Legacy for console?

commtech Member Posts: 18
Devs can we get something like legacy for console please? Especially for those of us who have been playing since day 1 on console!


  • Asssthetic
    Asssthetic Member Posts: 203

    I just want Street Meg or at least the pants. I don't know why we can't get it since we got the Claudette's science fair jacket which makes no sense

  • Doom_Punk
    Doom_Punk Member Posts: 371

    Ew no, should have been on PC for that buddy.

  • commtech
    commtech Member Posts: 18
    I don’t mean legacy but something like it exclusive to console would be nice. PC has their exclusives so why not have some kind of exclusive for console!
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    MMhhh are you sure you want exclusive content for consoles, when the regular content takes ages to arrive for consoles? Just asking where your priorities are.

  • Dex_Starr
    Dex_Starr Member Posts: 11

    @Tsulan What do PC players have so far that Consoles players don't?

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @commtech said:
    I don’t mean legacy but something like it exclusive to console would be nice. PC has their exclusives so why not have some kind of exclusive for console!

    PC has their exclusives for two main reasons:

    1) Steam makes it simple to add DLCs (all exclusives are considered separate DLCs by Steam)
    2) Without the success DbD had on PC, there would never have been a console version in the first place.

    There are also other reasons, like the immense grind the game was until November 2016 (Legacy) and Valve not wanting their content on console (Left Behind Paragraph).

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    edited July 2018

    @Dex_Starr said:
    @Tsulan What do PC players have so far that Consoles players don't?

    The Clown
    PS4 players had to wait 3 weeks for that Clown.

  • Dex_Starr
    Dex_Starr Member Posts: 11

    Personally, I think it'd be cool if the survivors had a skin with a faint aura, giving off an aquamarine glow or a turquoise glow

  • Outland
    Outland Member Posts: 535

    No on legacy for consoles, and no on any exclusives for consoles.

    Legacy is a reward to people who played this game when bloodwebs were nuts and still managed to P3. It was dedication like theirs that helped this game continue to be a success. (I don't have any legacy).

    And the Devs have already said that they do not want anymore exclusives, as it only breeds unhappiness from those players of the game that are excluded. It was the whole reason they came up with the Charity Case. There were so many streamer exclusives and the player base was bummed they couldn't get their favourite streamers gear.

    BHVR's stand is to TRY and make everything between PC and both CONSOLES even, including release dates. I know the release dates got hosed this time around but it was their intention to have it all come out at the same time.

  • mdg2018
    mdg2018 Member Posts: 153

    I feel console should get our own version of a "legacy", like 2 console only cosmetics and our own survivor and killers in place of the Death Garden masks and what not, and finally our own survivor I know they have no control over Bill being only PC but still PC gets 11 survivors and we get 10 regardless that we get his perks. Even though i know none of this will happen cause as the devs said "they don't want to do exclusives anymore"

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    No, because BHVR made a promise of no more exclusives and couldn’t keep it at all. 
  • Dex_Starr
    Dex_Starr Member Posts: 11

    There needs to be an ultra instinct skin for players who juke the HELL out of killers

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    Outland said:

    No on legacy for consoles, and no on any exclusives for consoles.

    Legacy is a reward to people who played this game when bloodwebs were nuts and still managed to P3. It was dedication like theirs that helped this game continue to be a success. (I don't have any legacy).

    And the Devs have already said that they do not want anymore exclusives, as it only breeds unhappiness from those players of the game that are excluded. It was the whole reason they came up with the Charity Case. There were so many streamer exclusives and the player base was bummed they couldn't get their favourite streamers gear.

    BHVR's stand is to TRY and make everything between PC and both CONSOLES even, including release dates. I know the release dates got hosed this time around but it was their intention to have it all come out at the same time.

    “No more exclusives” ... *two weeks later* “PC exclusive Death Garden mask for Meg and Trapper!” 

    Yeah... they sure are “trying” real hard.
    Honestly I don't hate the Devs but I really don't believe what they say anymore my main issue is I wouldn't have had a problem If the death garden cosmedics were exclusive to PC what annoys me is how they already stated it "no more exclusives that single out platforms".

    Funny enough that quote came from a response to a question when someone asked are consoles going to get their all exclusives like PC got Bill.

