Looks like BHVR wants me to not play weaker killers
You got a pip, I fail to see the problem.
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I didn't double pip simply because I couldn't score max points in chaser because if you trap someone in a chase it counts as the chase being lost. So probably think before commenting next time mate.
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I still don’t get what is wrong, hillbilly and insta-down in general have chaser hurt, this isn’t only a Trapper thing. You still wouldn’t of been guaranteed a double pip btw, think about that before insulting people.
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Don't get so easily offended mate, these discussions are about constructive feedback which in your first post you provided nothing of. The difference between Trapper and the likes of Billy is that when Billy saws someone it is seen as the chase won and therefore contributes to the chaser emblem. When a Trapper is chasing soneone and they step in a trap it counts as the chase lost, thus not contributing to the emblem. Can't put it much simpler than that.
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Billy is still heavily punished for chainsawing, you don’t have to be offended for something to be an insult, why isn’t this common knowledge? You still pipped, if they are going into traps quickly then you aren’t technically chasing much so your chaser won’t be high.
Off-topic isn’t the right section for feedback btw.
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Both of you, stop. You're just throwing insults at this point.
@OP, Groot is right. This issue isn't trapper only.
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Yeah, because if they don't keep the DLC coming, people will stop paying. No money = unable to support all the cool features planned, plus old ones.