How do you feel about the length of Trials?

blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

There are those matches that can be super short due to things such as dcs, and very long matches with bad teams and specific builds. But talking an average match

How do you feel about the length of Trials? 30 votes

They're fine
White_OwlKnucklesAven_FallenDeadeyeKralleGrootDudeThirtyhumanbeing1704lynelmanenickofford 10 votes
They should be shorter
kermit_snacc_choke 1 vote
Too short, want longer matches
GibberishMister_xDCetrenMiriamGFinancial_Stabilityblue4zionChaotic_RiddleLeonardo1itaAhoyWolfDrVeloxcityOkKiLLerSinisterDog 12 votes
Too short, want much longer matches
Not Sure
RedcumPolarBearAshleyWBKilmeranKind_LemonoTechnicPhoenix_Wright 7 votes


  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Not Sure

    Too short for killer matches, too long for Survivor matches.

    I think Survivor should be a quick in and escape experience. Killer should honestly come waves of gamechanging obstacles and challenges which test the Survivors other than splat, down and hook three times. Aka a second objective would make the time of each match kinda better.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Not Sure

    One thing which makes it such a hard question is because of the arcadey slasher feel which increases the intensity of each match. The fact that stealth is not rewarding and looping is skews the games intentions. It's more of a platformer than a horror game in most matches.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Not Sure

    I think it would be neat if Survivors had a checkpoint system where dead teammates could revive once an objective is done. Not necessarily in the base game mode because it would destroy balance but just a casual friendly idea they could roll with in another game mode.