Are Moris getting nerfed now as well ?



  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Sorry if I wasn't clear. I wasn't comparing Dead By Daylight to Skyrim in terms of the harmlessness of bugs or imbalances, or suggesting that others ought to do so. I was merely using Skyrim bugs as an analogy to explain what my personal feelings are towards "game-breaking" mechanics in Dead By Daylight.

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    It took devs 3 years to adjust the most game breaking killer in the game, and only after also gutting a survivor addon at the same time.

    Seems pretty killer biased yes.

  • FlamingkittyUmad
    FlamingkittyUmad Member Posts: 313

    A mori removes a survivor from the match faster than carrying them to a hook in the late to end game, and an instaheal makes the killer waste 10 seconds if you use it on yourself, and a bit longer if you use it on a downed survivor they slugged and abandoned.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    10 seconds for 2 health states? Wow! You must be good at this!

  • FlamingkittyUmad
    FlamingkittyUmad Member Posts: 313

    You read my comment 100% wrong. if you heal yourself mid chase (one health state) the killer only loses you by the distance you get after being hit (very small boost alone, you have to use loops to waste more time).

    If a survivor can use a double instaheal on a downed survivor, either the killer left them on the ground too long (being greedy), or the survivor wasted time chasing the killer to use the instaheal.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Nope! I read it right. You can go loop and waste more time. It's like resetting the chase!

    And no, before the instaheals were INSTANT (hence the name) So you could get downed, your friend run over and instaheal you while the Killer wipes his blade. Then either body block or run away!

    Even a Dev said it was too much, man.

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272

    I heavily disagree on devs favoring the killers but yes moris need to be changed. Hey at least we can somewhat agree with each other for once.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    If killers were able to see the auras of items and interact with them then I think that would balance keys. Also give the survivor the option to grab items off a killer while being carried.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    actually it's 16 seconds before taking into account loops. The importance behind those 6 extra seconds is that it's additional time to reach a loop which wastes much more time.

  • Grimbergoth
    Grimbergoth Member Posts: 293

    actualy I had 30+ on demo , and ghostface has close to 30 as well , that was just getting them to 50 , seems once I hit around the level 30 mark I see them almost every bloodweb . I have only noticed this as of recent as ive added new killers and been leveing them up . This used to not be the case .

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I'm all for nerfing mori's, but ONLY once we finally balance the game for SWF.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019
    edited October 2019

    The achievements "Blood on your hands" and I think "Blood on your face" are related to mori's

  • dist0rt
    dist0rt Member Posts: 32

    Remove swfs then you can whine about moris

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    How would you be able to Nerf a offering that instantly kills you? If they made it so it only works on a Survivors last hook than nobody would ever use moris again because it would be counter productive to what the offerings for in the first place...

    Not that I support moris, they're pretty broken. I just find it odd how you'd even nerf something that... literally kills you without a chance of living...

    Maybe if they removed Ebony Moris and just kept Ivorys? That could possible work...

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
    edited October 2019

    They shouldn't be removed unless you always give the ability to kill the survivors on their last hooks or at least the last survivor of the trial.

    My Hag's gotta eat!

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    you gotta be joking right? LOL if not you are an entitled survivor main if ever I have seen one

    first of all insta heals WHERE BROKEN, you could INSTANTLY stop a killers map pressure by pressing M2 + Space

    besides you still got broken keys that you can no skill abuse

    also if you think the game devs are favoring killers more than survivors then what about the MAJOR NURSE NERF to her basekit that was NOT NEEDED

    also another reason why it may seem like "the devs are favoring killers" is because THIS USED TO BE DBD

    so yeah it may seem like they are nerfing survivors and buffing killers a lot but when THIS USED TO BE THE BASELINE then it is VERY understandable, if this how DBD was today? NO SURVIVOR WILL EVER DIE, EVER. there is still major unbalance like large maps, Haddonfield, and god loops like ironworks of BS. if you can look at that video and say THAT was balanced then you are the biggest fool in the world

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    All that and the fact if 4 survivors brought an instaheal they could go through 12 health state before downing a single one.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Technically they have to hook you first. Not as instant as it once was.

    Unpopular opinion, I don't think keys or mori's should change and I don't thing medkits should of been touched.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    You realize 4 survivors running instaheals add-ons can go through 12 health states before 1 is even hooked.

  • Bigbootiejudy666
    Bigbootiejudy666 Member Posts: 407
    edited October 2019

    I would't mind if they nerf moris because I barely use them(I'm a killer main but I do sometime play survivor) because I think they are very unfun for both sides.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I'm talking about current mori's, not mori's from when the game was considered to be in a much more unstable and ridiculous state when you're focusing on that meta back in the day.

