
So Killers aren't allowed to use those if they don't want to be called sweaty?
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Imagine having three decisive and two keys in a team, and complaining for an ebony.
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The game should be fun for everyone. Itโs not fun for survivors to be hooked then tunneled JUST TO TO BE KILLED. itโs no fun. You get no BPโ must be slow. Or a sweat yourself.
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Imagine ignoring the problem and trying to blame survivors for Killers being toxic.
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Imagine bringing two keys and then messaging the Killer afterwards, TRYING to provoke a reaction lol
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Imagine a mori, a 1 shot down character, with tracking perks AND gen regression...HOW WOULD YOU USE THE KEY?! ๐๐ I SURVIVED AND FOUND HATCH AND I PICKED UP THE KEY FROM MY DEAD TEAMMATE. Donโt forget the camping and tunneling.
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Maybe he shouldnโt have been toxic.
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You are seriously complaining about a Bubba... any credibility you had is gone. He CLEARLY just got Bubba, he doesn't even have BBQ 3. His loadout is awful, he knows it. He probably did it for a daily. Move on with your life.
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I saw both sides go "sweaty" during this event. Survivors brought instaheals, keys, metaperks. Killers brought Ruin, NOED, and moris. Both sides played to win. It's a game, in general the goal of a game is to win. Sure, it's nice when both sides team up and play to maximize points for everyone, but that's not how the game is actually supposed to be played.
It's not toxic to use the tools of the game to attempt to win.
Except old DS. Old DS was toxic as [VERY VERY BAD WORD].
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EEk. I just got done with my Evil Incarnate Steam Achievement ... *see's self out*
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Oh, so you can see the future? You knew he was going to be toxic, so you brought keys? He wasn't "toxic." He was playing the game. If you don't like it, leave.
You are an absolute idiot if you think that people here are dumb enough to believe that it was the Killer being toxic. This is a baby Bubba, playing Purple Ranks and YOU messaged him, salty about losing. Get a life man.
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Actually, since the killer can see the survivors in the lobby pre-game, it's very probable he saw the two keys and figured the survivors were not going to be fun to play against. It's very possible he only burned the mori because of those keys.
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He was a prestige three so nice try
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Prestige 3 bubba isnโt a baby killer. Hush.
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Nah, just started playing like a month ago. Still trying to figure out what the community considers fair and not in this game. But apparently if somebody uses something in the game that makes you lose your allowed to call them sweaty. God forbid anybody should actually try and win a match with the best items they have.
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At this point bringing any item in is a risk unless you have white ward.
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I agree with @TragicSolitude
I don't think it is toxic to play the game using items/perks that is in the game. If it's a part of the game, it's fair use. I think more of the problem is people take things too personally. If the dev's choose to remove them or alter them in the future that's their decision, but right now it is what it is. Try not to let it get to you.
Don't hate the player, hate the game?
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Iโm gonna hate the player and the game because the player KNOWS what theyโre doing and knows theyโre gonna make someone mad...AND THE GAMES ALLOWING IT.
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Bringing a mori to kill someone using a key is toxic?
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But... you could make the exact same argument about the key. So either all OP items and addons are toxic, or none of them are. Pick one.
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If he saw the keys he shouldโve just put on franklins demise. NOT bring in an ebony mori and down, hook, proxy camp, tunnel, and mori ALL 3 OF MY TEAMMATES. itโs TOXIC. STOP TRYING TO SAY ITS NOT PEOPLE. ๐
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Yup. Only time I ever brought an ebony mori, it was because I recognized the names of an SWF group I'd gotten rolled by earlier that day and saw they brought 3 toolboxes this time.
I was like NOT TODAY, SATAN.
That said, I think a lot of survivors and killers are blaming each other for what's essentially an arms race that almost nobody enjoys.
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If the player count was high enough, I would say just create a separate mode for casual games. Keep ranked and casual matches separate.
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This guy is what makes survivor mains look bad.
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Do you know he has Franklin's demise? Not everyone has every perk.
Also if him camping worked, that's kinda on you guys. Especially with keys and way more so if yall were swf.
If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it in the dictionary between ######### and syphilis. Not here.
