So i just found out that BHVR are looking at changing medkits.
Did they happen to announce what kind of changes that were going to be made? and what do you hope will be done to medkits with the change? I personally hope that they are taking steps to reduce the M1 to win gameplay of survivors, starting with medkits.
I'm half hoping it's a nerf to insta heals so we get another round of the forum exploding.
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Then get your popcorn ready because there's a pretty good chance that's what's happening.
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I hope they took a meat hammer to the insta heals..... but also added new awesome creative addons that can change the gameplay up a bit.
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Prepare for the worst no more rare insta heal just Ultra rare :(
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The forum is always exploding :P
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Hoping insta heals heal over time similar to second wind, instead of just instantly healing.
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I want them all gone insta heals are garbage
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I already got my salty pudding ready. Though I do hope it's good changes. For both sides.
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I hope they dont mess it up.
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What does "M1 to Win" have to do with medikits?
If you are proposing adding minigames to medikits and gen repair, please no. I don't need nonsense like that in my hide and seek/tag game.
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Personally I don't mind removing instaheals. Like 99% of my games are without instaheals.
Instaheals don't exactly grow on trees so I don't exactly use or rely on them.
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My bets are on reworking insta heal addons, and making healing more skill checky and less hold down m1y.
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Im hoping its an insta heal rework tbh
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*Happy autodidact noises*
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Man i have 40 instaheals coz i dont know how to use it on ps4 :(
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Had two matches tonight with people being Insta healed at my feet.... then I'd slap them back down. Ahh, if it's not Syringe it's funny.
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I'm okay with insta heals being changed. HOWEVER - if they touch instas without even looking at eboni moris first I'll be pissed.
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Idk man I got like 48 syringes and 35ish Styptic agents on my ash and I use them like every other game but I'm boosted survivor lol
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My guess is they'll make it a heal over time. Say 5-10 seconds after use you get the heal instead of instant. While also maybe not consuming the entire medkit as well.
Keeps the majority of its power but removes most of its ability for abuse in the face of a Killer. Most often an instant heal is used right in front of the Killer. Heal after a pallet drop, pick someone up right after they got downed, heal right after getting hit, I almost never see instant heals used for anything but directly in front of the Killer's face while he can't do anything about it.
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I have maybe 100 of them across all my survivors. I don't really use them unless I'm about to prestige and just hoard them up when they're P3.
That said, SleepyWillo is correct. If they nerf instaheals, there needs to be a corresponding rework of Moris and/or Instadowns.
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Hopefully its to instaheals
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Probably now its the time to waste all the instaheals, before they are useless like bnp, still regret getting a lot of bnp on my dwight just to see how they nerf it to the ground, well that was karma 😂
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Eboni Moris are a very different mechanic than insta-heals, though they don't look it at first.
Moris majorly change the dynamic of your SECOND lost chase, and the ideal is that losing 2 chases probably results in your death anyway with the 3rd potential chase being a 'bonus.' Its a really intense power swing to not have to wait out the extra hook stage or win a 3rd chase, but the killer still has to dump a lot of time into eliminating you as a player, the reward is less intense for the killer than you may think and your not really losing as much as you think.
Insta-medkits mess with the dynamic of chases in a super intense and invasive way that bleeds into all chase dynamics by giving you a full instant-recovery and extra move boost. While it seems like its just an inverse, its not, because it is extending the MINIMUM time for a chase to end by 33%, and due to how things like loops work and bodyblocking and trade-outs in chases and just the capacity to loses the killer works, it can be much longer.
Basically? In general an assumed rule of DBD is that if you get hit, you are one more mistake away from dying. And if you go down, your ability to participate is entirely out of your hands at that point, and instead is going to be based on what is going on with the killer and other survivors: your basically not guarenteed to get to keep playing and have no ability to influence if you will, because your influence was in the earlier chase. Moris don't transgress on this basic dynamic, while insta-heals very much do. This is also why stuff like self-care with high end medkits was nerfed, when its possible for survivors to legitimately heal mid-chase despite the killer being aware of them and still pressuring them, the game kinda... doesn't work?
Like the game works with the survivors losing 1 extra chance on a down because going down is how you die anyway. The game does not work when you allow survivors to ignore the consequence of getting hit mid chase, because that is like... literally the only threat killers have. The only real interaction killers have with survivors is the ability to attack them.
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Very true! Eloquent and well thought out.
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Start using the medkit and then hit your skill check button. I think it’s L1.
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If they are nerfing insta heals, everyone will be using them until the next patch. It's gonna be fun :)
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Probably insta heal gonna change to skillcheck only and a skillcheck makes 25% of the progress
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med kits will now require a prescription from your PCP...
