaps not autoaim but something makes my screen snap and me miss when I clearly hit him.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230
    It's definitley NOT auto-aim/aim-assist, whatever it is.

    The only Killer who had that was the old Nurse and it was a pain in the backside as you couldn't curve her lunge around obstacles like other Killers could.
  • MasterLoli
    MasterLoli Member Posts: 73

    Maybe someone could explain it instead of telling me what it isn't?