Why is the community jumping the gun on The Nurses changes when the PTB isn't even out yet?



  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    clashing opinions is pointless if no one is going to change their minds or is open to changing their mind. At that point it's just two people throwing things at two different walls.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    Because thoses bases kits nerfs were uncalled for and nobody asked for them, just like Legion when they got overly nerfed when all that needed to happen was an exploit fix and nerfing Frank's.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I think a lot of people have asked for Nurses powers to be nerfed over the years...

    This was eventually going to happen, its not really that severe anyways. But you can be the judge of that when the PTB drops today.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    People asked for omegablink and 5 blink nurse to be gone and only that.

    The one who asked for a power nerfs were the survs that can only run in a straight line.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Well because bhvr did market it as a rework of her add ons and instead did something else. People have been playing that Killer for a longtime by now.

    "hey you know so we have Fatigue so you don't spam blinks and your power is on a cd but we decided to add another cd so you can't spam blinks!". #########?

    Than These utterly uncreative addons like go teleport back to where you came from, yeah cause what Nurse does want that? Undetectable on a Killer that shrieks everytime he does something, ######### yeah. Make survivors scream when you blink past them.. like dude utterly pointless and bad not even creative. Pay bp so you can equip an addon that makes you loopable, literally every Nurse wet Dream.

    They tweak a Little bit around Change common to Ultra rare, which probably every Nurse main will have hundreds anyway. So yeah clap clap smart Things and pretend they did a good Job.

    All they had to do was fix the broken add on but they go full yolo. As Always not giving a damn About balance, nor the fact that red ranks will again suffer from that because that is where variety will be less and Lobby dodging even more. With ofc less fun games but boring af ones against even more tryhard toxic Spirits. Neglecting the fact that People voted to dislike spirit the most and not Nurse.

    Why is it hypocritical to say "but wait dude try it out, give it a Chance"?

    Cause the very same survivors that cry "no counterplay" have no clue and didn't bother to Play Nurse until r1 and stay there without add ons. Otherwise they would know at least how to Play against it and not go down in chases so darn quickly. These People who didnt put in the effort, cried, got what they wanted and demand of other People to make it work.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Idk if that's the entire story...

    A lot of people agree that her powers negate any conventional means that the game has established with all its Killers... except Nurse.

    She's a different breed, and I believe it has something to do with her power concept being from a dead era of DBD, where the meta was absurdly OP and when the game was more... glitchy...

    I think changing her powers to reflect the current meta seems a bit better. But that's just me.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456
    edited October 2019

    Her power negates things yes, but she has warnings, you see the animation, it makes sounds, you have time to avoid it and dodge it, it won't necessarily work against good nurse tho, that's why you need to mindgame her and be unpredictable.

    I feel like the ones who are happy about that uncalled for change are the ones who never bothered trying to counter her and just ran in a straight line.

    Sure it's not the end of the world, it's not such a huge change but will definitely make her snowball less, but seeing people acting like her power has no counter is a scary red flag to me, especially when Spirit exists.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I agree that the marketing switch was a bit odd, but I still believe the change to base-kit doesn't really make her any-less powerful than she already is.

    If 4-3 seconds is an issue when you can still follow them and lock on to their position of where they'll go, than idk what to tell ya. She can jump from literally two tiles with ease, and having 2 blinks makes that even easier to pin-point where to go to down a Survivor.

    Besides, these changes are subject to... change... since the PTB will roll out today, and i'm sure if its that big of an issue they'll subtract the base-kit or even think of another means of change towards it.

  • godren
    godren Member Posts: 120

    cause of the legion lol

  • TheGhostFaceMain
    TheGhostFaceMain Member Posts: 58

    I agree that this is a reaction to how Legion was over nerfed, IMO. I think if they go back and fix some things with Legion's base kit it would show the community that they listen to how people feel about low tier killers and not just high tier killers like Nurse; but I do not know what they should change outside of VFX of the fatigue and blood in Feral Frenzy.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I don't mind the change and I've played and attempted multi times to counter a very high skilled Nurse.

    It's just that they're so uncommon because of how un-fun she is... that I rarely see them anymore.

    Besides, we'll see how the PTB goes with the changes. They're subject to change themselves you know.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I don't think that would fix the stigma tbh, you can only move forward from it tbh with future changes.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    That's fair, they are rare that's for sure.

    I just hope it's the only base kit change that's going to happens because I still have ptsd of Legion gutting.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I think all of the forums has PTSD of the legion nerf at this point.

    Whether they're serious about it or not lol.