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Why are achievements not retroactive

Greed Member Posts: 1

As someone that constantly tried to get all achievements unlocked it's super annoying to get an achievement like taking one for the team is there a reason there not retroactive?


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    Not that i'm aware of, the achievement itself really is unique when it comes to being the only one that takes the longest as well as being its own stand-alone progress.

    The achievement requires a lot of time and dedication to really get it unlocked, while also keeping the Survivor within a good state of mind when it comes to protecting and helping his teammates.

    I can't give you an exact answer on why it isn't as easy nor is it retroactive with the other achievements, but I can say for sure that the achievements intentions was to symbolize the character it was attached to, as if you're unaware...

    Spoiler alert... but not really...

    Around Left 4 dead 2, Bill actually is seen dead in one of the later levels of the game... Which is why he ties together with his achievement and overall with the game as someone who's canonically dead, but also somewhere else in a different universe. (That part where he's in DBD isn't canon i'm pretty sure...)

    So in turn, the achievement is on the right track with what its supposed to symbolize, but does that make it any less easier? No... the achievement itself is a challenge indeed, and overall is considered the hardest achievement to get, through time and somewhat through skill in some regards as well... As getting these points towards it in a regular match is kinda... hard... to do...