Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

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TheTigerPaws Member Posts: 69
edited September 2022 in Creations

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  • GeneralSpudmuffin
    GeneralSpudmuffin Member Posts: 311

    This is an amazing killer idea. It might be difficult to pull off, and even more hellish to balance correctly, but by god if it wouldn't be worth every damn drop of effort. I can only imagine how amazing watching them switch would be. It would be like watching one step from the other's shadow, both of them dancing and twisting around each other as the first vanishes behind the new one. It would have to work like that from all angles, though, so that'd be the hard part.

    Also, a few things. I feel that maybe 30 whole seconds of auto backtrack is a bit high. I'd max it at that with add ons, but not as base kit. The 12 second wait on her partner's power feels a bit lengthy, unless I'm missing a bit of the strategy you had in mind.

    Their perks are all amazing, especially Til Death. It would be hilarious to see someone try to get a cheeky unhook, only to be locked in with the hooked guy when you leave.

  • TheTigerPaws
    TheTigerPaws Member Posts: 69

    I will admit when it came to their power, I kinda rushed it. In retrospect, 30 seconds is a bit long. Maybe cut it in half with 15 seconds instead? And as for the other Lover, the idea kinda came from just to give the survivor a bit of a chance to escape before having to be slowed down, but I guess that kinda defeats the purpose as well.

  • TheTigerPaws
    TheTigerPaws Member Posts: 69
    edited October 2019

    Edits posted!

  • GeneralSpudmuffin
    GeneralSpudmuffin Member Posts: 311

    This deserves more publicity. Back to the top of the list with thee!

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    Beautiful chapter!

    This is one of the few fan chapters I actually sat to read through the lore, and I’m impressed! Their power is awesome, but I feel like Daisy’s power is a bit on the weaker side. I actually thought of something that would be pretty interesting for it. So, I’m just gonna get it off my chest:

    • The power automatically targets all Survivors within the Killer’s terror radius.
    • When activated, all Survivors are notified through a loud, hurried ticking of a clock. After two seconds, all Survivors within the Killer’s terror radius will experience a twisted reality where they can no longer see the Killer or any other Survivors.
    • The Killer can still see and attack Survivors under the influence of Cherished Time. Attacking a Survivor forces them out of the effect and awards bloodpoints.
    • This effect lasts for about 3-5 seconds.

    So it’s like a reverse-Spirit kind of. Instead of the Killer having to assume where the Survivors are, the Survivors have to assume where the Killer is. There’s a cooldown too, obviously.

    There’s that. Now, where was I? Oh yeah! Good chapter!

    Although, I do feel that the perks could use some work... That’s my only complaint.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    The power is great but I'm not really feeling the perks. Great job on the lore btw.

  • TheTigerPaws
    TheTigerPaws Member Posts: 69

    Thank so much for the reviews and compliments! I’m really glad everyone enjoys this chapter! Worked hard on that lore!

    ( And please check out my other chapters and tell me what you think too!)

  • gaydavidking
    gaydavidking Member Posts: 158

    I... LOVE the Killer's lore. The perks sound solid too, except for the basement one as I feel that may be a bit too hard to balance, but maybe if it had a distance requirement from the basement like Territorial Imperative? It may add synergy with it and BBQ & Chili, if nothing else. But other than that, super creative idea!

  • TheTigerPaws
    TheTigerPaws Member Posts: 69

    Bumping up

  • LemeTheMeme
    LemeTheMeme Member Posts: 403

    I think turn up the heat has a typo. It says that they will be instantly moved to the injured state. Aren't they already in the injured state when they're removed from the hook?

  • Karaage
    Karaage Member Posts: 340

    "a two in one killer(s)" - immediately thought of Legion and cried inside :(

    But great chapter idea :)

  • TheTigerPaws
    TheTigerPaws Member Posts: 69

    I actually meant to fix Turn Up The Heat, because I realize that mistake a while ago but forgot about it, but I edited it now!

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Cherished time

  • cacao1
    cacao1 Member Posts: 89

    I already seen that type of killer on this forum, he is called the Watchmaker. I liked the balance in the watchmaker a little more tbh.

  • GeneralSpudmuffin
    GeneralSpudmuffin Member Posts: 311

    This is exactly the effect I see for these two. Though, doing it with two whole bodies would be a bit difficult, especially if it's meant to be seen from almost any angle...

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    The two bodys cant be presented at all times. Would it walk behind or next to you

    How you go though doors or weave though trees like that ?

    You'd have to make them Siamese twins in some way or have one in a shadow realm or have them possess each other like enchantress does

  • GeneralSpudmuffin
    GeneralSpudmuffin Member Posts: 311
    edited February 2020

    The way I see it, it would be kinda like the Enchantress. Their fingers would intertwine, and they would spin in a tight spiral. It would look like they're dancing pressed back to back, and at the end, the other Lover is the one standing there.

  • TheTigerPaws
    TheTigerPaws Member Posts: 69

    Thank you GeneralSpudMuffin, you are perfectly explaining exactly what I had in mind

  • TheTigerPaws
    TheTigerPaws Member Posts: 69
    edited September 2022


    Post edited by TheTigerPaws on