Plague mains, riddle me this.

Jakojo Member Posts: 214

I am curious why I don't see more Plagues using her apple addons. Since not cleansing is definitely the way to go, wouldn't it be good to run an apple for a potential snowball? That with any of her ipecac addons would be amazing, right?

Also! I think the green apple should give two corrupt pools instead of one.


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,267

    It is decent in that scenario.

    However, keep in mind that apple is just 1 pool of which you have to waste time going to pick it up, so you probably aren't in a chase already. Now after you've picked it up and given them a global map que that you did so, you NOW have to find them. If they are even half intelligent they will wait it out and play a little stealthier for its duration. Now it did nothing.

    Realistically it won't be enough to make much of a difference even in those circumstances.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,552

    I have yet to level plague( but she's close), so I don't even have an input.

    Here's the expert


  • dfrenchiee
    dfrenchiee Member Posts: 334

    It is a good add on in certain situations, yes. But it's still only one pool. Usually I just run the increased charge speed and effectiveness add ons.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I suppose it could be useful if you chase someone towards the pool you have, and then pick it up mid chase.

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624

    I use her apple add on with something to make vile purge more effective, like vile emetic or infected emetic. But I only use when I get information of groups of survivors persisting to work in close gens, otherwise, they will try to play stealth and my power will gone

    And honestly, severed toe is even more cruel with the apple

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Idk, some people might want survivors to remain broken, so they can stack Thanatophobia, Dying Light and Pop against them.

  • NinoV1
    NinoV1 Member Posts: 382

    If you save it for late game to get a snowball then it might be ok, using it early on would be kinda pointless.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I finally got around to using Plague. I'm getting the impression really fast that using the pools the moment they become available generally a bad idea because their positioning can cost you time.

    I think it's generally better to let the pools build up if you got people cleansing, and just use them anytime more than 2 are used. That way you have a better chance of catching a pool midchase or near a hook/generator you were at anyway.

    So to me, the apple seems okay, but i'm not sure I'd call it a game changer.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Her apple add-on can be quite useful especially at Red Ranks where most people don't cleanse at all. It's already hard enough to hide because if the "Green stink cloud" effect and the constant coughing and vomiting...

    Add this with the "Super Vomit" from that fountain being unclean, and you can drop literally 4 Survivors instantly if they're close together... It's very scary indeed.