Dear BHVR refund PS4 the BP we lost due to a glitch

Hello everyone, I think you all need to know about a glitch that started in the latest update that have already caused you to lose thousands of BP for ps4 users.

This is the situation: you play a game and you escape and when you are the last survivor the killer dc or does something odd and you are not awarded your survival points, it is quite common it happened to me 12 times since I started to notice on Saturday the 28th afternoon.

This is the escape

this is the emblem system that has registered the escape correctly

This is the issue: the game does NOT award you the escape BP

and this is another example of the same thing

Be vigilant folks because this situation has probably happened to you as well!

I emailed support but nothing so far.

@Peanits @not_Queen @Patricia @Almo any official statement about this?

I would like my BP back please

