Which Killer Deserves The Next Rework/Buff?

FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
edited September 2019 in Polls

Lets be honest, a fair bit of Killers could use a rework or buff to their power... It's been too long, and they've been used less and less more often to the point that barely anyone uses them anymore. This poll will discuss and see who believes that which Killer could use the Rework/Buff the most...

Please do cast your votes below, and a detailed, minor, or any description at all would be appreciated AS WELL!

Which Killer Deserves The Next Rework/Buff? 146 votes

The Pig
zacmangamingBlueberryMadDoggStormhaven13SoylentPixieDoofy_GMicheal_MyersCashelP14StrancolGillboy75Esperiaenunadventuresdoitagain_PyroDudeClocksoMavi6568Dr_LoomisErshFynexx8obot1c 26 votes
The Wraith
BossDuckrd_dex 3 votes
The Clown
Techn0Dwight_FairfieldArk_the_BonsaiPigNRunDr_TrautsLukaKovacblue4zionKnucklesLeonardo1itaDingDongsThirtyCarlosyluMattie_MayhemOGthemirrortwinPurgatorianKongtwenty12 16 votes
The Cannibal (LeatherFace)
Mc_HartyHail_to_the_KingDarkside84Luigifan64PandomOnryosTapeRentalskodiakyMrDardonIhatelifeSlaughterhouse3Mister_Holdoutdouggie123AcesthetiicPluNitroGamesbrokedownpalaceSN1P3R5G3TH3ADMaelstrom10Financial_StabilityCandyFace 40 votes
The Doctor
HorsePowerTAGJacksonWiseSatelit909Haddix 6 votes
The Trapper
LavernneGibberishicemancatMister_xDBlade92NoxeriasSpartagone45Jordanwalker32PrincessPoopSylorknagTKTKAvilgusPapaBrickolini 13 votes
The Legion
FoggyDownpourKalec840h_DoctorRamxenoc445LCGasterRainbowPatooieDolphin9192bubbascalAzurlynxasdtumblrGrootDudeDonnycBoosted_DwightNescau_FernandoAngryFluffyMrPenguinNullSp3cRicardiBacardiMysticAdvisorn2njauwu 42 votes


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited September 2019
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    For my vote, I believe that base-kit, LeatherFace should get a rework/Buff. To me, he's in-fact one of the worst Killers in the entire game at the moment due to these key factors below.

    • He has little to no map pressure in any regard
    • His perks are lack luster except for the one (BBQ and Chili) that seems to be the only reason people get his DLC anymore now...
    • His chainsaw charge shouldn't put you in a minor cooldown state when it isn't fully charge. It should work like Billy's where it can gradually go down with the charge until the charge isn't there, while not punishing him with said cooldown.
    • His overall presentation to the source material is a good take, but is entirely inferior to how the current meta and mechanics work in the game. He doesn't fair against Red Ranks or even Purple Ranks due to how the system is set to be against M1 Killers with loops. While they're changing this, he's currently still having the odds against him in this regard.

    Now than, here are some points about his add-ons and perks as well.

    • Award Winning Chili & Chili does not work, and even if they do work they hardly do anything to be considered worth using as a add-on for him.
    • His entire inventory of perks is a copy & paste job (Not throwing shade...) of Billys add-ons. They're not unique towards him and while I agree that both Killers utilize the same item as their power (The Chainsaw) that doesn't mean all their add-ons need to be exactly the same except for the unique ones.
    • Both Knock Out and Franklin's Demise are niche perks at best now. Knock out is only useful in a gimicky perk set-up, while Franklin's is used to counter items that have in the past been too OP to not get rid of (The flashlights) but now since the nerfs to those items, the perk is niche.
    • BBQ and Chili shouldn't be the only reason to buy LeatherFace, and at this time that's sadly the only reason TO buy his DLC... That, or just get it on the shrine if you're lucky, which in turn doesn't have you buying the DLC at all...

    This is a mock up of some of my points, but this is the gist of why I believe he should get a power rework, or if not a rework a significant buff to his power... I already made a post in detail about what makes LeatherFace the Work Killer in DBD currently, and it still holds up to this day.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    Here's what I'd do.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    Love it, these would help him tremendously, and it wouldn't require them to do a full blown rework like with Freddy. Although, I do wish they'd give his add-on pool some more variation, rather than it being a copy and past of Billy's minus the chili add-ons (Which... do absolutely nothing :D)

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    The Trapper

    since your question was who "deserves" it most, i will go with Trapper.

    the fact that he is literally the face of the game, though the devs seem to always forget about him makes me sad... imo he is entitled to get one as soon as possible, just because of him being the mascot of this game.

    if you had asked who "needs" it most, i would have picked eigther Legion or Bubba tbh...

