generators get done waaaaay too fast! I just got done playing a game with ruin and dying light(5 stacks) and they still got the gens done in less than 9 minutes!
9 minutes isn't that bad lol
True bad gen times is me watching a streamer get a down in 45-50 seconds but 2-3 gens pop.
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Yea, that's when it's bad is when doing a great or even solid chase, you get em down and DING DING DING, or DING DING *hook, start to look for next Survivor* DING
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That isn’t that bad.
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Gens are sadly way too fast we need a second objectiv already.
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9 minutes?
I play both sides and see NO issue with 9 minutes.
Git Gud
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9 minutes is pretty decent, but the question is how were you playing?
If you were hooking people left and right, making sure they DONT do gens, that's underatandabke why you're upset.
If you were sitting in the basement, Insidious camping a hook with Bubba like a c*nt WHILE the survivor has Kindred, then yeah people are gonna do gens a lot faster.
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I would like to see getting all gens done in 9min LOL thats a dream for Killers.
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"git gud" it's hard to be "gud" when youre a rank 6 killer going against rank 3s and 4s
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Keep trying. Your not entitled to kills. Earn them.
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I think there are a lot of new killers, that are relying on perks and slow downs, instead of just learning ways to create map pressure. People recommend the best way to practice a killer is perk-less even. I mean trying to slow the game down is a strategy, but I'd also try other ways and practice different things. I found great advice in youtube videos, and even watching twitch streamers, some are great and also answer questions etc. There's more to just "slowing" the game down. When I play survivor I am more scared of the people that aren't using ruin, because a lot of those games its a 5 gen 4k. It just really depends.
Like my personal recommendation is not relying on any "crutch" and that goes for survivor and killer. Try to go without it, see how you do, practice. There's nothing wrong with using them, but if you practiced without, you will probably be even better with it, or you get better that you don't even want or need those things anymore, and then you are more open to try and experiment with different builds for fun or even a challenge.
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Yeah gen speeds are annoying but 9 mins is nothing to complain about.
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9 mins is the length where if you made one more decent play the game could have been extended much longer..... there is something missing to the game though... because can get teams that snap their fingers and the game is over.... sometimes the gens are finished in less then 4mins..
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That's actually the best way to git gud. The quickest way to improve your skills in a game is to learn to play with opponents who are better than you.
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What do you recommend time wise for a generator? And I am asking about one person on a gen without using a tool kit or any perks. As of right now that would take a person 80 seconds to complete. How much would you increase that? I can understand making it 90 seconds. Even then you also have to think about balance. The more you increase the time the more perks and abilities will effect it. Ruin's 5%, Pop goes the weasel's 25%, Brand new part's 15%/5%, etc right now Ruin will set back 4 secs per skill check, if you double to 160 secs then each skill check reduces it 8 secs. At the same time you have no change in killer chase time. So killers that are able to 4k as the system is with 2-3 gens getting finished will now be constantly 4k with no gens completed, and let us be honest, yes this game should be balanced towards the killer, but the survivors should be able to get at least 1-2 gens done even on a 4k.
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Let's pretend there was a difference between rank 6 and 4/3 in a game that resets ranks literally EVERY - SINGLE - MONTH.
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That's not bad at all.
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People are really still crying about gen speed when Pop,DyingLight,Thana are in the game come on man you gotta be trolling at this point.
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Bra, my suggestion is then ditch ruin and dying light. Gens will pop regardless, find the 3 closest together and make those your priority, while using perks that help you find and track survivors.
One counter to the "gen rush" (which is really just them doing their job) is to keep your 3 defended while poking out to pressure the other ones. E-v-e-r-y killer can us this as a base tactic while spicing it up with their own preferences.
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Perks are supposed to be "perks" and not:
"wannabe game fixes that you have to run in order to even have a chance to play a normal game against experienced/determined players"
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I mean while i agree they are still in game so might as well use them if you hate quick gens.
Also if we can get real for a moment they are not gonna change anything in regards to it when they just designed perks for it.
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This is my stock response to threads that are so mind-numbingly stupid and/or pointless that they do not merit actual engagement.