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Your Most Satisfying Killer/Survivor Interactions

VayneHellslinger Member Posts: 47

Ello random forum users. Gather round the campfire and share your stories about that one time you outsmarted or outplayed the enemy, intentionally or not. This is a space for both factions of the community to get together and tell grand tales about how they cucked each other over.

I was playing Pig couple of days back and after a glorious 3 wins in a row it seemed I had finally met my match. The group I was facing was extremely well-coordinated machine. Constant rotations, always someone working on gens, a survivor to play bait; the whole 9 yards. Realizing this I decided to save my traps till the end game when the exit gates were open.

Fast forward to bout 10 minutes later, two had already escaped and the other two had traps on their head. They realize that in order for both to escape in this situation one has to lead me away from the boxes while the other escapes through the gate. As soon as the third person escapes the survivor I'm chasing makes a beeline to the hatch to set up for a standoff. Right as we reach the hatch and get comfy for the next 5-10 minutes I go for a crouch T-bag, I hear it.

beep beep beep

Both of us had forgotten about the bear trap and without any chase to stall the timer it was ticking down again like normal. As soon as both of us realized that fact the survivor went into instant panic mode and tried to jump in before I made the connection. I grabbed her. She disconnected 5 seconds later and the whole rest of the team started trash-talking me for that last kill, all the while I'm wearing the biggest #########-eating grin on my face.


  • Doom_Punk
    Doom_Punk Member Posts: 371

    One story I remember from long ago, quite short however, is when I was Billy at Ironworks.

    I sported the Moonshine and Boots addons together, so I went around the map multiple times to check on gens and the like. I've downed and hooked people alright.

    I chainsawed a Dwight and took off (this was before BBQ I believe) so I went around the entire map just randomly.

    I chainsawed this poor Meg in the middle of grabbing Dwight off the hook and laughed my ass off. I got a boat load of points and Dwight had to stay on that hook just a little longer.

    A complete 360 around the map like it was a race track right back at the finish line to hit Meg. :+1:

  • Doom_Punk
    Doom_Punk Member Posts: 371
    edited July 2018

    I also have another short one. Bubba at Grim Pantry, downed two Claudettes with one chainsaw.

    Threw one of them in the basement, came upstairs to find the remaining two Claudettes healing her. They got her up just in time for all three to be chainsawed down. Quickest Bubba game I've ever had.

    Two of them quit and the end chat was complete silence, lol.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    My best moment was a Wraith I was up against. He found me very early on and a chase took place. I was lagging all over the place and I can tell he had troubles hitting me for this reason.
    I then slowly walk to him and we spent a few moments staring at one another before he casually walked away. Because I was playing with a full SWF group and we were originally just messing around, I sold them all out as the Wraith hunted them down. He didn't kill anyone until the very end but we all had some laughs.
    I was playing Nea at the time so this just added to the fun.
    After the match I sent a gg and made some joke about what transpired and that Wraith player has been on my friends list ever since.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited July 2018
    Yesterday I was playing Pig on Azarovs and chasing a Meg, Claudette just blatantly ran after me clicking her flashlight, just before i hit Meg i got my third Devour Hope token, instantly downed the Meg and picked her up only to see that the toxic P3 Claudette suddenly shat her pants and ran very far away.
    I never saw her again during the entire game.

    I love Devour Hope.