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    That's actually a good point. Trapper should get some love.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943
    The Trapper

    I said Trapper cause he is the face of the game and I started with him. I hate that he has to go around the map to pick up his power.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited September 2019
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    Deserves, needs, all the same concepts in the end. Like for example, if you think Bubba DESERVES the Rework/Buff because he's the worst Killer in the game, than yes. If you think he NEEDS the Rework/Buff for the same thing but more inclined towards his power and add-ons, than also yes.

    It's personal preference whether you think something deserves something or needs it, but in the end it's basically the same question regardless...

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    Letherface needs more help.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    The Clown

    Really tough choice between Clown and LF.

    On the one hand, LF has seniority over Clown. He has been the worst Killer for a while, with only a couple of add-ons that actually benefit him for being a rushed copy-paste of Hillbilly.

    On the other, Clown has been left neglected ever since release. He represents BHVR's first chapter after their independence from Starbreeze, he deserves better. His underpowered-ness comes from bugs (partly), not intended mechanics, and thats sad. He is also a freaking killer clown, one of the most interesting themes. Way more potential than LF.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    It's a double edged sword, while one benefits the other still suffers indeed. Although, personally due to how long LeatherFace has been the 2nd worst Killer (Now the 1st because Freddy was reworked) I think he deserves it Nay NEEDS... the rework/Buff.

    But that's just my opinion.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071
    The Trapper


    While he's not the worst, he is pretty bad.

    He's the first character and the mascot of the game, so its a bit odd that he's so bad.

    His power and addons are postively archaic and needs some major updating.

    Several of his addons should just become base kit, his other addons should be reworked, some general quality of life fixes here and there.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited September 2019
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    I agree with this, as he's not the worst Killer but one of the long time faces of DBD that hasn't been treated the best over the years either.

  • JacksonWise
    JacksonWise Member Posts: 651
    The Doctor

    I think Doctor can definitely use some love. While his power can be strong against inexperienced survivors, it basically does nothing against good ones. Good survivors have no problem hitting the skillchecks and won't fall for his illusion add-ons most of the time. I think his shock needs the most attention because that is the only thing that can help him in a chase, but it only really works on short loops and even then it can still require pretty precise timing. Being able to counter or ignore all the tools that are supposed to give him slowdown and chase potential reduces him to an M1 killer with better tracking. You could argue that if someone messes up against Bubba, he can punish them with an insta-down, but Doctor still has to hit you twice. To me, Doc is one of the coolest killers aesthetically and it sucks he is not in a great spot right now. I am excited that he is going to get looked at along with the Nurse soon, I just hope it will be enough to make him at least mid-tier viable.

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    As much as I like Legion, Clown and Leatherface need some love much more.

  • PyroDude
    PyroDude Member Posts: 454
    The Pig

    I had to decide between Pig and Clown.

    I would like to vote for both.

    Pig got some changes in past updates I am not happy with.

    Clown's power is good on chases and fun to use but he needs something for map pressure.

    It would be cool if his afterpiece tonic would have effects on the survivor over time. Similiar how doctor can make them crazy or Plague can make them sick. Or maybe he could trap gens that they make a smoke cloud once a survivor works on it

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    I'd like to agree with that statement, it's all really about who deserves it the most considering what they've been given and how long they've been like they are.

    Sadly I couldn't offer you an option for both, but I do agree that The Pig could also use some work with her add-ons and base-kit power as well! And yes, The Clown could also use help in the department of map pressure as well, and his power overall.

  • Knuckles
    Knuckles Member Posts: 218
    The Clown

    Clown just can't get a break 😞

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
    The Legion

    Legion deserved a proper rework. His power now is just giving survivors paper cuts and slowly vaulting stuff.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154
    The Legion

    As much as I love Wraith

    Legion is just so unfun to play as and against now

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    Ever since launch yes...

    It stays true to the methods that Pre-Patch Legion had, which is he can have people mend and waste so much time healing while he can use Thanato to slow progress and force healing, as well as nurses to see who's healing...

    That's how I can still play him at Red Rank without Ruin. But regardless, you're right that the mending process isn't really as rewarding as it used to be, and overall the concept should be changed to focus less of wasting time and more on the dangers of mending as a whole.

    For me I use the same tactics like before with Pre-Patch, I stated it above in Boosted_Dwights Quote, but what I mean by that is personally I can still have fun with him while also maintaining the game at Red Ranks thanks to Thanato and Nurses, as well as BBQ and Pop Goes the Weasel.