    Mori's now require one person to get hooked yes, but that's still a very fast loss if the Killer if just focusing on ending the game in the fastest time ever... That's why they're not fun to use (Depends who uses it) nor are they fun to face.

    The best nerf I can say with mori's is do that condition I mentioned where you need a Survivor to be hooked twice, but than that kind of just makes them pointless to bring anyways since the 3rd hook is a death...

    a more practical thing to do is just remove ebonys and keep ivorys.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Yes and so be it.

    I've been through matches where it took 5 hits to down a survivor due to insta heals and old MoM. I know how it is very well.

    I don't think either of the three should be touched.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    I would too. I'm not a killer main though so that's just in my favor.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    Maybe they could remove mori but make it so if you reach the end game and down someone you can kill them instead of hooking them.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    What about when survivors choose to end the game as fast as possible becouse a hidden offering popped up? I can take some time to down a decent survivor or are we saying only Nurse and Spirits run moris? I suppose the argument is based on cassual players. In which case they may get steamrolled regardless of the mori.

    I personally don't use moris and will trash dailies that call for it. I'm not defending them because I love using them. They are a selling point of the killer roll.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Logic would dictate I should be butt hurt over it? Not over the medkit. I was pissed with the perk MoM. The survivor has to stop to use a medkit. MoM gained the survivor an extra health state and speed boost for losing three chases. If a survivor wants to bring an insta heal over a toolbox I'm fine with it.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Have you seen how fast Medkits heal teammates now? Hell "We'll make it" and a medkit is damn near an instant heal on teammates.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Yes I would like to see both have some drastic changes.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Removal of swf would kill the game so, no thank you.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited October 2019

    A Survivor DCing because of a broken offering isn't similar or the same as a Killer ending the game as fast as possible with a broken game mechanic.

    One is in the game and can be used, the other is abusing a system that will be better monitored when Dedicated Servers come out...

    And no, I've seen plenty of Killers use moris outside of Spirit and Nurse, Spirit and Nurse just make it easier to pull that off, but It doesn't really matter if the Killer can effectively down everyone anyways...

    But that wasn't the point of "The killer wants to end the game as fast as possible" the point I was trying to get across is some Killers like ruining the game for others because they're bored and or they personally find it fun. Or some Killers use that mechanic because it's personally just fun to them and they want to see the custom Killer animations... To each their own, I don't name shame anyone who wants to use mori's its in the game for a reason.

    And also, the argument is based on any tier of Survivor. The point was that the mori itself is basically to Kill a Survivor without any chance of living from said... being killed. If they changed it to have them only be Killed with a mori when a Survivor is hooked twice instead of once, than the point of the mori would be meaningless.. why bring a offering to Kill a Survivor when you can just do it yourself by hooking them one more time?

    The only real way to work around the offering so people don't keep asking for the nerf... is to remove the Ebony mori and just keep Ivory's. Than the Killer can only Kill one Survivor instead of all 4, and people won't have a reason to say it should be nerfed... since its a one time use offering that only kills one Survivor... and its random who it is...

    People hate moris mostly because Ebony moris exist... Killing 1 Survivor is better to them than having all of the team die on the first hook.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    TBH I do use moris every know and then but I will usually wait to use it until 1 of the 2 following scenerios happens

    1they are on death hook, better than just hooking them and I think you get overall more points for moring on the death hook rather than hooking them

    2 they are genrushing and I need some quick pressure I will do a mori/ ruin gone in the first 30 seconds and they are blasting through gens

    those are the scenerios I use moris NOT against SWF, against SWF? everyone dies ASAP no exceptions, screw 4 man SWF

  • Irvin
    Irvin Member Posts: 130

    Ok first of all I would say a Mori is more equivalent to a key, both items allow the game to end prematurely but neither should be removed, perhaps reworked instead? Insta heals are more equivalent to killers being able to 1 shot down survivors. I propose that addons which allow this are also reworked same goes for killers with the 1 shot down mechanics.

    Mori: Should require 2 hooks before being able to kill by hand.

    Keys: Skeleton Key remain the same, Dull Key require an addon to open the hatch increase use of key from 5 to 15 seconds, Broken Key cannot use an addon to open the hatch. Also change it so hatch will not spawn unless 1 generator is remaining and only 2 survivors are left.

    Insta Heals: Styptic Agent can only be used on self when injured. Anti-Haemorrhagic Syringe Heals one health state and can be used on any survivor.

