How powerful is the Entity? -Marvel/DC comics tiering system

If we used a Marvel or DC tiering system to determine the Entity's power. Would it be mere galaxy level? Or something higher like in the universal or multiversal level?
The Entity seems to behave more on the terms of a Lovecraftian entity than a straightforward presence; Essentially all-powerful on it's own turf, but so foreign in nature to our own reality that it serves as a barrier the Entity can only prod and poke at at best. And since that barrier seems to grow stronger or weaker based on emotions present, it's relative power outside its realm is more fluid akin to Freddy Krueger/Pennywise then a single metric. It's closest comparison in the realm of comics would probably be Mister Mxyzptlk; Operating on terms completely different from the norm, and simultaneously both far stronger and far weaker from it.
Like, could Superman punch the Entity into submission if it partially manifested in Metropolis? Almost certainly not. But he'd have a chance at forcing it to retreat back to its own realm by being a beacon of hope and unbreakable resolve. Key word being "Unbreakable" here, if the Entity could get his resolve to falter those emotions would be fuel instead of a defense.
The best response team to send against it would actually be -- I am not kidding here -- the Care Bears. Starve it of violence and hate, kill it with kindness. Laser beam kindness.
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What a great explanation. Thank you. I have thought about this idea and it makes a great deal of sense while also maintaining complexity. The notion that it acts more like a powerful being that feeds on emotion to keep its power over the realms it controls rather than being a physical presence on a universal or multiversal ( Marvel/DC cosmic beings of different levels) scale does connect the dots to the lore pretty well.