Improving The Demogorgon's Perks

The Stranger Things Chapter is great and all, but I feel that the Demogorgon's perks are very underwhelming. If Killers are expected to drop Ruin or BBQ for one of them, then they need some buffs first. Here are my suggestions.

Surge: Downing a survivor causes all generators instantly explode and regress. This applies an additional regression of 9%/12%/15%.

  • Removed radius requirement
  • Removed cooldown
  • Increased regression from 8% to 15%, making the generator take 12 more seconds to repair, as opposed to 6.4 seconds

Why?: The current version of Surge does way too little upon activation, and the radius makes it rare to take affect on two separate generators. The cooldown is extremely unnecessary as well, since if the Killer is able to down more than one survivor in under 40 seconds, they absolutely deserve the benefit of it trigger multiple times consecutively. In addition, the perk also restricts the Killer from kicking the generator themselves to apply other effects such as Overcharge.

Mindbreaker: While repairing generators, Survivors are afflicted with the Exhaustion status effect. Any existing Exhausted status effect timers are paused while the Survivor is repairing the generator. After ending the repair action, the Survivor is afflicted by the Exhausted status effect for 8/9/10 seconds.

  • Removed repair progress requirement
  • Increased Exhaustion duration from 1/2/3 seconds to 8/9/10 seconds.
  • In addition, fix the bug where Survivors can progress the Exhaustion timer during fast vaulting animations over pallets and windows.

Why?: In its current state, Mindbreaker is a joke. The timer is so short that when a Survivor fast vaults over a pallet or window, the Exhaustion timer is already done. The repair progress requirement is unneeded too, as the perk would still be low tier even without it. The suggested changes give both the Survivor a chance to deplete the timer, and the Killer a chance to capitalize on the situation if the Survivor(s) were to stay on the generator as you approached them.

Cruel Limits: Every time a generator is completed, all windows and vault locations are blocked for all survivors for 20/25/30 seconds. When the last generator is fully repaired, all vault locations are blocked for all survivors 60 seconds. You see the aura of all blocked vault locations for the duration.

  • Removed radius requirement
  • Increased the vault location block timer to 60 seconds when the last generator is completed.

Why?: Cruel Limits is way too situational in its current state. The range is too short to be of any use, and can only be activated a total of 5 times in a trial. If the range was global, the perk would be much better. In addition, the increased time on blocked vaults if the last generator is completed would combo well with other end game perks such as Bitter Murmur or Blood Warden.