Bluefang's Tier List

"Bluefangs" bait list
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Solid Tier List. Bravo! 👏👏
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I assume this is either bad bait or a list based on how fun he thinks each killer is
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Plottwist: Hes playing on mobile phone :)
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Your just mad I put Legion at the bottom!
This is not bait, I am fully serious. I'm basing my tier list off of how much fun I have playing these killers, their playstyles and variety, design, how fun they are for survivors to play against, perk and add-on builds, etc and also how effective they are when used properly for most of them
However I would like to note Spirit, billy, and nurse are not weighed on their "effectiveness" only their fun factor
The only one I'm unsure about is Freddy, I played his rework a lot in the first two weeks but after that I just sort of stopped. I spent months prior learning his old design and mechanics, he was the first killer I used that got to me Rank 1 and the achievement. I think I'm still just sort of bitter all of that time and practice went down the drain, and while he may be fun I still miss the Old Freddy. Even if this one is more I guess "fitting" to Freddy than the old design
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trapper stronger than nurse is were this tier list becomes 100% accurate
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Trapper requires more concentration, map knowledge, and reading than Nurse ever does
If you run into a Trapper main with as much hours as some of those Nurse mains
You will become paranoid at even the smallest patch of grass
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I love how many people are taking this so seriously
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It's meant to be serious
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I meant that they take it so personal
Like it somehow changes something that you like some killers over others
Tier lists should be subjective, like yours
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That is actually true
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Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no
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You seem to be one of the very few to be in the know that Wraith's pretty much god.
Good on you! 👍️
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I'm not saying that
For example, consider if he's a low rank survivor
Baby Nurses and Spirits are easy to deal with
Or what if he's ranking them by personal preference?
If that was so I'd also rank Wraith top tier, he's my favourite
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play who you enjoy
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I'm trying to say that people shouldn't be annoying just because they disagree.
I hope we are all mature people here, so let's have a calm discussion instead of attacking others for believing different things
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At a certain point blinking just becomes instinct and knowledge of range, much like knowing Hit/Lunge range. Nurse doesn't face any map related hazards beyond line of sight being broken
With Trapper you have to a comprehensive understanding of tiles, gen locations, and understanding of how the survivors in the match play
On top of minimizing time waste, knowing when to place down a trap, abandon it, pick one up. Trapper may have an easier skill floor than Nurse but his skill ceiling is easily way higher and more engaging than Nurse. There's a ton of depth and levels to Trapper's gameplay that Nurse who eventually boils down to blink and hit can never reach
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Nah dude, everything you’re saying is wrong. Nurse has to know the map to blink correctly. In fact everything you said nurse doesn’t have to know or account for she has to account to the Nth degree over trapper. Trapper places a trap hoping someone will step in it over minutes of gameplay, nurse has to predict movements, playstlye, jukes, terrain, and obstacles at a particular moment in time. As far as map hazards, you mess up your blink you get stunned for longer than trapper stepping in his own trap.
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Wraith is just worse Spirit.
Dunno why he's so high.
Not gonna say anything else, because it's all skewed. But it's just your opinion.
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I think he based it in fun.
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Yeah. It's their opinion. Do I strongly disagree with this list?
Yes. But I respect their opinion.