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You can't really call this Killer toxic when you're also toxic. You tried to provoke him after the match was done. Once he responded, you took a screenshot & tried to show us that he was in the wrong & then go to the forums to complain & be like "Why do the Devs allow this?!?!?!". I'd say he was justified to bring a Mori for you & face toxic with toxic seeing that you guys were a SWF that had two Keys ready for use, 3 Decisive Strikes & two Dead Hards.
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So far, I've only used moris for Daily Rituals or when trying to get the mori-all-four-survivors achievement. If the devs made secret offerings truly secret, so that survivors wouldn't see the killer burn an offering at all, then I might use them occasionally for a "surprise!" factor, in place of the third hooking.
When I'm a survivor and a killer burns a mori, I try to view it as a chance to see a nifty animation instead of just going on a boring hook. I only wish some of the moris were cooler, or that BHVR would allow players to buy new moris for their killers. Spice things up, give us some variety.
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A key can only be used when hatch is spawned, a Mori is used immediately after a unhook. Definitely not the same.
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We use the โOPโ key. To avoid NO ONE ESCAPES avoid end game collapse. ๐๐ not to be toxic. 9 times outta 10 WE CANT EVEN MAKE IT TO GET A HATCH ESCAPE EARLY BECAUSE KILLERS STEADY CAMP AND TUNNEL. Thereโs literally nothing we can do..Itโs gotten to the point where we cant even get all 5 gens done. And you wanna say keys are toxic. ๐๐ thatโs funny. Killers still get more points for killing 2 survivors while the ones whoโs took hatch STILL HAVE BARELY ANY POINTS.
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If a survivor has a end game early button, why can't a killer?
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The man was playing Leatherface, so by default he gets Leatherfaces perks right off the bat.
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If the game makes you that upset maybe you should play something else.
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I don't know whar happened that game, but what I do know is if a survivor has a end game early button killers should to
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I'll burn a mori as a way to honor all the effort put in to creating each killer mori...
Plus, i purposely chose to buy them from the bloodweb in order to use them...
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This game only has like 15k people playing outta like billions ๐ it needs someone to play it cuz huh. They strugglin
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How do survivors have a end game early button
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A key can get 3 survivors out when only 1 gen is left, that is a easy way out of having to play smart and manage a 3 gen situation. So survivors are rewarded for not being able to do the last gen, no worries though a survivor brought a key and its 3 man escape without all the hassle of actually playing the game, it is a end game early button. Killers should be able to use Moris if survivor's can use keys, Insta heals, and brand new parts. Simple as that.
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Also probably because it's fun to see the mori animations every now and then, we don't know what anyone is thinking during the game other than yourself. Pretty insane to call someone unironically toxic without knowing their intentions or state of mind.
Just because people blind me after a pallet drop or insta heal doesn't mean they're toxic or trying to get under my skin or something.
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Thought he was hillbilly, just based off some the other replies. I wouldn't know how to tell one way or the other though as I play neither chainsaw guy.
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Anyone want some popcorn
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So having to finish 5 gens to use a key is a end game button? Wow it's official guys you can end game after completing 5 gens. See how stupid you ######### sound.
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Because all the toxic people just sit around in these forums all day and wait for a someone to complain about something.
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You have to do 4 if all 5 people are alive, 3 if 4 are alive, and so on and so on. Y'all must be new to the game. Glhf and stop being bullies ๐
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Rank 8 currently but go on, I wanna hear more about me.
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You really can't call these people toxic when you're trash talking people who respond to you... You're claiming that killers & everyone responding to you are toxic. Yet you're sitting here so survivor sided to the point that you don't truly care for anyone's opinion unless they have the same attitude as you...
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Nah. You need 5 gens if all survivors are alive. 4 gens for 3. 3 gens done for 2. And 2 gens for 1.
4s=5g, 3s=4g, 2s=3g, 1s=2g for hatch to spawn.
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
They most certainly are. Example: Trying to get the Tombstone Myers achievement. I was doing a lot of work to not only tier up but also slow gen progress while keeping all four survivors alive. I managed it. Kept them from finishing the gens. I Tombstoned two survivors. Suddenly, I'm all alone and the match is over. All that work I did, nullified by one dumb key out of a chest. Thanks, RNG.
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Not only that but if they close hatch you can reopen it with a key once the killer runs away to a door. Keys op.