Big changes, Nerfs and Buffs.. but again no one notice the collateral effects..


I really didnt wanted to make this post. It happened with head on, it happened with left behid (which luckly got noticed) and now it will happen with Pharmacy.

Someone is confused? Let me explain

Left behind : of course everyone noticed that and it got changed, but with the introduction of EGC this perk became even more useless than it actually was. This was a completely unintentional nerf, but still an huge one. Luckly now its no longer a problem

Head on : this is when i started thinking about making this post.. but i hoped someone would have noticed it first.

The "Head On" buff that made it easier to use and more effective were actually a nerf, and a pretty big one.

The first version of this perk was used to stun the killer for 3 seconds at the END of the animation, giving you 3 seconds to gain free distance.

also, once the killer stepped into the stun radius you were able to stun and he would have get it because what matter is where he was when you pressed the "exit locker" key, and not when your survivor actually exit, leaving more counterplay to an already super risky situation if the killer know you are trying to head on him.

After the "buff" the stun apply during the animation, meaning your are stuck into it for roughly 1 second out of the 3 of stun. This may seem a little number, but is a 33,33% nerf.

On top of that, is now way easier for the killer to react to a survivor exiting the locker by stepping in and out the stun radius. Another relevant change is that if you miss the stun the killer is now 100% sure you have the perk. Its a little thing but still.

Now, before someone came here and say "old head on was super bugged and unrelyable" . THERE WAS A TIMING. I knew the timing, my friends knew the timing, a lot of other people knew the timing and it worked if you knew the timing. Of course sometimes some lag related issue can occur, but it still happen now and a bug do not matter on the effectiveness of a perk anyways.

Dead hard isnt trash because most times you get exhausted but still get downed.

These are just some of the perks that got unintentionally nerfed, but just the most recent ones (excluding the opportunity i missed one, that could be the case).

Now, with that out of the way, lets talk about Pharmacy. We know it gives you an emergency medkit. 24 charges, considerably heal others faster and reduced charge consumation.

Because of that last effect, considered the best medkit being able to take the most out of every extra charge add on.

A less know thing is that with just a great skillcheck you were able to actually fully heal twice.

I am not arguing about the change. I consider it worse now, but is a rework and i dont mind it TOO MUCH.

My... Pharmacy's problem is the reducion to 16 charges. Now, our already unloved perk will not be able to provide us 2 fast heals, but just 1, which is a 50% nerf, in case it wasnt obvious.

I know, and i HOPE, this nerf was unintendeed, but thats really too much for a perk like this.

I hope someone will understand, and if you know of other perks that got "collaterally nerfed" please, let everyone know.

the biggest attention is always pointed over the popular perks, leaving the niche or less popular choices left into the dust. Lack of feedback probably hinder BHVR as well to solve this, since they always have to focus on what the community ask for.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I like new Head On waaaay more than old one. The old one felt way to inconsistent most of the times. But i agree that getting the a 0,5/1 second more wouldn't change much. I think.

    And cool to know im not the only one to remember about Pharmacy while reading about Emergency Medkit! They could still add so the medkit comes with some charge add-ons but... yeah.