Is it National Spirit day?

I've played 12 matches today on PS4 and I have gotten 12 Spirits. Anyone else finding that almost everyone at rank 2 is playing Spirit?
i had the same problem last night but on pc even they brought red mori
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I play console, been playing Ghost Face, Legion, Doctor, Trapper and some Clown during this event *slow shrug*
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12 Spirit games in a row? That’s rough. I see quite a bit of Spirit in red ranks on PS4. I dread facing multiple Spirit a night.
I’m curious...what was your win/loss ratio?
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Because they want to have a stress-free match without getting bullied and looped till daylight
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I mean, why wouldn't they play Spirit at red ranks? You just get bullied when you're using one of the lower tier killers.
And Spirit is pretty easy to get good with.
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Use iron will and then you’ll start getting one hit down killers lol
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I advise people to bring Iron will every game during BP Events.
Both Survivors and killers bring their A-game during these events and Killers are usually stuck with playing the top few killers since there's usually a lot of SWF teams, Spirit is usually a go to for a lot of people because she's strong and has a good BP Gain. Iron will is good against a lot of killers but it's amazing against a spirit.
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Shes just played a lot in general. I find it annoying when everybody has such a big obsession with her. As if they want to marry her or something.
Post edited by ASAPTurtle on1 -
Well, I married her
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It’s cause it’s the last day for most people for double bloodpoints. Most people will be gone for the day tomorrow for school, work, etc.
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Spirit is a very strong killer, which gains a lot of BPs and can deal with most of the survivors BS. And you are on PS4 as well, where most of the players don't even touch Nurse.
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I haven’t seen Spirit today, currently rank 5, almost 4.
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Well spirit is strong and doesn’t get bullied might be why.
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I had a bunch of that on Friday from Spirits. Tunneling after first hook, too. During a double blood event.
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Nope. Just Doctors, Legions, Demos, and a Huntress so far.
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Omg, looped till daylight, maybe killers should *gasp* try to mindgame and run chase perks like enduring, spirit fury, bamboozle and save the best for last.
But oh no that's too hard isnt it?
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That's a little sad not gonna lie
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Yeah. Everyone knows Susie is the best waifu. 😍
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Nah, Freddy is 😉
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Maybe you should run Iron Will or Quick and Quiet.
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Q&Q isnt even a counter.
Iron Will is useless as she can still hear your footsteps and breathing.
Nice try
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Jake Park is
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Quick and Quiet lets you quietly vault a window or pallet, taking you to the other side without them knowing, and then you can just walk behind some cover and wait for them to give up on you because unlike lower tier killers she can actually afford to leave you injured and go off to another generator to injure and hook someone else.
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Yeah but that isnt a counter exclusively for Spirit is it? Like you stated.
Smh, all these 12 year olds defending Spirit who is obviously the most broken thing in this game so far.
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If it isn't exclusively a counter to Spirit, all the better. Means you can run it against any killer and see some use, unlike Calm Spirit which is really only useful against Doctor.
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I still only find Q&Q useful when paired with Head on or dance with me, otherwise in the middle of chase, from experience it's useless
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Calm spirit is useful against any killer, back in my nurse main days I killed a lot of survivors because of crows.
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I mean, I really got bored after like the 4th game so I pretty much gave up every game after that along with my teammates who also seemed to give up as soon as they saw her. But in those 4 I played, I only escaped once. I had no Iron Will so there wasn't too much I could do.
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I mean, it's pretty stress free in general on PS4 as killer. I play killer when I want a stress free time. Rank 1 survivors on PS4 usually are terrible. It's really hard to get bullied on PS4 if you are a half decent killer.
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So lucky lol
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You don't even need to get good with her, all you need is a good pair of headphones, your experience of how scratchmarks works (already done by playing other killers) and that's it. Put in prayer beads and gen delay perks and it's a cake walk.
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All while you complain about a killer capable of mind games. The irony is rich. Git gud.
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I didn't know you could git gud at a coin flip.
Nice to know there's still children about on these forums. Saying "git gud" is code for "I Want to be noticed"
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You're just bad. Like all bad players incapable of recognizing it, they take to the forums on a go nowhere crusade trolling the other side with calls for nerfs and changes that are never going to come.
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I'm bad for expressing an opinion on a killer in the game?
Please go back to fortnite or whatever you 11 year olds play these days.
Oh wait, Fortnut's dead
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No, you're bad because you are a mediocre survivor and call for nerfs because you can't deal with the mindgames standing near a pallet and have one single solitary ability in game, loops where you can with 100% certainty see the killer. You suck at stealth or you wouldn't be here and chases in which the loop isn't in play is beyond your capability.
Without fail, almost 99% of all survivor whinge on the forum over a given killer comes from the survivor whose entire game is based on looping. Not long, well thought out circuits, but loops around one pallet before running to the next.
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Your suggestions are completely amateur in concept and come from the experience of a rank 20 Freddy is OP player that saw that killer made useless for years slightly after release. They are quite literally suggestions to remove any threat the killer would present and turn her into loopable bottom tier trash.
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Funny, I'm a Freddy main.
I've been playing since last December but following since around 2017. Old Freddy actually had a pretty high skill cap.
Stop assuming and get your bias out of here and engage in a proper discussion.