    One Shot Mechanics: Change so they no longer 1 shot down and they cause that survivor to perform all actions 10% slower for 60 seconds (timer will not start until out of terror radius and being healed will not prevent this)

    Hex: Devour Hope: 2 Tokens remain the same. 3 Tokens should apply same state as mentioned above, 5 Tokens Can kill survivors who have been hooked at least twice by hand.

    Chainsaws: Instead of 1 shot cause slower actions and do not give a survivor a speed boost when hit.

    Rancor and NOED should remain the same as they both require end game to be used.

    There is probably more I could add but I will leave it at that for now, interested to see what others think of my suggestions.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184


    Woah there buddy. I didn't say anything about DCs. Survivors that want to end the match quickly can hold M1 on a gen instead of doing other things. Gens before friends you could say. Unless against top tier killers a survivor can waste a lot of time running pallet to pallet while teammates pound gens. I've been in plenty of low rank games against ebony moris where the killer might manage to mori one after the gates are powered.

    You could start with removing Ebony moris but the attention will just move to the ivory. 3v1 is much easier for the killer than 4v1. Survivors will just make the same arguments saying the killer steamrolls after removing a survivor quickly. Tunneling will be the term most used.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    The way you said it could only really mean two things, either its gen rushing or DCing.

    Anyways, what you're talking about is just general mechanics, what i'm talking about is a option in the game to actively shorten the game at a greater pace than anything else you could normally do... You could say the same for Purple toolboxes with the best add-ons is also similar, but that's an item that depletes while mori's don't...

    Removing Ebony's is a start, and its the primary reason people hate mori's in the first place... It's true the attention will shift, but the outcome is better than having no chance against a pro Killer or even an average Killer...

    The argument will never really end until Moris are removed, so I don't see the point in even suggesting a change tbh.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184


    The argument will never really end until Moris are removed, so I don't see the point in even suggesting a change tbh.

    We are in agreement.

    Purple boxes? No my friend, Commodious.

    Speaking of general mechanics. If a team of 4 perkless survivors can repair 5 gens through ruin in under 6 minutes. How would a killer with an ebony counter it?

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Depends on the Killer, the skill set of the Survivors he chases, his perks, the map, and their skill set as a whole.

    If it's a Pro-Nurse with the best build in Red Ranks, she'll have no issue, if its a Leather Face in Red Ranks with Ruin but the Survivors can use all loops to the fullest while they're coordinated with or without coms, than its just going to end in a loss no matter what.

    It really does boil down to how the game works against M1 Killers or just Killers with weaker powers that can't gain map pressure.

    Take for example The Clown, yes his perk is that you can close chases with his tonic, but if a Survivor knows how to manipulate the loop to its fullest... they'll still use the loop up... maybe faster than usually but they'll still get use out of it.

    That's kind of why nobody plays him anymore, because they don't want to rely on a power that doesn't really assist with the primary one. That's why people use Nurse or "git gud" with her, because her power DOES assist with the primary attack, and it also assists with other things like traveling around the map and map pressure as a whole... She can effectively chase down a Survivor in under 30 seconds if its a Pro Nurse with no room for error...

    It all really comes down to this though... no team is that perfect to do what you described, and the only way for them to pull that off against a seriously "good" Killer, is if the Killer was making too many mistakes... Every team will always have a weaker link, that weaker link will always drag the rest of the team down because they need to be rescued more often.

    Of course that's not insulting people that are just worse than others, everyone can improve, no matter how bad you're. The same goes for Killer, and especially when you're learning to play every Killer in the roster...

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184


    I'm tell you there was a team like that and they did 100 games with that setup against rank 1 killers bring the best they had.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    It's just how the mechanics are that really defines how fast a game can go. A coordinated SWFs, or a coordinated team in-general with commodious toolboxes + the best add-ons can clean any Killer unless it's Billy, Spirit, or Nurse. Because the best Killer mains with those three Killers mastered can really come close to beating a team like that with the best spatial awareness and coordination at loops...

    It also has to do with the map design as well and the loop design as well... So it really just boils down to Killer design vs Survivor mechanics + whatever map that can benefit either side.

    Put that team on Meat Plant with a pro Nurse and i'm sure they'd 100% lose. Put that team with all Balanced Landing on lampkin lane vs a Hill Billy and i'm sure the Hill Billy would lose...

    If it was Spirit or Nurse on Lampkin Lane they'd have a chance because of how their powers work.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    The issue I have is the notion a pro <incert killer>. I could give examples of Nurses, Billys, and Spirits getting there ass handed to then but the response will always be, thats not a good X.

    If you weren't around, bhvr sponsored a tournament about a year ago. A "Pro" Russian Nurse was beaten by this team. Map was coal tower, a very good map for Nurse.