
KateDensonOneLove Member Posts: 13
edited September 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Dear developers, will you remove your anti-aliasing or not?I can't play on a soap chart!!! My eyes get tired very quickly!!! To the Legion I played in the middle where it had great graphics!But with the release of Legion on the medium was tratatele I switched to minimum graphics!!Now you've killed minimal graphics for some hair? Anyone that hair did not give up!!! You have a horror game, not a hairdresser!!!You're killing your game!!!

Post edited by KateDensonOneLove on


  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    Edit inis you can force AA there, also good for disabling Vsync.

  • I hope they will do something, maybe not removeing it, maybe some people likeing it, but at least give us opportunity to choose if we want it or not.

    Since last optimalisation before this one, i was very satisfied with how my game looks and perform, it was sharp, clear, and also worked really smoothly, and i don't care if the hair is little bit transparent or not, it's not the point of the game, whats really matters is good FP's, wich saddly i don't have anymore.

  • jb000
    jb000 Member Posts: 1

    I have GTX 1050 4gb, i5 8300H and 16GB RAM, now i must play in LOW because in medium i have 30fps. In low i have 60 fps but some times drops to 30fps or less... that is in survior. In the killer i have 60 fps but when i chase someone fps drops to the 20-30... DEVELOPERS WHY YOUR BREAKE THE GAME ?!