Is killer the power role?

Not trying to make a killer vs survivor post by any means. Was just thinking about perks and abilities and it seems like the game itself is weighted towards survivor. I could be wrong but hear me out.

Every perk a killer has and most killer powers are easily countered by survivor perks. Which is the way it should be. I always feel like when a chapter comes out the survivor should have a perk that is very viable against the killer. This isn't always the case but should be.

However, killers have zero counter against most survivor perks. Yes you can not hit the rescued to avoid bt, or slug for ds. But for exhaustion perks or most healing perks there is no way to avoid them really. Nurses calling and mind whatever but even they don't fully counter something.

Meanwhile, the hex perks are easily countered in 14-20 seconds. Bbq by distance or discord? ( the 3 token no aura thing) dying light obsession dies on hook, almost all stealth perks by spine chill and/or outside coms which dont count for this discussion.

Meanwhile, to deal with the items a survivor brings you get Franklin's. Even then it could just get picked back up. 10% doesnt even matter to most items.

Then theres powers that are nearly completely reliant on survivors like plague, trapper, hag. Also small game countered.

It just seems to me that the power role is not the killer but the survivor. Especially a well coordinated team of them.

Its why only 3 killers are seen as viable at upper ranks. Just seems to be too many counters to killer powers.


  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    Only when survivors are playing solo.

    All things being equal (rank, time played, etc.), then it depends on the Killers skill and map RNG. Survivors have a higher skill cap so they will always have more potential if played optimally.

    On a side note, SWF was never meant to lose more than they win.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    With the exception of certain killers and certain situations, killer is not even close to the power role in this game.

  • BismarckCane
    BismarckCane Member Posts: 73

    Only In Green Ranks through 20. After that Survivors rule with the game giving survivors strength as if it was 1 v 1 and not 1 v 4. Add coms and this can be punishing for all but a few killers(Nurse, Spirit etc)

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    Every killer perk is counterable by survivor perks.

    No, not really. Most survivor perks cater to a specific playstyle and aren’t that good. They can be easily countered. DS can be countered by slugging. BT can be countered by leaving hook before they come back.

    One major issue with your argument is the “don’t count in this discussion” statement.

    Ruin isn’t the only perk you can slow the game down with. PGTW, CI, HL, are all pretty good perks. Totem spots are being worked on to be harder to find.

    Just because a killers power relies on survivors doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad one. Set up killers like hag have huge payoffs and hard learning curves that can really be good for you.

    Small game itself is a perk that’s primarily ran if you’re using totems. It gives you a notification if you’re looking toward one and is on cooldown after. You don’t know exactly where it is, but it also could be something totally different. If you run that perk just solely for the purpose of countering the setup killers, that completely ignores all other killers and is a statement that is a victim of Hasty Generalization.

    The main issue I’m finding with this argument is bias. There are plenty of ways counter perks, but it seems you haven’t looked into finding and counterplay/tips to go against them. If we’re going into the detail, stealth killers now have the undetectable status effect that won’t activate counter stealth perks. If we’re talking Spies from the Shadows, that’s countered by Calm Spirit— a perk that’s pretty niche and not worth running.

    BBQ is a the aura perk that has four tokens that not only majorly increases the amount of BP you get, but also helps you make better decisions on what you’re going to do next.

    Killer perks are just as good as survivor perks, if not in some cases (talking meta) they can be better, but it must be said that not all perks are intended to be meta.

    I’m not trying to be rude by any means, but after reading it over there’s a lot of things you said that I personally don’t agree with. By no means am I implying that you are bad or bad at the game, but rather, I feel as if you could utilize constructive criticism to overall make you play to your own satisfactory goals/terms.

  • Frosty
    Frosty Member Posts: 375

    To answer this, I'll pose an other question.

    Do survivors fear the killer?

    While learning to play is bet most do, but eventually we/they all learn this is more a game of tag then hide and seek.

    Once the actual fear and dread of being found wears off, the killer is no longer the power role and just becomes the other team you are trying to beat.

    And with a "balanced " game being 2 escaping then gens are inherentlly expected to be completed and the gates opened. Essentially if the survivers play right, the killer is at their mercy.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Survivors are the power role. That's why there's so much complaining about nurse and spirit, even about billy (lol). These killers got a much higher skill cap than the other killers. That's why players are actually able to beat every survivor group with em, if the player is good enough.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Killers with the exception of nurse and spirit are the joke role in dbd, fact!

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Power role is nonexistent to play style and skill, can't really make that distinction.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Considering survivors can't down, sacrifice or kill the killer, yes. That's pretty obvious. But people think because they can't easily 3-4k every trial then that means killers are weak.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793
    edited October 2019

    If you need to play the strongest killers to do well in DBD either you're not very good or you refuse to learn different play styles.

    Imagine seriously saying Billy, Huntress, Hag and Freddy are a joke

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184



  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042
  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Lol okay. Whatever you need to tell yourself to get through the day.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    In green and yellow killer is the power role

    In purple to red survivor is the power role

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    In green ranks, the killer usually has the authority over the survivors and the killer loses if it's either an SWF, smurfs or he made a silly mistake.

