Questions about a Survivor juke

I dont play a lot of killer on ps4 instead I play on pc, but recently I leveled my killers on ps4 and I noticed survivors doing some weird auto aim juke
It's like they quickly wiggle when running. I'm not even sure how to explain it or even what I'm looking up for it to counter it.
Yes, false hits happen a lot on ps4. Even when reaching the survivors, the auto aimm will make you hit air... Be patient and don't lunge to much !
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Ok so it has nothing with them just wiggling when they run to offset auto aim? I noticed it only happens when I face survivors who do this weird action. Honestly I have auto aim turned off on PC so I don't have much experience with it anyways.
Dont see a point in that if I'm literally behind them, but it could be why.
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Not going to lie I have been experiencing the same thing. And for the life of me didnt understand lol. It's very annoying
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Do you know what it is? Even if I knew how to do it I could at least come up with a counter measure, but after I looked it up I got nothing. Was hoping the community might of had a answer for me.
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Alright so they just happen to randomly synch up not a legit tactic then?
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When I play survivor, I do that to stress out the killer and make him think I'll do a 360, a lot of beginner killers fall for it as they anticipate too much ahead. That results in a whiff and allows to reach a safe spot.
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I think I know what you're talking about, I do something similar its more like a 180 turn than a 360. Just look at the killer maker sharp turns left to right or whatever, you've got to time it right. basically you gotta be swinging 180 left or right when they attack, if its timed right they will swing when your on one side you quickly turn back the other way, they miss because they don't follow you while turning
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Yes this is exactly it I think. I'll have to practice it as a survivor so I can get better at avoiding it.