Why killers are pissed at nurse base kit changes

I have been hearing from some people that they are surprised we are complaining about a nurse nerf if we kept saying she is OP. But this is not entirely right
We never complained that the Nurse *her self* was OP.
We complained her *add ons* were OP, specifically the larger blink and the multiple blink add ons.
This part in particular bugs me about the original "Designer notes"
"In the process, we’ve also made a few adjustments made to her base power. Previously, the Nurse could double blink, go through fatigue, then immediately double blink again. This did not leave the Survivors with much of an opportunity to break line of sight. A recharge mechanic for blink charges has been added to limit how quickly she can perform multiple blinks. Rather than immediately receiving all her blink charges following fatigue, she will instead regain charges one at a time. Each charge takes three seconds starting from the beginning of her fatigue. This time can be reduced through add-ons."
So the designer/designers decided to go through with this change, with no community opinion, at all.
Now let me direct you to a certain quote from Mr. Mcote the game director of DbD from a recent interview
Specifically from 7:00 to 7:42 we hear him talk about how nothing is ever truly perfectly polished before it goes out and getting an update into the hands of players so they can critique it, since how they can think an idea is great, but the player base, not so much. Since they embrace the fact that this game is not their game anymore, its Our game.
So what will happen from here. Well, if you think the base kit changes are bad, make sure you specify it in any surveys you take. If you think they are fine, well do the same. But either way, this much commotion from a change like this should be cause enough for some changes, especially after when people test it. If the testing goes on and these changes are exactly what we were afraid of, we should definitely be heard to have our game be made the way the community wants it.
If it turns out to be a more minor change that doesn't impact game play the way we thought it would, we must make sure we communicate that.
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this veteran DbD player rant a bit.
Fixed that for you.
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Base kit was fine
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I think what has me most annoyed over anything, is that when they first announced Nurse being looked at, they said their primary focus was on her addons, while her base kit would be getting 'slight tweaks.' Their words. Slight tweaks.
This is most certainly NOT a 'slight tweak.'
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I can't remember who on the forums said it but they essentially said "mark my words... this is gonna be a huge nerf" Guess they was right lol
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The reason why they are pissed is that they are used to getting easy 4ks every match:)
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Pretty much this. I dont even play nurse. I just dont like being lied to. This is gonna end up being the new meme now. "Were just gonna look at ____ for slight tweeks" -Fetches sledgehammer-
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Oh Hey there! I think that's what's got alot of people annoyed! Kinda like when Legion got a "rework" which was really just a cratering.
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The roadmap is broken.
I was lying.
Lost fan trust.
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As a killer main, I see this as entirely fine.
Nurse actually takes a bit of thought now, not just spam blink until you land on them. It brings her much closer in line with other killers' chase mechanics while still retaining the majority of her power.
At most, to do the exact same thing, you just have a 3-4 second window where you have to recharge.
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I’m not sure how a up to 6 second cool down on her blinks will utterly destroy the strongest killer in the game. Her fatigue alone is almost 3 secs, and they said it cools down during it.
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Honestly... No clue why they even touxhed her base kit.
I hate playing against Nurse and when I saw that they were changing her add-ons, I was like "Yes, finally."
Then they said they were slightly tweaking her base kit and I was like.... Why? Her base kit is fine, her add-ons are what made her even more busted.
Well... Guess I'll be running Spine Chill & Iron Will all year round for the incoming of new Spirit mains.
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Not to mention there's a green add on that removes 0.9s per charge, meaning with 2.5 seconds of fatigue you only need a second and a half to double blink.
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Exactly! People are severely overreacting, the PTB is later on today, I guarantee 1 little change to how often she can blink won’t destroy her. Give it a few hours and I’m sure everyone will be singing praise about how fun her new add ons are.
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Suddenly more than half of the killers on DBD are nurse mains lol, jk its a joke
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Despite all the "Base kit is fine" rhetoric you've been hearing from both survivors and killers, a lot of that rhetoric is basically survivors just accepting that they are going to get slammed by killers to "git gud" and "adapt and evolve" when they talk about nurse.
While it is true that base Nurse has counters (unless they are God Nurse) it is certainly no picnic trying to verse her, and the nerf is a welcome change for me as a Survivor Main.
The dominance of nurse in the higher ranks means BHVR has some real statistics backing up the need for this change. It is a necessary nerf for the health of the game in the long term, as it will eventually allow for survivor adjustments to the new killer power level.
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She seems weak in red ranks now, because three seconds are much time for a good survivor to gain distance. Base nurse was perfectly balanced, no need to nerf her at all. Now tell me, why should anybody try to learn the nurse? She needs very good musle memory AND other killers do a better job.
