Survivor mains, you are shooting your own knee with this Nurse nerf

You probably think "yaaaay red ranks is going to be better, no sweaty Nurse mains anymore" but you forgot one thing: they will start maining spirit and we all know spirit is much more unfun than nurse. So yeah, enjoy your spirit matches 70+% of the time.
This is getting boring.
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Ok and this is a survivor main thing why?
I don't see why whenever ANYTHING changes its all the survivors fault lol..People just need to stop with it ..Maybe the Devs seen something wrong with it..Gees-us
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Where did I say it's the survivor fault? I'm saying that they are shooting their own knee with agreeing to this basekit change. Reading skills missing mate?
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Nurse was never a problem besides her addon.
Post edited by Rizzo on7 -
Um its pretty much spelled out in black and white my dude.
But i mean whatever my dude.
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No, I will continue and you can't stop it. Cheers.
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Well I guess shooting ourselves in the knee is better than the head.
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If this actually happens I'll just play killer for the rest of my life. So much people are trying to make the nurse nerf seem more bad than it really is. The people that switch to a different killer immediately after the change will highlight the good nurse players that are confident in themselves.
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What a post, really. Survivor mains haven't shot theirself in the knee just because they wanted fairer counterplay against Nurse. Spirit will most likely receive a nerf as well, especially if this will be the case.
All killers need to be brought to a similar power level, not just the weak ones. And Nurse was just a bit too good. If people will only play Spirit at red ranks after the Nurse nerf, than I feel like that will only be because she will be the last remaining killer with who you can 4k almost every game, as the chances to win as Spirit are much higher than the chances to win as the opposing survivor team.
All Spirit needs are tweaks to her power so counterplay becomes less luck based and more skill based.
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So what, the solution is to keep Nurse overpowered with too little counterplay so that people don't have to verse Spirit more? i'm sorry but that's not how balance should work. I'd rather have Spirit tweaked as well so that she is more fun to play against.
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The only thing that was ever asked for, was to nerf omega blink.
Don't blame the survivors just because the devs make changes nobody asked for.
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I'm not worried, Spirit will be nerfed in a few months.
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The solution is just to change her addons,that was everyone really wanted.
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Who said its only spirits and nurse there
I started queuing with my red rank friends and found a surprising amount of wraiths and GhostFaces in the redranks
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I'm not blaming them, I'm trying to say that they are shooting their own knee by agreeing with that being happy about the basekit nerf.
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For some of course. I can understand why people who like to play her didn't want any change to her base kit. But I personally feel like even her base kit didn't have quite enough counterplay, making matches against her pretty damn unfun. And others, as well as the devs, seem to agree on that.
I could see them reducing the recharge time if Nurse turns out a bit too overnerfed, probably 2.5 seconds instead of 3. Otherwise though, I personally hope they'll keep these changes so that she is actually fun to play against.
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Not an issue on console. Long time red rank survivor here on PS4 and never saw much of Nurse anyway. Always have had a good variety of killers to face.
Console killers seem to be a much more diverse bunch than PC. I'm a Michael main myself. Never gravitated towards playing Nurse or Spirit much. Too easy to 4k with them.
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The inky basekit nerf I would have accepted for people like you who don't see counterplay would be a little number tweak in terms of travel speed. A little bit slower travel speed so you guys can react on her better. But the basekit nerf we are getting is waaaay to much.
I never had issues against Nurse unless my team mates were absolute potatoes or the nurse had omegablink or 3+ blinks addons.
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Its not just survivor mains that think Nurse needed to be reworked. Killers and even Nurse mains agree.
what is your point exactly?
I am in red ranks and I constantly see other killers aside from Spirit and Nurse. You kids need to play survivor sometime and stop living in your own imaginary “red ranks” world.
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Don't talk about other people lacking reading skills when you don't understand how English works.
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Truth to be told base kit Nurse Right now is fine as is. Only the addons made her unfair. Survivors who Claim that basekit Nurse doesn't have counterplay or neeeded more counterplay do not belong in red ranks at all. You should go Play Nurse without add ons and see for yourself how to juke and how to handle her.
It is sad that you bad survivors literally take away fun and intense Matches for skilled People. Keep crying, the waiting times will increase even more. Thanks for that at some Point one has to move on to a diffrent game.