    But overtime that method has gotten boring as well, and he could use something that could focus less on wasting time and more on the dangers of mending as a Survivor... and why you should do it. Maybe give him certain map icons to go to like The Pig or Freddys clocks to go heal at? A healing station specific to Legion? I don't know...

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154
    The Legion

    All I really want for Legion is making them faster and some other tweaks

    Now that Feral Frenzy isn't lethal why should they be so slow

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    Perhaps focus more on a different mechanic which rely's on multiple hits to down someone but there isn't a mend timer in-general? It will stay true to the concept of his character being someone who's in a team of teenagers that rushes down their victim to the bone.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154
    The Legion

    Idk, it could bring back some of old Legion problems

    I like Legion, they just aren't all that fun to play for me

    And all you have to do to not get hit from their frenzy is to be 10 meters away and run in a straight line

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    No unique add ons, insta charge and speed add ons are the only good ones, off numbers, his power actually hurts you, too slow, no pressure, good for camping primarily and that's it.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    Basically, but sometimes even then some people get hit regardless. I think removing the mend mechanic all together and focusing on the aspect of rushing down a Survivor would be a different yet effective way to change it up.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    Basically, that's why I believe personally he should get the rework/buff. Everything is weighted in his disadvantage with the current meta, and the only real way to be effective is to use Enduring + Spirit Fury and for add-ons either Beast Marks + Tuning Guide or Scratch Marks + Primer Bulb.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    I feel like Beast Marks and Tuning Guide with a little bit faster charging movement speed should be how it is, it's all he needs.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    I think in-general they just need to boost base-kit to have a faster movement speed while in his chainsaw frenzy, while also giving him the ability to charge his chainsaw to 99% while also letting it go down just like Billy, while removing the cool-down effect.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358
    The Legion

    The legion is my favorite non licensed killer and I was so ready and excited to play them and before the rework "nerf" i played them nonstop now I play them when I wanna farm a bunch of blood points on killer but its not cool and its not that fun. Legion feels like someone on the gameplay design side thought " yeah killers will enjoy hitting people a bunch quickly this will be great" no. Sure it gets them not doing gens but only when you can actually hit them all which is rare in my case. The power doesn't help in chase much especially because of the longer feeling fatigue and most of the addons in my opinion are completely useless. The killer even before was a let down but they especially are now, but at least before I could down them with the power. Now I hit them with it and I'm forced into just hitting them with a regular attack to down them. Many killers have a power that helps them down a survivor but not this one

  • Phox
    Phox Member Posts: 206

    Plague deserves a rework more than anyone imo. Because just like this poll she gets forgotten by everyone. I don’t think any other killer gets denied their power like her. It’s sad.

  • RainbowPatooie
    RainbowPatooie Member Posts: 322
    The Legion

    Since the "nerf/buff" to Legion, their power has become almost useless. There's almost no reason to play them over any other killer.

  • icemancat
    icemancat Member Posts: 150
    The Trapper


    He may not be the weakest out of the killers listed, but all I think he really needs is to just start with all of his traps. I think it would just be a nice quality of life update for him since he wouldn't need to go through the hassle of having to walk to every individual trap, pick it up, and then set it.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316
    The Legion

    Plague can be a bit weak, but she is honestly quite fine. Better than Legion imho. She has strong add-ons too. She doesn't need a rework. Maybe a small buff, but she is fine.

    Legion needs buffs ASAP.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    She wasn't put on this poll because she doesn't need a massive Rework/Buff like these Killers do.

    These Killers have been like this for months, or even YEARS before they've seen any change. (Not all of them of course) and that's why they were chosen and The Plague was not.

    The Plague can actually be very dangerous due to how people would rather risk it by not healing than heal in-general. Either way if they heal or not she can be very dangerous due to her Vile Purge Upgrade, or because everyone is put into the Injured state leaving them to be one shot downed. If everyone is hurt, it creates deadlocks in the map where no pallets are, and that can lead to a big issue.

    Killers like The Clown for example have no map pressure, LeatherFace gets pushed over by Red Rankers, Wraith is still just an M1 Killer despite being invisible... Pig is PURE M1 with a stalling ability, Legion deserves justice to be quite honest, and Trapper is the face of DBD and he's quite weak compared to others...

    All in all, these Killers I picked are the most commonly asked to be Reworked/Buff'ed so that's why they're on the list... I hardly ever see anyone say Plague could use a buff.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616
    The Wraith

    This time i used my bias 100%.

    I mean, i only play him and enjoy him greatly, so naturally i want him to be even better ASAP. 😁

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    The Cannibal (LeatherFace)

    Hey, a votes a vote my friend ha ha.

  • RainbowPatooie
    RainbowPatooie Member Posts: 322
    The Legion

    Honestly they all need some work but I think legion needs it the most atm.