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My survivor side: She really did need the base kit change as after failing to catch up the first time she could easily re-catch back up without the survivor being capable of getting out of sight, OMEGA blink nurse is no longer here if I am correct so I am fine with it and I won't get po'd at the fact that I didn't see where she arrived at
My Killer side: Meh, she needed it
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Other killers do NOT do a better job, and 3 seconds is literally 0.5 meters no matter how good a survivor you are.
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She still got fatigue. Remember the nurse is slower than survivors. So it's effectiveky around two metres.
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0.5m different to what she already suffered.
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But a survivor got three seconds to break LoS, get instahealed, get blocked and so on. Some people don't seem to get how massive three seconds are.
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Some people love to blow small changes massively out of proportion for no reason. In that 3 seconds you can still blink, you just can't double blink.
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good nurse mains will adapt and define new meta
people that are complaining never fully mastered her
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Meh, I think they all need to wait till PTB.
I make Legion work well. I don't see why they have such an issue with Nurse now.
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Tried to catch survivors with one blink nurse? Gl against experienced players m8.
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I play m1 killers in the red ranks. If you really need all the crutches built into current Nurse, there's bigger issues at play.
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It's because killer mains of course want their killer to stay as strong as possible. Doesn't necessarily have something to do with balance. A nerf like that will always frustrate many people who will be affected by it.
There definitely have bee people who said they want her base kit nerfed as well, and I am happy the devs did exactly that. Now survivors have a bit more counterplay and that's great. They should enjoy matches against Nurse as well, and not just be potentially steam rolled when going against a really good Nurse.
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cuz they want 4k every game no matter what, they don't care about balance, fairness
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Hi Frozen! Did you see my post in Feedback? Also! You know better, not every Killer is like this! They are just freaking out, and also likely feel lied too cause BHVR said "Slight changes"
I honestly think they should wait for PTB and give good feedback if they want a change!
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I think they're too hesitant to make good add ons for the most part, far too many minor stat changes. But then Nurse has come along and she has barely any of those. However hers just seem all round messy and directionless.
Overall though I like her power rework, she seems much more reasonable to go against without losing much.
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I play all killers at red ranks. I know how painful it is to play Clown or Legion against players that know how to abuse certain map structures. Nurse was one of the two viable killers, that not got completely disabled by the long loop on Ironworks for example.
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Coulda been me.
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I shouldn't have to use add-ons to make a killer viable.
There were so many more important issues to fix in the game before touching nurse. Now after the Nerf we're going to have useless m1 killers and 1 less viable red rank killer. SWF is still extremely unbalanced and very unfun but it's still around completely destroying the solo survivor experience.
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You have to work with nurse to get kills. You don't just blink randomly and get hits.
You should've learned how to counter nurse with backtracking, breaking Los, etc. Now you can just run in a straight line with no strategy and be completely out of her distance.
So glad killers have to continually adapt to broken survivor mechanics (swf) but we're going to leave that broken mess intact while we dismantle one of the only answer to it.
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At first I agreed.
But a 3 sec recharge that starts when her fatigue starts, that can be altered and changed with addons....seems pretty fair/balanced. Had they created her in this current build, she would likely have these mechanics, if not worse.
They just brought here to current game build consistency.
Recharging wont be the end of the world. It's not the 20s cooldown some people predicted.
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We gave feedback when Mettle of Man was on the PTB and it took them how long after it was off the PTB to nerf it?
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Base kit wasn’t fine because in a 3-gen strat nurse was abit too much like doctor... what I think the change needs is to not punish for successful hits.
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3 gen strats are 100% the Surviviors fault.
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A nurse could easily force it on Azarov’s resting place due to her mobility and situations come up all over the place.
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That's one map with one killer.
Even if what ur saying is true that makes all the other killer/map combinations that end in 3 gen strats the Surviviors fault.
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That’s a hasty generalisation. No I just chose an obvious example... if even 1 situation could occur it was proof enough since gens I believe have a max/min distance spawn type thing.
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Same! And I'm a Legion main!
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Nurse might be A-B tier now.
The charge CD makes her unfun to play as, plus the bad designed range add on (bringing range nerf your charging time, so basically you got to charge more to cover mid distance) combined make her really bad on huge maps. The 3 blinks is pointless, the automated blink is lolable... I guess devs did a good job for the originality of those, but its not enjoyable as it is.
Unless you're a dedicated nurse main, you will struggle. Nobody gonna play her anymore, and thats gonna be even more true on console.
Honestly I feel kind of sad about that. I was enjoying playing her or getting chased by her. But if those changes make it as it is on the live server, I bet that she will stands in the RiP section with Legion.