Huntress Hatchets

When they gonna fix these ridiculous hitboxes of Huntress' hatchets? Really tired of these absurd hatchet hits.
As soon as they fix litter hitboxes. Really tired of these absurd map litter hitboxes.
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They did fix them before, but people didn't like it so the devs reverted the change.
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Peanits had a rather nice summary in another such thread
I suggest reading that thread as there was some good discussion.
Peanits nice summary:
Regarding hatchet hitboxes: They were changed to not be spherical a while back, but the change needed to be reverted (as others have mentioned in the thread). I'll have to bust out my amazing drawing skills. This is what the hitboxes look like:
The survivor has a "capsule" shaped box around them. This determines where they can run and whether or not the killer can hit them. This hitbox does not change, the only exception is that it's a little shorter when you crouch. If it did change, it would cause all sorts of issues in a chase. You would be bumping into stuff constantly.
The hatchets, on the right, have a spherical hitbox.
When a survivor is injured, they're slouched over as they run. In the example above, you can see what that's important. The hitbox of the hatchet overlaps with the hitbox of the survivor, so the hatchet hits.
Now if you were to make it more closely match the size of the hatchet, you'd end up with this:
In spite of the hatchet going right through the survivor (visually), it does not touch the survivor's hitbox, and so the hatchet would miss. We have tried this change and the past, but it was reverted because it caused a lot of issues like this.
To go back to the first hit, this is the scenario that played out:
This is what the killer sees. It looks a little weird because of the survivor's animation, but the hitboxes overlapped. But then you need to factor in latency:
This is what the survivor sees (with what the killer sees faded out). Latency sucks, you can't really get rid of it. It's a fact of life with online games. There's always going to be a slight discrepancy in online games. Since the hit is currently handled on the killer's end, even 100 ping can make a difference. (Survivor running at 4m/s x 0.1 = 40cm difference between what the killer sees and what the survivor sees.)
The ultra short version: Hatchet hitboxes can't change unless the survivor hitboxes are completely reworked, but latency is also in play.
(Sick drawing skills of peanits )
Its not so much that people didnt like "realistic hatched hitboxes", but that that change did break the huntress, making it rather impossible to hit injured survivors from the sides. I think some parts of the arms arent part of the hitbox too.
To accomodate hatchet changes, the devs would need to seperate the hitbox and collision box of survivors. But if they would not only change it for projectiles, then killers would need to get REALLY close to hit a survivor in the back (see slouched over images of peanits) thus needing new changes in the killer attack mechanic or other adjustments to movement speed.
Its a rather complex matter.
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I got plenty clips where hatches hitboxes are either way bigger or super precise. They are pretty unreliable actually.