What's your strategy against SWF

First off; I'm not an amazing player. I'm trying to grind Trapper to level 50 right now and am only ranked 16. Most games 1 or no survivors escape. However about every 3rd game I come across a team that I'm pretty sure is SWF and sometimes using voice comm and I get destroyed. I stopped bothering to ask in chat but it's usually pretty obvious. Typically everyone escapes. If I get one person I usually have to tunnel or camp (which I don't like to do). So I'm curious what other killers do to counter the typical SWF/VC disadvantages?
accepting my destiny
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Gitting gud
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I don't even look with who I'm playing with,I just try my hardest.
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If they run OoO pretend to place a trap, they'll spend ages trying to look for a nonexistent trap, don't chase the smart player for too long (unless they're all smart :P)
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Just learn to play nurse or spirit (easier and on par with nurse) and you'll win every game no matter how good survivors are
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I just play normally
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Search for their weakest link and exploit them to force other players to take hits for them.
You can only capitalize on survivors' mistakes,and so against an SWF you need to twist their social bonds to force more mistakes.
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Dc ing
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I generally play the same way against a SWF now. Slug the unhooked and chase the unhooker or visa versa. Leave the unhooked on the ground and place the unhooker on the hook. Find another survivor this puts 4 people out of the game momentarily. Since survivor 4 needs to get the slugged guy.
Who cares if there SWF or not if they cant do anything.
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Try to keep track of how many players you're occupying.
If a survivor is:
- Dead
- On a Hook
- On the Ground
- Being Chased
- Going for a save
- Mending
- Healing
...then they aren't on generators.
Take actions that allow you to occupy more survivors time at once; for example, if you intercept somebody on their way to a hook save, you force one more survivor to get off gens and go for the save, and that's 3 people off gens.
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The two things that are effective for me are to first take advantage of altruism. If they are SWF and not super try hards they are going to get that unhook. Learn to take advantage of that. BBQ and Chili is a god send for this as you will know the general location of every one.
Secondly the 3 gen strat. Find the three closest together and easiest to patrol gens. Pay attention also to the areas around the gens. What are the survior routes? Any safe vaults/pallets? What are the Loops? Once you've done that try and control the map pressure to have all other gens done but these three. You still need to be putting people on hooks and going for kills. the balance is not easy to find to be honest and map awareness is key. Once that's done you can defend the gens a lot easier. Hopefully netting a 4k
general perks to use would be anything that slows the game or a location of survivors. BBQ, Hex: Ruin, Dying Light, and Surveillance being my preferred perks for these( I personally dont use them all at once). No One Escapes Death can give you that edge in the end game if they aren't clearing totems.
Hopefully this helps!
Now I'm not the best player here alot of people will probably give you better information and tips. I don't play trapper so i cant help there. Good luck and happy hunting.
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3 gen strat, smack the people who are unhooked before going after the unhooker, don’t chase the people trying to be chased, break as many pallets as possible early game, patrol gens and kick more often, break chases on any difficult loop unless two people are together—- all the rest are character dependent. On trapper trap the exit gates when 3 gens are completed, trap hooks generously, try to keep as many people as possible busy. If you can turn two of them or the whole game you’ll win 99% of the time
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Slug it up my man
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Normal game, normal play
Clans get a taste of a mori
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dodge the lobbies. SWF is just unfair with how cordinated they are, so I just don't bother usually.
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Leave good loopers go, find an easy prey (every team has one), tunnel this player and then play a fair 3v1 no tunneling no camping match.
Use perks like Corrupt Intervention to close 3 gens and get 2 minutes of practically free injuring (injure, don't down, they will waste time healing afterwards) survivors to spot the proper first prey.
Who do you play as, depending on it I could recomend specific perks.
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haha, I've never done it, but when I'm getting shut out it's tempting. At least they won't get more points and pips
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this is all good stuff. I use whispers to figure out where they are. Don't have BBQ on him yet, but soon hopefully
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The lower you get on the ranks the harder it is. So start using "slow down perks" sloppy butcher and dying light, hex ruin n keep it moving. But even with all that there well be a team that it won't matter. Its 4 v 1.
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Don't play Trapper.
Get your Billy ON! Especially with NOED.
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Gross to be a Billy so bad u need NoeD
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The counter to toxic flashlighting swf is slugging , they won't stand idle while a teammate is down they will rush to aid them even if they die , this is why camping (though I don't recommend it) works on swf because they don't care to die for a chance to save their friend
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You react. No plan survives first contact with the enemy. If you notice they all heal at relatively the same time, they likely congregated somewhere. Start loosening yout patrol and look for places where they could be healing. Just stuff like that.
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Then I saw their face.
Now I have a Mori.
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Comms: hey he's going for me(change targets to confuse messages) , he's kicked the gen let's work on it when he leaves (comes back after 10 seconds), I don't know where he is come get me (really early save made), I'll 99 the gate (slug if gates are closed), he doesn't search lockers (I know you might be more tempted to use them)
I predict what the swf might say in comms to trick them into giving teammates really bad information. I like making them think I have a set of perks which I'm not running.
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Get teabagged. Eat pallets. Open the door so they can leave. Cry.
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I will write few tips that may help you @Sleeve :
First, I know you want to reach level 50 with Trapper but try to have Lightborn (Hillbilly) as a teachable before that, it will make your life easier when you are facing SWF teams and flashlights solo users as well.
There are a few infinites loops. If you are facing a SWF team and a survivor is going there then I'ld recommend you to loss the chase and look for another survivor.
Turn before picking a survivor (this way you avoid some flashlights saves and you force them to deplete the flashlight), if possible facing a wall/object .
Act like everybody is running Dead Hard. Mean if they are Injured, walk until you're close to them in order to hit them.
Act like everybody is running Borrowed Time, if something looks too good to be true (a survivor rescuing closer to you) it's because it is. Go for the unhooker... or you can start the chase with the unhooked and wait until you have Bloodlust tier I in order to hit them.
If there is a survivor blinding you while destroying a pallet and you haven't Lightborn, stop chasing him/her, he/she only wants to entertain you.
This is a bit hard to do but it's a good strategy if you perform it well.
If there is a flashlight user that failed to do a save, and they run borrowed time as well, it's probable that they will chase you.When you're walking to a hook, try to look slighty to his side and go back to where you was looking. When you turn, they will turn on their flashlight trying to blind you so in that way you're forcing them to deplete that flashlight but BE CAREFUL about the survivor you're carrying and don't spend much time, because they are struggling and will free from your grasp. You can be more relaxed if you have Iron Grasp.
That's all what I have to tell at the moment.
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be nervous and having anxiety
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Play normally. You get better that way, by knowing what and what not to do against optimal SWFs.
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Capitalize on their Altruism.
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Mori them! Mori them all!!!!
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Camp and tunnel. Only way to stand a chance against good SWF with someone like Trapper.