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and don't even get me started on the copay...
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I hope they don't do to instaheals what they did to BNP. I get why they did it, but BNP now are nowhere near powerful enough to justify being ultra-rare. And I think the whole instaheal thing is still very much up in the air in terms of the consensus on how powerful/game-breaking it is.
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The problem with this logic is that you claim it's a second lost chase, but if you look at it realistically(with how most people with a mori play), it's 3 hits compared to 6. Whereas with an insta heal, it's 7 hits instead of 6(to kill them, unless it's used on a downed survivor, which requires a pretty big amount of teamwork, and the killer to not pick you up immediately, and then it's 8 hits instead of 6. Only then is an insta heal somewhat more powerful than a mori. Of course, that's unless the killer decides NOT to crabwalk while looking at the hook waiting for you to be unhooked going from point A to point B, but I think everyone knows that's not how people play.
Let me also mention I'm comparing an Ivory mori to an instaheal, not an Ebony, because the only way to compare the two would be to use 4 instaheals vs an Ebony. Otherwise Ebony will win out every time. There is nothing more powerful than an Ebony Mori, because not only is it a UR offering that shaves off 12 hits, it's most powerful aspect is that it is an OFFERING, and not an ADDON. This allows it to be used with UR addons as well. There is no survivor addon or item that can allow them to stack URs, and even UR and VRs cannot be stacked, as a Styptic and a Syringe cannot be combined, meaning they cannot make nearly as powerful combinations due to the fact that they have no UR offering.
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Fixes a 1/4th a gen in one go if you get the skill checks. I'm sorry its not 2016-2017 when it was 100%
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I only Mori when it would be a 3rd hook! Just putting that out there!
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Which saves about 15 seconds for a good player, and about 7 if you can't reliably hit difficult skill checks. That's not an extraordinary amount of time, compared to other ultra-rare addons in the game. I know exactly what they used to do, I know exactly what they do now. I know why they made the change, and I don't think it was a bad one. I do think that it's not powerful enough to justify being the same rarity level as a syringe or an ebony mori.
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What you said, shows how fast gens are!
Anyway, Why isnt it? You have Swivel Joints and Instructions at a yellow rank...
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I'm not sure what the relevance is of the other toolbox add-ons, you'd have to expand on that a bit for me to understand the point you're trying to make there.
The reason I say it's not ultra-rare-level powerful is exactly what I said. Compared to the amount of game-changing potential things like syringes or ebony moris have, the difference a brand new part makes is comparatively negligible. It saves survivors a maximum of 15 seconds in completing their objective during a game, out of an average of around 800 seconds. It's a difference - it's not an ultra-rare kind of difference.
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I appreciate the way you play, but it's not something that is commonly done. Facing an ebony mori 99 times out of 100 the killer will place you in a dead zone in an easy to see area, and focus on the second you are unhooked. Even people using Ivory moris do this.
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If I had to take a guess, I'd say:
Insta heals are now heals over time. Activating an insta will fill the healing bar rapidly without requiring any interaction, but will be cancelled if damage is taken in that time.
Also, med kits in general might become somewhat different, like Ranger might be a full 2 heals. As it is nobody gives a ######### about them outside of them being an insta-carrier.
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Both of those and the purple toolbox (Comminus? Whatever) are the ones MOST USED for "gen rushing".
I still think getting 25% of a gen done instantly is a big deal. But it's okay for us to disagree.
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Well i'm glad you do! I manage to get alot of Kills with Legion without Camping, Tunneling, or even slugging much. Haven't got to Rank 1 but i'm close!
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It sounds like a big deal, but I think in the grand scheme of things it's not as powerful as it seems at first glance. Also, I think I'm still missing what the connection is you're making between gen rushing and add-on rarities. Are you suggesting that these other items are of comparative power level to BNPs and shouldn't be as common as they are, or that BNPs are way more powerful than any of those add-ons?
That said, we're not really talking about medkits anymore so I feel like we should stop derailing this thread, ongoing misunderstandings or no.
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True! I wouldn't mind Insta-heals being like... HOTs like a few have said. But it's up in the air at this point.
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L2 if I remember right.
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Tbh I don't see any reason to change normal medkits, so it's most likely an insta heal nerf like "automatically heals 50% (example) upon use" or something like that. Like, no longer a full heal
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Every game at least during weekend has 1-3 insta heals so it doesnt change anything tbh.
I dont like to use "unfun" addons when playing killer, but its safe to assume these days that medkit = insta so lets fight toxicity with toxicity.
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I refuse to believe you. Cause even the Devs aren't talking about it.
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Thank you! That's what I was trying to say!