The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

What I LOVE most about the ARCHIVES!!!

The challenges require the players to play both Killer and Survivor roles to accomplish certain normal and master challenges. I love this idea cause it will encourage people to play both sides if they want to take "full advantage" of the archives.

Finally, survivor mains and killer mains (if they choose to participate) will have a taste of what it means to play the game from both sides of the coin. Meaning that nerfs and buffs will effect them equally give or take, regardless of what side they usually stand on or prefer.

In theory, Killer and Survivors will understand each other better and be less likely to ask for unnecessary buffs and or nerfs. Thus, leading to a more balanced game.

In other words being only a killer main or being only a survivor main may just keep the player (if he/she chooses to) from experiencing the archives and the game to its full extend.


  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @BunnyTheHutt it cost 1000 cells.. but don't you get it back if you complete it?

  • ChezAndQuakers
    ChezAndQuakers Member Posts: 189

    Wait so what are the archives? Are they challenges? Are they levels? What do they reward? What do they cost?

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Devs never imagined that DBD would be so successful so they kept releasing content and producing it costs money hence why if you want everything it's a ton of money. Tbh you totaly don't need every DLC to have fun. Most killers are just for variety and survivors are purely skins. You can also grind all DLCs besides 6 out of 17. So if you don't play DBD a lot why even want to get all DLCs.

  • Pirate
    Pirate Member Posts: 427

    but you cant transfer them back to money lad. the money is gone and those cellls you are going to use on the next season pass.

    I spend more then 160euro since release on this game... its crazy that the devs milking more and more and dont give us free stuff. I really hope they give us atleast a free dlc next time!!!

  • ScorpioBlackOps
    ScorpioBlackOps Member Posts: 51

    The archives is a free to play aspect that provides replayability and challenges to DBD players to accomplished during your game-play and help you get free un-lockable items on the rift. Here is a link for more info and better explanation:

    Note: Note from what it seems the only thing that cost money is the premium rift aspect section which is optional.

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641
    edited October 2019

    it also encourages tunnel vision. Only doing the quest you need to do and then just sacrifice yourself on the hook and therefore fcking over your team.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    I am going to guess these challenges are going to be impossible if they are giving us the chance to break even and basically not have to pay.

    How OFTEN do we pay the 10$ though?

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Oh, I actually didn't know that. Thats pretty cool tbh.

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    Time for the survivors to bully me

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @Pirate yeah but you don't have to spend it every single time.

  • Bludge23
    Bludge23 Member Posts: 234

    I don't really care for archives personally. There are rewards for characters I don't care about or play. Also having to pay for that along with the continue added chapters and cosmetics I actually do want. It's a cool idea though. I really like lore, I just what it wasn't tied to money.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I am so excited about more Lore! Can we have more Legion Lore?

  • Bludge23
    Bludge23 Member Posts: 234

    Then I guess I misunderstood the rift thing then

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    But, what's important here, is that you will be getting stuff that is worth a total of $200 if you complete it to its full extent. You will also be earning a total of 10$ worth of Auric cells, effectively getting back what you paid for.

  • Bludge23
    Bludge23 Member Posts: 234

    Well it's not the content that I'd want but I hope others will like it.

  • pronursemain
    pronursemain Member Posts: 23

    at this stage we can only sumarize the devs are sabotaging their own game not fixing bugs but just monetizing this cash cow and making hair brain ideas like nerfing nurse because the survivors (4x the voice) cry that she can beat their swf. Its pretty much end times for this game right now most streamers are trying to jump ship and get their audience seeing other games before this one sinks.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Not to mention if you buy one battle pass, then playing a lot will refund it to buy the next one.

    Pay like $10 once and keep getting free cosmetics each season, seems pretty decent.

  • Ghost_Potato
    Ghost_Potato Member Posts: 59

    I miss having a reason to play games with real unlocks, DLC and microtransactions have ruined that. Now you have to pay to have the privilege to play and unlock stuff in games you paid for. I thought the $10 outfits for the character I only paid $7 for was crazy now this...

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Why did you opt for free2play mechanics in a game that already costs money and where the dlcs cost money? I don't get it and how many more free2play mechanics can we expect?

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640


    A dev confirmed that getting the paid version will grant you 10$ auric cells if you complet everything, soo you can buy the next and the next until forever!

  • Grimbergoth
    Grimbergoth Member Posts: 293

    this is what the 4th or 5th thread ive had to point out this . The game while not on sale is $20 , not 30 , the dlc's for every killer and survivor without a sale is less then $90 . You keep looking at the dlc page on steam and quoting the 113 total and you seem to forget there are cosmetic only dlc's . Next people are also seeming to forget that this has been content from over a 3 year period . So coming into a game after 3 year you should expect it to cost a bit if you "want" everything . This is also assuming you are complaining about the price and not smart enough to wait for a sale that would effectively take the whole thing down to around $60 , which would average out to be about the same price as a console game new , and just happened 2 weeks ago .

    Trust me I jump down BVHR's throat when I feel its called for . But dont tell people the game is just a money sink and everything should be free . If the devs made everything free you know what would happen , the game would die . Why ? Because they would only have new player sales to keep it alve and the longer that time goes on the smaller and smaller those sales are . You can say well they have cosmetics , but in essence that is exactly what you are complaining about rift premium is cosmetics . Plus there is also the fact that just because they make something doesn't mean people are going to be buying it .

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    If you're going to complain about something that is purely cosmetic and doesnr effect gameplay at all I dont know what to tell you, this is optional.... strictly optional..... and even then if you do pay for it you earn the money back----> no other game does that, from what I've seen anyways.... the challenges and lore are NOT included in the premium---> the premium is completely avoidable if you dont want it... I dont understand what's so wrong about this...

    Imo it's good for the game and team...

