Jenners breath or whatever it is sneak peak

I mean. It certainly looks interesting. Consume a blink to go back to where you were before your blink In order to not have some counterplay be "run at nurse when Blinking" (lower rank nurses . High rank one's this doesn't work. )
This add on looks healthy for newer nurses as its essentially a rewind (ish) and for older nurse players they'll find a creative way to use it. Good job. Now please tell me your favourite cereal
I really don't know when I would use it but its something.
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Corn with Honey. Or Chocolate patties.
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Raisin Bran Crunch
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At least it's better than his current version even if i use it sometime with additionnal blink to counter the downside.
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Sounds interesting.
Also coco pops.
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Sounds pretty nice
I love cinnamon toast crunch
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I kinda like it.
Honey nut Cheerios.
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I think it’s a thing so console doesn’t have to turn 180 degrees to go back so they made this add on for support to console. I like it :D
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Where is this info at?
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Hell naw; they eviscerated my baby, Jenner's Last Breath. What did it ever do to you, devs? Go pick on Kavanagh's Last Breath or something.
I'm a sweet, puffy cereal-type person.
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Nurse: Blinks
Survivor: Turns around and goes the other way
Nurse: It's rewind time
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It's an interesting idea, though I'm not sure how weakening counterplay really contributes to the goal of making Nurse less overpowered.
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This would be really helpful during those moments when survivors double back over pallets after you blink.
I'm a lactard so I can't really eat it but cinnamon toast crunch, cocoa pebbles.
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Raisin Bran. Used to really dig Apple Jacks, no idea what happened to them
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Apple Jacks were the jam