Allow Killers to choose when and where to light up their Hex:Ruin(hexes in general)

Adding the ability for the killer to hex a randomly generated dull totem, would satisfy people and stop the BS of bad totem spawns and little use of the perk.

Increasing the cleansing time of a dull totem a bit would also aid in having people just cleanse rush dull totems early.


  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Oh, that is in interesting Idea!

  • Another way to alleviate that issue would be to have all possible totem spawns on the map be slots where you can set a hex totem(kinda like a trapper trap). A small sprite can be made to indicate if a hex can be placed there.

    No wasting time going across the map to light up a dull totem.

    The killer would need to prioritize if he wants the most optimal hiding spot or a decent enough one, for an early start for his hexes. He can choose whether he wants to use ruin right off the bat, or if he plays, for example a 3 gen strat and chooses to place it then.

    This could potentially also open up more use out of haunted grounds play.

    Place your haunted grounds totems next to your hexes and hope they cleanse that when 'small game' finds em.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    I see a lot of flaws with this. And maybe I am not fully understanding it.

    You don't want to waste time early game looking for a good "hiding" spot. I would hate that. Like DudeDelicious mentioned.

    Also, this creates a balance issue, if I am cleansing the hex and suddenly it disappears some where else on the map, maybe to another dull that I already checked out.. that doesn't seem very fair. Also, if the killer is seeing this and watching it, he could just change it then at his whim. Could be easily abused. Perhaps it can't be touched/changed while that happens.

    This essentially brings out multiple "NOED's".... In the fact you don't know if the killer has it or not... and that's been a huge issue for many people. And it would "waste" time cleansing a dull yadda yadda. Survivors would complain non-stop if they had to check the SAME dull totems during the match to see if it was lit up or not, during gameplay... OR the ones that they did find and know the location of SUDDENLY moved to another location on the map...

    If the killer has the totem on them, then that means they can always have noed and know theres a dull totem on the field (in their pocket). That seems way to powerful.

    Honestly, with the new map especially, I feel like the dev's could find better hiding spots, seeing as they already mentioned they are overhauling some of the old maps.

    This idea has been mentioned before. But this is the first time I have ever heard of a totem rush. lmao. But there is a perk that slows it down already and also alerts you that it is happening.