Dear BHVR refund PS4 the BP we lost due to a glitch

Hello everyone, I think you all need to know about a glitch that started in the latest update that have already caused you to lose thousands of BP for ps4 users.
This is the situation: you play a game and you escape and when you are the last survivor the killer dc or does something odd and you are not awarded your survival points, it is quite common it happened to me 12 times since I started to notice on Saturday the 28th afternoon.
This is the escape
this is the emblem system that has registered the escape correctly
This is the issue: the game does NOT award you the escape BP
and this is another example of the same thing
Be vigilant folks because this situation has probably happened to you as well!
I emailed support but nothing so far.
@Peanits @not_Queen @Patricia @Almo any official statement about this?
I would like my BP back please
I randomly stop gaining devotion level on top of this glitch... which devotion isnt as important but still ugly to see happen.... like I'll finish a match and devotion will come up and not level and itll stay like this for multiple matches until I finally decide to reset my game...
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oh gosh... this is something I never paid attention to, I guess another problem to report to support
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Yup, on top of the unknown error, on top of the egc timer not counting down, on top of finding a lobby but getting kicked back to your lobby, on top of 1 of your SWF not joining the same lobby as you or just not joining, on top the terrible frame drops when playing killer, on top, on top of, on top of...... "deep breaths, deep breaths".......
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Oh lord this update has been so detrimental for the game :(
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Yeah don't tell me, I wonder how much I lost on Friday since I played all my streamers that day :(
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If you escape or die before the killer DC problem you get the levels to your devotion.
Yeah I get the bloodpoints, but no level to my devotion.
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It would be nice if they did like what fortnite does like reward of blood points to say hey guys we apologise for the mess we made thanks for your loyalty.
Just something PlayStation is really bad atm
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Gosh... So annoying
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It needs to happen, it's not our fault that this game is buggier than a dune buggy
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Tell me about
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I thought it was just in my head that my devotion wasn’t goin up. Good to see someone else has noticed too. I play ps4 too.
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Same here. I kept thinking "huh, shouldn't I have leveled that up by now?" but then kept forgetting to check 😓
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Holy moly :( I wonder if we can get points back
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Also noticed this. I can't imagine how may points and xp I've lost over this glitch.
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Not noticed the devotion mine seems fine but it would hurt them to give us console people some blood points for the mess this patch has done for both sides. But they won't sadly
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You should just get bonus because dwight is adorable lol 🐷❤️
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I hope not
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Bloodhunt should be extended.
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I absolutely agree!!
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not to be a party pooper but this has been happening forever, sure it sucks but only happens sometimes when a killer dc’s. I agree they should fix it but asking for a refund is just asking for free points considering you didnt really lose anything.
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It happened to me 12 times in three days, it is pretty frequent
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Wow i wasn't aware of this, Peanits did say that they do have a couple hotfixes planned though, hope they come soon. PS4 fps has tanked since this update came out then there's the camera being slower for killers as well....
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ps4 is broken or else i would be playing on ps4 since my computer is potatoe, this thread convice me in my choice
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I hope they will fix things soon, it is unfair
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Survival points and player xp points NOT being award due to this bug, also if you are running WGLF you do NOT get your post game bloodpoints. I already know they're not giving us anything, I don't expect it anymore. I am pretty disappointed with this bloodhunt and I really hope the devs just fix this, it looks really bad on their part to have this annoying bug especially with the Stranger Things DLC and free week special bringing in so many new players.
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I noticed points missing too during the weekend, super annoying but I doubt they'll do anything about it to give us our missing BP that we earned.
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I lost so many as well. Even impacts the red rank pips because sometimes you need that escape to put you over the black pip or into black..... Between this issue and the lobby system not loading everyone in SWF or the timer freezing in the killer lobby. This patch needs a hotfix stat!
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this update has been pretty rough :(
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You are such a baby! Are you seriously asking for lost BP TO THE DEVS!?!! like ######### is wrong with you, they dont owe you sht, play the freaking game and shut up.
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They really shouldn't, they cant fix every little detail, and this pussy over brings up lost blood points, like ######### l.
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Yeah. I've stopped playing survivor. Won't go back until they make some fixes.
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You're telling people to shut up and play the game when it's currently taking BP earned during the game? Dude, you should promote the game more often.
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I did not notice the lost BP but there had been matches where I lost items. Escaped through the door, this glitch hit and I lost the key I had.
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There was a match where I was the last survivor left, I got mori'd, and I kept the item I found in the match.
Apparently, these glitches have the game acting like it's opposite day.
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Yep can confirm it is happening. On top of all the others mentioned pipping is broken as well... No BP, Pips, Lobby Issues, Devotion Issues, Rank Random Resets, Nat Type Issues, Game Crashes, EGC Timer Issue, Mend Timer Issue, Healing Bug, Optimization/fps issues, Matchmaking... I think it's high time PS players get some love.
🤞I'm hoping it's soon because I'd like to play during the Halloween event 🎃
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such eloquence and beautiful choice of words ... I do not feel entitled to answer...
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Get a ticket. Prepare to sit and wait like Beetlejuice in the afterlife 😄
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Eh I tried but no answer that's why I posted
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Have you tried stealing the hunter with the shrunken head's ticket?
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I knew that if you were to last to escape, the game would say instantly that the connection to the host was lost and it was annoying, but I had not seen that we lost BP and would not get the exp points. That really sucks! This patch really brought a lot of bugs with it.
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How is it playstations issue if it's on a game that spans multiple consoles?
Even if its JUST the ps4 versions, that's code the developers wrote and put out, not sony.
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Never an apology from bhvr for the hundreds of BP we lost :(
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I can understand what your saying totally but it seems the amount of bugs on console is drastically different to pc but I could be wrong. Personally I was responding to a ps4 issue but I feel every platform should be rewarded a blood point reward for this.. Due to the insane amount of bug issues just in good faith you know.
Truly ment no disrespect in my comment ❤️🐖
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Im on pc and i lost around 200k bp since the update lol
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despicable! sorry to hear that :(
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Oh neither did I, just being blunt about why I dont think we can entirely blame sony lol.
If anything, blame the dev teams assigned to ps4 ports.
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Let me just add the Daily Ritual bug ever since the ST DLC, that got no mention of being fixed in the new hotfix.
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Yep, same on xbox. I submitted a ticket and was told progress and blood points even with proof are lost forever as they have no obligation and aren't allowed to fix their problem if it's a bug
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Thousands? Do you mean hundreds of thousands?
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Possible, I'm sure I lost close to 100k in the blood hunt