    In purple and high ranks, survivors have the authority. They can make the game impossible for the killer because these players don't only have a crap ton of skill, they also have a bunch of map knowledge, pallets, windows, timings, etc. They can do many things to screw the killer up.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    No, not really. Most survivor perks cater to a specific playstyle and aren’t that good. They can be easily countered. DS can be countered by slugging. BT can be countered by leaving hook before they come back.

    I dont think i ever said killer has no gameplay counter to things just that survivors have better counters.

    One major issue with your argument is the “don’t count in this discussion” statement.

    (Was only talking about outside coms with that statement. Im talking about in game mechanics)

    Ruin isn’t the only perk you can slow the game down with. PGTW, CI, HL, are all pretty good perks. Totem spots are being worked on to be harder to find.

    (Not sure what HL is, having a brain fart and not taking anything away fromcthe other 2. They are good. As for totems, i can't tell the future so as the game stands now, totems are most of the time a wasted perk. Especially with inner strength the devs are pretty much demanding the survivors do bones.)

    Just because a killers power relies on survivors doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad one. Set up killers like hag have huge payoffs and hard learning curves that can really be good for you.

    (I like playing hag trust me I know. But again small game, flashlights, urban evasion)

    Small game itself is a perk that’s primarily ran if you’re using totems. It gives you a notification if you’re looking toward one and is on cooldown after. You don’t know exactly where it is, but it also could be something totally different. If you run that perk just solely for the purpose of countering the setup killers, that completely ignores all other killers and is a statement that is a victim of Hasty Generalization.

    (I run small game because i havent memorized the totem spawn points in every map. If I go against a set up killer then bonus)

    The main issue I’m finding with this argument is bias. There are plenty of ways counter perks, but it seems you haven’t looked into finding and counterplay/tips to go against them. If we’re going into the detail, stealth killers now have the undetectable status effect that won’t activate counter stealth perks. If we’re talking Spies from the Shadows, that’s countered by Calm Spirit— a perk that’s pretty niche and not worth running.

    (Does oblivious counter spine chill? Im not sure. If it does then great. But again i like that perk because its useful against every killer not just stealth)

    BBQ is a the aura perk that has four tokens that not only majorly increases the amount of BP you get, but also helps you make better decisions on what you’re going to do next.

    (Was talking about the distortion? perk that denies auras for killer 3 times. I know nobody runs it.)

    Killer perks are just as good as survivor perks, if not in some cases (talking meta) they can be better, but it must be said that not all perks are intended to be meta.

    (i understand not every perk should be meta, but killer is supposed to be scary and they just aren't )

    I’m not trying to be rude by any means, but after reading it over there’s a lot of things you said that I personally don’t agree with. By no means am I implying that you are bad or bad at the game, but rather, I feel as if you could utilize constructive criticism to overall make you play to your own satisfactory goals/terms.

    (I suck at the game. These are just observations)

    That being said. Counter hex perks even noed, do bones. Competely useless. Counter adrenaline. Cant. Counter self care, with nurses if survivors are sloppy but still perk is useful. Counter iron will. Bloodhound maybe? Inner strength? Promotes the destruction of killer perks for no downside except iron maiden? Still 15 seconds sucks. Discordance? Dont team up. Useless.

    Again just my observations.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694
    edited October 2019

    Killer is the power role in the newbie ranks but good survivor teams are the power role in the higher ranks. This is something killer mains often overlook, you can have an insanely good survivor but if the rest of the team sucks then there isnt much he can do. Killers can snowball a game very easily by exploiting the weak link in a team but if there is no weak link most killers will have a difficult time to progress in any game.

    That being said survivors feel entitled to be able to 1v1 the killer. This is why killers that have the advantage during chases like Spirit are unacceptable for survivors and need a nerf. "I cant reliably 1v1 the Spirit so she is boring and needs a nerf!"

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    Only in the cases where you either play as Spirit/Nurse or when the survivors allow you to.

  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 901

    I do believe both roles have power in a lot of ways...and a lot of unfair bull that they can use to win. Gen speeds can be nasty even when you are not versing good survivors though.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Depends on your rank. I honestly think tension and such are missing from the game now, which leads alot of survivors to think it's "Boring".

    If we had more interesting Killers or ones that made you more paranoid (I.E: My Idea for Doc Illusions to lunge at you or follow you so you never know if that's really him or not. OR My Idea to have Legion have no TR or Stain in his FF) I think that the power role would shift more toward Killer for one simple reason.

    Survivors would have more to focus on then "Hold m1 on this gen... oh no he's coming better loop...." They would have to focus and be alert to do things and not only would that make it more fun, it would give power back to the Killer by making more survivors Panic and make mistakes.

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    That's no the truth you see killer have limitations that stop them to in a centre lvl but survivors don't. When you put out limitations you get killer like old nurse.

  • Wubsyy__
    Wubsyy__ Member Posts: 116