What trapper buff is most important?

thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164

Trapper needs some help. Which should be first?

What trapper buff is most important? 48 votes

Rework disarming mechanics to apply pressure
GibberishAcesthetiicDoofy_GDecember_1863djsponge10GRIG0 6 votes
Traps always deal a point of damage, downing injured survivors who free themselves
JkkolakodiakyBlueberry[Deleted User]thekiller490490ZackAndCodyXendritchSlan 8 votes
Better trap spawns on maps to help trapper set up
White_OwlArk_the_BonsaiSlaughterhouse3Bigfoot_HunterDimekOMagic_ManOVassyleDarkskiesAngryFluffyRIP_LegionMattie_MayhemOGMewishisSlingshot47qnyun 14 votes
Nothing, trapper is fine
Fynexx 1 vote
None of these changes are how I would change trapper.
PandombrokedownpalaceMaelstrom10anarchy753KrallexEaNuclearBurritoBoosted_DwightYaiPaNullSp3cTKTKErshAhoyWolfChaddad2169Creepingcam1070[Deleted User]Alice_pbgDicklayciaSsajbambusa 19 votes


  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867
    Better trap spawns on maps to help trapper set up

    I'm not sure if it's the correct choice. I just feel his biggest issue is his set up time taking far too long. I'd also love for him to have trapper bag baseline and a way to reset traps without having to first pick them up.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943
    None of these changes are how I would change trapper.

    I'd give him all his traps in the beginning, no other killer has to go and pick up there power like he does and make him waste time.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556
    None of these changes are how I would change trapper.

    Make escaping traps time based instead on rng based. To make it consistent.

    2 traps as base wouldn't hurt either

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    None of these changes are how I would change trapper.

    None of these changes tbh. +1 Trap to start with and he is fine.

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 357
    Traps always deal a point of damage, downing injured survivors who free themselves

    I would do anything to punish survivors who step on a trap, even if they are injured. Not exactly apoint of damage, but inflicting deep wound yo everyone who falls on a trap would be nice, punishing and would make trapoer hace some sort of slowdown, as he lacks mapa pressure and can be easily genrushed.

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305
    Better trap spawns on maps to help trapper set up

    Hate to be that person, but you do realize this thread is 2 years old right? Instead of reviving new threads of this kind I would just make a new one if I were you.

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 357
    Traps always deal a point of damage, downing injured survivors who free themselves

    Yeah, gotta start looking at the dates lol

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496
    edited June 2022
    None of these changes are how I would change trapper.

    Very simple change:

    Trapper hitbox stay the same when interacting with enviroment or survivors (so he is normal killer), but trap use smaller, survivor-sized hitbox to detect trapper. This would prevent situations when seemingly perfectly placed trap (especially on a window) does not trigger when survivor vaults, but does trigger when killer vaults...

    Edit: Making untrapping random again would help. This whole 'reduction of randomness' was straight up nerf. Stepping into a trap and then untrapping yourself on the first attempt is faster than disarming the trap - which makes no sense.

    Edit2: Yes I did notice it is old thread bumped up... this doesn't change the fact that trapper is still on the very bottom of the roster.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    None of these changes are how I would change trapper.

    I would make traps more adaptable to where they're placed. Like if they're between two close objects, you simply cannot go between those two objects without being trapped.

    None of this "it was 1 pixel too far to the left so the survivor can run past it, but the killer is trapped" bullshit.