Which piercing should I get next?

My birthday is coming up soon (woop woop) and I decided a couple of years ago that I would get a piercing each year as a present to myself. I currently have 1 lobe and my septum done but I'm unsure of what to get next seeing as the college I go to has rules against visible facial piercings. My options are:
-Tongue (not sure about this one seeing as I wouldn't be able to eat solid food for 10 days and I'm not 100% sure if I actually want it)
-Eyebrow (I can style my hair to cover it when I'm in class)
-The bridge of my nose (not sure about this one either, my glasses would cover it but I would just be nervous getting it)
-Tragus (you would never see it because of my hair)
I probably won't put a picture of myself for reference because you know, I'd probably get slaughtered for how I look on here so you'll just have to guess. I can tell you that I'm a male with long dirty blonde hair and glasses though. I'd appreciate any other suggestions as well as feedback on the ones suggested because I really do not know which one to get. Thanks in advance!
Personal opinion: conch piercings on guys look dope.
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I'm sorry but I honestly find head piercing really hot!
Hot damn!
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Ahhh yes, the perfect choice
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I'll certainly take it into consideration ty! :)
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I love tongue piercings. I find them very very attractive on girls. But these are very very difficult, and you really should love them, when you want to have them. So on your case i wouldnt do it.
Tragus also doesnt make any sense, when you dont see them.
Never saw anyone piercing their bridge of the nose, lol. That would be interesting, haha.
Well, Eyebrow also looks very cool. Also, you have the chance to cover it up. I would go for Eyebrow.
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why would you want piercings
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I like them? I think they look cool.
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YoU ShOuLd GeT a PiErCiNg
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I know nothing about piercings 😅 but the eyebrow one sounds the most convenient. :)
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Awww...was gonna say Snake Bites (my fav piercings, used to have em till I had an adverse reaction to em after a re-pierce) Industrial was always my second fav. I hate places that restrict anything like visible tattoos and/or visible piercings......######### knobheads
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1) It's my body, why can't I do what I want to it?
2) Who else does it affect other than me? If they somehow stopped other people from learning I'd understand but they don't so what's the issue?
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Thanks to everyone who commented! I've come to the conclusion that if I can only afford one piercing, I'll get my eyebrow done. I'll do it not on my birthday but on the day that my college breaks up for the Christmas holidays. I'll try to remember to post a photo of it when it's done!
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I was gonna suggest a labret, like the one in the middle, but eyebrow is nice too :D I hope you will love it!
@indieeden7 not quoting it, cause of the white background pepehands, so I'm tagging you
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Funny you say that, a couple of my friends have said that I would suit a vertical labret. I will probably get it done in the near future but I don't think my college would be too happy if I had it.
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@indieeden7 Really? It affects College? I'm from Germany, so the thing basically after high school would be university and they don't really mind things like that. I'm sporting snake bites and a normal labret + a septum 😊
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Yep, it's dumb imo, they don't allow any facial piercings other than nostril ones (I only got my septum done because I wanted a nostril piercing but I couldn't hide it. This year they changed the rules about them, just my luck). But if I get my eyebrow done at the start of the holidays it will have healed enough for me to put a glass bar in by the time I need to go back. Also, loving your piercing choices, I've considered getting snake bites as well so that might happen instead of my vertical labret, not entirely sure about what I'll get next just yet.
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@indieeden7 Yea, think which piercings you want the most :)
And this really sucks... You're just going to college and not working...! I don't get it.
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If it were me, I'd go for the eyebrow just because those are the piercings I like the most on others.
But, in the end you should really go with whatever you feel the most affinity to.
Good tip for deciding: Narrow it down to two options then flip a coin to make the final decision. The side of the coin your gut wants it to land on while it's in the air is the answer. If you don't notice that feeling then you'll likely either feel relief or disappointment when you first look at the landed coin and I'm sure you can guess what either of those feelings mean in relation to this test.
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Note: If you use the coin trick too often your brain will figure out that you're tricking it into responding and you'll stop getting the feeling. Just use it for important/permanent decisions.
It's kinda like how if you pretend to throw something for a dog it doesn't fall for it after a few rounds (Also, don't do that. it's mean to the dog.)
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I'll keep that in mind, that's actually a really clever trick, tysm!!