Generator Rush Meta

I think most of us who like to play killer have noticed that it is incredibly easy for a mildly compitent group of survivors to generator rush and get out easy peasy. Now, an easy way to counter this is to play one of the OP killers. Plain and Simple. However I REEEALLY want to play The Pig, easily one of the bottom tier killers. Does anyone know of any plans to change this meta, or any buffs to the killers that are basically garbage? Please let me know if so.
Meta is when you use loadouts or sth like this.
But gens go too quick in every game, this has nothing to do with a "meta" since the survivor just have to sit down at a gen and press M1.If you wanna play your garbage killers, then I suggest you derank before doing so. I am doing the same now, devs are balancing the game around low rank, then I will stay in the low ranks in order to have fun^^
The only counter to genrush I can think of is NOED. Ruin is just a bad joke, usually it is gone before I can even find it..... so hard to see its aura nowadays
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The best perk against it right now is Ruin. If you aren't playing any of the viable killers, it's your best option, but it's incredibly unreliable. Overcharge helps keep tabs on the gens but it's not the best early game when there's so many generators to keep an eye on. Thanatophobia slows things down a little bit, but it's barely a difference so it's not worth the perk slot. Dying Light doesn't take affect until after the obsession is sacrificed so unless you take them out quick, it's not much help. At the moment, there's no solid counterplay to it besides playing Nurse or Hillbilly. As for what the devs have said about it, I don't think they've said much on the subject. But with the coming nerfs to survivors, I think they're working on fixing chases since one of the biggest factors of genrushing is chases lasting too long.
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The easy solution would be to nerf Deja vu. They can't complete the gens if they can't find them!
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@SharpHandJoe said:
The easy solution would be to nerf Deja vu. They can't complete the gens if they can't find them!As crazy as this sounds, I swear I've seen this suggestion before.
Also, bring NOED if you don't want to bring ruin. Like you said, gen rush is meta right now. Why? Because no one wants to do anything else or feels like there's nothing else to do. Punish them for not doing totems and remind them that those secondary objectives exist. People shame the use of NOED, but it's honestly the survivors fault if they don't want to use time to ensure it never even has a chance to activate and is perfect to use for that reason.