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    This is what i love about it as well ! It's also a good thing to convince people from testing a certain perk so that they don't always stick to meta ^^

    Mains are what is wrong with the community and i'm happy that the Devs found a good way of making people play both :3

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    @ScorpioBlackOps Well, the dailies motivate to play both sides as well but don't fix this "gap", not sure if the archives will. Definitely more than the dailies as the rewards are stronger, but I would doubt a huge change in buff and nerf requests.

    @BunnyTheHutt well, you are not forced to buy DLCs, you get the maps for free and the perks by shrine. And counting in cosmetics... they are seriously not affecting the game, are they? Most of them are even pay to lose as they are shiny bright. And did you notice that the premium path contains auric cell rewards? At least in the PTB track you get all 1000 cells back when you finish the 70 tiers completely. So I wouldn't talk about greed here

    @Pirate They don't give free stuff?? How about the halloween event? The new year event? And all the cosmetics you can get from these events?

    @Ghost_Potato I read so many comments that are not even half thought to the end. No real unlocks in DbD? So what is the bloodweb about? And all the teachable perks? And with the rift coming up, all the charms and cosmetics you will unlock? Even in the free path. And event cosmetics, and and and...

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Please spare me your wrong stories ok? I paid for the game, all dlc and bought several skins. This game has multiple ways of income for BHVR, your statement is that you get your money back is completely wrong. 10€/$ whatever you don't get that back you can earn another 1000 AC back that is if you devote your time to playin dbd. It is a free2play mechanic in a game that costs money and is heavy on the dlc part. The fact that you do not understand why people do have an issue with that is cause you do not know about free2play and where it originates from and how it does affect game design. I recommend that you read up on the subject and than you will have less and less trouble to understand why there is an issue.

  • Paina
    Paina Member Posts: 231

    do you have to play both roles to proceed (tome and rift) or just the role you like?

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    edited October 2019

    I get what you're saying but it still boils down to the option... it's not like we're buying BP or IS and we have the choice to spend the money for a cosmetic, it's prettymuch am expansion on the store imo because it doesn't do anything to the gameplay... ifthere were options of boosting bp income or anything insane like that I'd be right by your side not supporting this but.... all of this is harmless fun...

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I really don't understand you either. I was thinking about if you mess up free2play and pay2win, but that also does not explain your comments. Would you be nice and "explain" your point rather than stating that others don't get it and keep it open to interpretation?

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    chill my dude.

    A: It is 30$ on console.

    B: it is over 100 dollars if you add all chapters and paragraphs together.

    C: I don't want everything too be free, but adding in a battle pass to an already expensive game is just bad taste IMO. Yes, it is all cosmetics, but it sets a standard that I don't like and could easily spiral out of control. I actually quite like the battle pass and what it offers, but that doesn't mean it can't lead down a bad rabbit hole.

    D: Sales are erratic and the Shrine hasn't had Ruin or BBQ for a long time until recently. Using it as a sole provider for perks if you aren't buying DLC is not viable in the long run.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Free2play mechanics belong into free2play games and not in games that the users pay money for. DbD has a normal price tag, lots of DLC and it also has already a lucrative income from the store.

    If we agree to f2p mechanics in this game i am worried about where it can lead. I mentioned several possibilities already. I dont like the fact that they now work with netease,

    Why are f2p mechanics uhm meh? Well look at 95% of the f2p games out there, there is also dota&warframe but that is a special case imo. Ingame currencies which you can obtain via real money have no other reason to exist but to make the customer forget that it is actually about money, when I see the reactions of most people "but you get your money back" which you simply do not than i would say goal achieved in this.

    So why do you have to do something like that to the people that love the game, play it and support the people who made it? I think bhvr didn't have to do that and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth, having purchased all dlc (gifted them to friends who miss some or simply wish for one), skins for chars (even when they just look great i bought them while not even playin the char they were made for).

    F2p belongs into f2p games and not into dbd and I simply do not understand why they had to go that route, it made me doubt them and I dont like it one bit. Dont tell me a company has to earn money, i am aware of that.

  • Grimbergoth
    Grimbergoth Member Posts: 293

    Maybe its age or whatever , but , the term free to play is being used here in the wrong context . There are 2 class of online games , Subscription based and free to play . These are the terms referring to what price you pay per month and why the f2p mechanics are in non subscription based games . The cost of the game doesn't matter on if it is a f2p game or not that is a purchase cost for core content , in this case its for the base game and what 3 chapters .

    Some of you haven't been around long enough to know what some terms really mean , and f2p its referring to the cost of the game though I imagine some developers use it like that just like some people think that is what it mean . the cost of a game and the cost of playing it online are two separate costs . So considering that you are playing a f2p game because it doesn't have a subscription cost to it . When games like SWToR , Elder Scrolls Online went from subscription to what … f2p , people still had to buy the program .

    What a lot of you and not just the poster im replying to has missed is every game that has a development team that updates on a regular basis , committing 100's or even 1000's of labor hours a day , they have to pay for those hours . They do this in one of two ways , subscription based , or f2p with tons of micro transactions .

    Now ask yourself this , would you rather see a battle pass system and cosmetics in this game , or rather have a flat monthly to pay every single month of 10-15$ . I keep hearing this game over 3 years has cost a whole lot with the dlc's and the base price I spent almost $100 to $150 dollars , if this was subscription based you would spend that on monthly fees to just play the game in about 10 months not 36+ months the game has been out .

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,850

    Just to play devil's advocate for a second. It is not good for the game for there to be an even number of killers and survivors. Everyone that was around during the last Halloween event can attest to this. For a while, in order to unlock all the cosmetics it was necessary to play both survivor and killer equally. What happened next should be obvious. The wait time for playing killer went through the roof. Each game requires 80% of the players to be survivors.