Gotta love it, thinkin boosted Boys are good and as soon as they are required to do anything they cry "no counterplay" cause they have no clue About the Killer and how to Play.
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Well, I am a survivor main, but I'm not happy about the base kit nerf. I'm not even happy about some add on changes. As well as I still think the Legion nerf was really an overkill because the killer is pretty bad now.
Being a survivor main does not mean that I'm happy about any nerfs the killers get. Removing or nerfing omega blink would have been enough, as well as the only change Legion ever needed was that the mending timer stops while in the TR (because of the moonwalk abuse).
I still want to have decent games against decent killers. I don't play this game to get a free escape. I don't want to play a generator repair simulator.
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Soooo... Why is this Survivors fault again?
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The only ones that complained about base nurse are people with no understanding of her playstyle and counterplay. Usually low ranks or survivor mains. She don't needed another penalty on top of the fatigue.
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Because survivors shouldn't complain about anything ever, only killers are allowed to complain and decide what needs to be changed
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I enjoy seeing you all squirm around.
Time to get good 🥺
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i was just waiting for someone to say that lmao
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The nurse nerf raises the skill ceiling. It will actually require nurse players to be good at the game and have a good enough understanding of the game. Great nurse players will be find after a slight adjustment period and bad nurse players will struggle a lot. Which is exactly how it should be. If spirit is the sole op character remaining, then she will hopefully get nerfed in the near future as well. One op character at a time
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If that happens, you and other biased survivor mains can watch all killers wave goodbye at high ranks.
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At least Spirit is manageable with Iron Will and a big map. You're not gonna outplay her in chases, but you can drag her around and finish the game fast enough that she doesn't just kill everyone with no counterplay.
And people just DC against her anyway so idc
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Spirit could be nerfed too you know.
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Nurse is together with Huntress the hardest killer to learn. No clue what you are talking about but it doesn't make sense.
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Nurse is very easy to learn on pc. Not even close to huntress' skill cap
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If the does, then the devs will truly show us how much they don't care about killers.
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As others have mentioned, "survivor mains" aren't in charge of changes in game design.
Posts like this are why these forums are so divisive. Please stop, it's not good for anyone.
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Yeah right imagine dealing with something that makes the other 80% of the playerbase miserable and is actively harmful to the game by generating the biggest number of DCs since old Legion
what a joke right, how dare they try to make the game more enjoyable
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Well maybe if they stopped being little children and started juking and running counterperks instead of ragequitting as soon as they see her, she wouldn't have the highest amount of dc's. But the era of adapting to killers is gone, the new trend is ragequitting and whining on forums.
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Who knows, if Nurse was nerfed than anything can be nerfed/buffed now.
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No matter how many counterperks you run she's still extremely unfun to play against
People just don't give a #########. This isn't an esports game. People care a whole lot more about having fun than winning, most people anyways. You think survivor mains who have been playing the game at red ranks for literal years feel like they have something to prove to you? Do you think they care that much about escaping? They just wanna have fun, and Spirit isn't fun to go against for most people.
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that's like saying that bubba and billy shouldn't get a penalty for hitting something or the trapper stepping in his own trap lol..are you kidding me right?
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Ah yes.... screw the lower tier killers that could be brought up to the level of play.... "if the nurse players move to spirit, just nerf spirit" let's not increase the viability to the others so more people play them in the red ranks..... fool that sheit man, all killers need to be weak AF....
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I think the mods should just lock the cry posts at this point it's embarrassing
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Jokes on you, I already experience 70% Spirit anyway.
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agreed,huntress has the HIGHEST SKILL CAP IMO due to all the maps there are.Alot of people say she has an infinite skillcap cause you can ALWAYS become a better huntress.
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Guess what's not getting buffed to top tier tho? Killers! Ever again! Because bullying is so much fun!
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Well neither are keys, toolboxes, instaheals and DS, but no one is batting an eye on those, naaaah man, if survivors find something unfun it's gone, if killers find it unfun who cares? After all we're just play-toys for survivors, am I right?
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You are the one crying about posts, maybe the mods should lock your account at this point it's embarrassing
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Killer mains you are all shooting yourselves in the foot with these medkit nerfs. Enjoy the gen rush and adrenaline becoming even more meta assuming people play survivor.