    Event exclusives I'm fine with as long as everyone has a chance to participate and it's not region based or something like that for example the lunar event cosmetics everyone has access to it as long as you were playing during that event.
  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    @Dex_Starr said:
    There needs to be an ultra instinct skin for players who juke the HELL out of killers

    Should be a skin for anyone with DS and a flashlight that gets downed...


  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    PC Superior.

    Console Inferior.

  • ItsDaEmuDood
    ItsDaEmuDood Member Posts: 192

    @SovererignKing said:
    Legacy no, however an exclusive would be nice. They said no more exclusives per platform on a dev stream, then soon after announced the PC exclusive Death Garden mask for Meg and Trapper. 

    If they don't add these cosmetics to console, then they're being hypocrites, but if they do, we might as well get a different cosmetic. Devs, please stop dividing the community.

  • Wicked_Django
    Wicked_Django Member Posts: 128
    Legacy no, however an exclusive would be nice. They said no more exclusives per platform on a dev stream, then soon after announced the PC exclusive Death Garden mask for Meg and Trapper. 
    Those weren’t Dead by Daylight exclusives. Those were Deathgarden exclusives IN Dead by Daylight 😉
  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    @ItsDaEmuDood said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    Legacy no, however an exclusive would be nice. They said no more exclusives per platform on a dev stream, then soon after announced the PC exclusive Death Garden mask for Meg and Trapper. 

    If they don't add these cosmetics to console, then they're being hypocrites, but if they do, we might as well get a different cosmetic. Devs, please stop dividing the community.

    Get a PC then you get exclusives!

  • ItsDaEmuDood
    ItsDaEmuDood Member Posts: 192

    @Vortexas said:

    @ItsDaEmuDood said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    Legacy no, however an exclusive would be nice. They said no more exclusives per platform on a dev stream, then soon after announced the PC exclusive Death Garden mask for Meg and Trapper. 

    If they don't add these cosmetics to console, then they're being hypocrites, but if they do, we might as well get a different cosmetic. Devs, please stop dividing the community.

    Get a PC then you get exclusives!

    Look, not everyone wants to or can play on PC, so we use console. It's not fair if we wanna play our favorite games and get treated differently just because we're using a different platform, because it's supposed to be the same game, and for the most part, it is, but exclusives just take away from that.

  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    @ItsDaEmuDood said:

    @Vortexas said:

    @ItsDaEmuDood said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    Legacy no, however an exclusive would be nice. They said no more exclusives per platform on a dev stream, then soon after announced the PC exclusive Death Garden mask for Meg and Trapper. 

    If they don't add these cosmetics to console, then they're being hypocrites, but if they do, we might as well get a different cosmetic. Devs, please stop dividing the community.

    Get a PC then you get exclusives!

    Look, not everyone wants to or can play on PC, so we use console. It's not fair if we wanna play our favorite games and get treated differently just because we're using a different platform, because it's supposed to be the same game, and for the most part, it is, but exclusives just take away from that.

    Life ain't fair kid.

    Get a PC if you want the goodies, if not then deal with it.

  • mdg2018
    mdg2018 Member Posts: 153

    @Vortexas said:

    @ItsDaEmuDood said:

    @Vortexas said:

    @ItsDaEmuDood said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    Legacy no, however an exclusive would be nice. They said no more exclusives per platform on a dev stream, then soon after announced the PC exclusive Death Garden mask for Meg and Trapper. 

    If they don't add these cosmetics to console, then they're being hypocrites, but if they do, we might as well get a different cosmetic. Devs, please stop dividing the community.

    Get a PC then you get exclusives!

    Look, not everyone wants to or can play on PC, so we use console. It's not fair if we wanna play our favorite games and get treated differently just because we're using a different platform, because it's supposed to be the same game, and for the most part, it is, but exclusives just take away from that.

    Life ain't fair kid.

    Get a PC if you want the goodies, if not then deal with it.

    Are you gonna buy us the PC's?

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    @Goobz said:
    Because console players were late to the party you get nothing. Who cares if you’ve been playing on console since it came out on the platform honestly.. 

    Late to the party elitist? What?

    We didn't get it until later. It's not like some of us had a choice. Try again.