Things like dying light.

I dont understand it.

Ive seen stuff like ,"play how you want as long as you dont break rules"

And camping and tunneling aren't literally against the rules, but people cry about it regardless.

First dying was meant for tunneling, and even though people think it's scum. It's very much allowed. But the survivors complained so much devs took a crap on DL because it promotes "unhealthy" gameplay. (Tunneling). But im pretty sure its still not against the rules.

So what is it bhvr? Is there some stupid rulebook survivors made that killers have to abide to or not?

What about insidious..? It's literally a camping perk. One killer specifically can teamwipe with it , if survivors are goofy enough.

I dont understand it.

You make the game, and the rules. So I'm curious.

People complain about camping and tunneling but you say they arent part of the rules, BUT you also go out your way to change perks and addons and whatever in favor of the complaints anyways. So what is it?


  • DonnieTheZombie
    DonnieTheZombie Member Posts: 229

    Well that doeant exactly answer what i was asking. Obviously its a game. Im wondering moreso why flip flop. They make a perk to tunnel. They say its a game, it's allowed. But then they change it because its ruining the game, but it's allowed still.

    Im asking, what is it.

    I already emphasized most people think its "not fun", thats not the point. The point is they say its allowed, but then remove it implying its a bad thing.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,340

    While tunneling and camping isnt against any rules, that doesnt mean the devs cant change or add perks in an attempt to persuade against it.

  • NinoV1
    NinoV1 Member Posts: 382

    I think dying light is much better now, but the devs do seem to cave into pressure pretty easily.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,340

    Im actually HOPING for a rework to insidious, now that OP mentions it, lol. Would be nice if it was turned into something that was actually useful in a normal game instead of just meme builds.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    Game developers don't always know how perks will be used by players. It's possible they didn't foresee killers equipping a mori and tunneling the obsession out less than 60 seconds into a match just to proc Dying Light.

    They're not going to tell killers "don't camp or tunnel," because it's too contextual, how would you judge each individual time it happens to determine whether it's okay or not? If you ban for something, the line has to be very clearly defined. However, they want playing survivor to be fun, otherwise no one will play survivor and then there'll be no game, so they don't want to encourage tunneling.

    Changing a perk to slightly cut down on tunneling is a lot easier than having to deal with a million reports every day by every survivor who didn't like the way a match went.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Think of it like gen rush. Tunneling is technically the most efficient way to play, just like rushing through gens is the most efficient for Survivors. Problem is, neither of those are fun, as I'm sure you've been hit by gen rush before.

  • nerfeverything
    nerfeverything Member Posts: 52

    It was such a weird perk for Michael. The other two require the obsession to live while old DL made it necessary for the obsession to die. It lacked any kind of synergy. That said, waiting for a lobby for ten minutes only to be tunneled down in 60 seconds tends to make the game significantly less fun. Less fun equals less players. This game needs both sides to be fun and winnable for everyone playing or else the game dies. Some perks need reworks to achieve that. Just like the mettle of man rework, so too did DL need a change.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    The new Dying Light is far better for the survivors than the old one. Which is a problem, since it is a killer perk.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    But dying light is far better now, especially when combined with some killers and perks

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    The old DL was a little unfair. You really had to bring a mori to get the full effect. The new one is way better. I think it does still have some problems, mostly the obsession not being affected AND getting a boost.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    It was not necessary to bring a mori. 3 hooks = 25% action speed penalty

    New Dying Light: 8 hooks = 24% action speed penalty

    I don't see how the new DL is in any way better for the killer.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    How is the new Dying Light better for the killer? The perk is much weaker. As I wrote above:

    Old Dying Light: 3 hooks = 25% action speed penalty

    New Dying Light: 8 hooks = 24% action speed penalty

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    If that Survivor knew how to loop, the slowdown wouldn't matter. They'd have all the gens done. The new DL let's people spread it out a bit more, it doesn't force you to go after a single person. Plus, people don't DC when they see that you have it.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    It's unhealthy 'cause you're either tunneling one person the whole game or bringing a mori. If you're tunneling someone who's decent at loops or has ways to fight you back, you could literally be on them the entire game. Also, it's refusing one survivor points. Survivors already can get crap for points. That sort of gameplay is weak.

