Why did I get AFK crows on me when I was downed?

I was the last survivor and was downed, the stupid killer couldn't find me for his life. The crowd started circling me until they gave me away. I was never camping, so why?
In a previous game I was also the last survivor and was down, but I crawled around for ages with no crows. I would like an explanation
Not moving for a small period of time give you crows even when downed dont want crows keep crawlin
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I kept crawling and they kept coming on me. It was so bullshit. It must have been a bug because the prior game they never came despite me standing still for much longer when downed
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They take awhile to go away just keep movin
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They appear when you havent moved from a spot in 1 ENTIRE minute. Regardless of your status, you can be in a locker and they will apear
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If you dont want to move, you can always just hold M1. Prevents you from getting crows because you are still "recovering", even though you arent making any progress.
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My opinion: I understand having the crows whilst hiding in a locker as the survivor is actively choosing to stay hidden while they could be moving around the map doing other things. Whilst being in a dying state it should be different. For some reason or another the killer didn't pick you up when you were first floored (unless you run out via the deep wound meter for example). The killer put the survivor in a dying state and now the survivor is simply trying to avoid being hooked. If it's feasible to get to the hatch, fine. But I don't believe crows should be active on dying survivors.
Most downed last survivors get end-game collapsed anyway.
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Hold M1 or spin in circles. If they have to code the crows to act differently when someone is downed be prepared for the onslaught of bugs that follow ^.^''
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Not sure if it would be that hard to simply not have the crows react to a survivor in a dying state.
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It simply means moving get found in fact you don't actually have the move just hold down the recover button.
It's mainly for survivors who pin themselves in the corner where they can't be found and just stay there until they bleed out.
What you suggested wouldn't happen to a survivor in that situation because they would be moving and trying to get hatch.