    It doesn't matter if you don't believe in the "rules," but you'll just make people leave if you make the game unenjoyable for the other side. That's why pallets were changed, pick ups were increased, and certain killers were buffed. If you think waiting time is long now, wait 'til it's dead 'cause survivors got sick of complaining and just left. It isn't a bad thing to make the game enjoyable for both sides.

    You can punish playstyles within the game (to encourage a better experience for both sides) without making it flat out against the rules. Since yes, it should still be something killers should be able to do if they feel they need to or because they want to punish something, but too many people just want to tunnel and camp without getting better and complain about survivors complaining about how it isn't fun for the people who are on the short end of the straw with luck.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    You REALLY complain about a perk change which is done due to end promoting a cheap playstyle (tunneling) thats totally unfair for one side?

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    They changed it because it promoted a very unhealthy and no fun play style. It was also weakened with the Ds rework as the obsession could change now that Ds does that. Considering it wasn't a very good perk to begin with I'm glad they changed it.

  • PiedPiper365
    PiedPiper365 Member Posts: 231
    edited October 2019

    When u say wait till the game is dead cuz all the survs have left well same will go to killers cuz we keep getting nerfed and the more we are nerfed the harder it is for us and less fun which equals DC from matches that we couldn't get a hook after 4 gens are done, I'm a red rank killer I do fine with the killers now bad how they play cuzed I adapted to the change and learned to play a bit differently than I'd like to, I'm not saying that survs are pathetic even if they complain alot no I'm saying that those survs that can't play or loop that keep complaining will ruin it for us killers one day just like those of us that are baby killers and don't know how to play will camp unfortunately will also ruin it for y'all

    The way I see it is it's a tactic to kill the obsession first so dying light works better

    But also keep in mind that I have no problem with letting the obsession live so I get I bit more of a challenge cuz if the obsession don't know how to loop and has the boosts that dying light gives I see it as a helping hand to them till I kill them last atleast

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    You don't build yourself up by tearing down the other side, though. Games are about balance and many people express disliking tunneling and camping, so it'd be beneficial to do something to make it less beneficial to do so (in game-wise). I don't think the devs are listening to just rank 20s anymore. I'm pretty sure they look at what mid ranks and high ranks are saying, while attempting to give newbies more info to help them play better.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    here's the thing with Dying Light:

    the old version was a very unrelyable perk to run, unless you combined it with a mori.

    you would basically only get it to work when there was one gen left, which made it a very bad perk choise.

    the new version of it is a lot better overall and allows you to gain benefit from it passivley, just by playing good.

    it also synergizes a lot better with Michaels other teachables now.

    Save The Best For Last rewards you for attacking anyone BUT the obsession

    Play With Your Food rewards you for letting your obsession escape

    Dying Light though rewarded you for immediately killing the obsession? the new change makes a lot more sense here, as you can now use those 3 perks with each other, without one hindering the others.

    this makes for a huge QoL change for the adept Shape achievement.

    now, regarding the main topic:

    yes, camping and tunneling are legit strategies that you can use with no punishment from the devs side, though those are very unfun strategies to face and therefore the devs try to make them less rewarding, so more players shift to a playstyle that is fun to face.

    if you want to camp and tunnel, do so. no one stops you, its just that those strats may not be the most efficient.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    That is the answer. They do not want to promote unfun gameplay. Why would they? Do you enjoy being tunneled to death just because the game picked you to be the obsession out of 4 people?

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    I mean, I don't think that was the absolute reason for changing it.

  • JetTheWaffleCat
    JetTheWaffleCat Member Posts: 284

    Maybe because it's frustrating to get immediately taken out of the game when you get unhooked. Then your 3 man team has to deal with painfully long gen times.

    Not only that, but it makes Myers' teachable make sense together with keeping the obsession alive til the end.

    New Dying Light promotes going after multiple people to decrease action speeds, making you earn it slowly as the game goes on rather than just burning an Ivory to kill someone right when the game starts.