Really wanna hear thoughts from peeps about new Nurse for console.

I have never given significant practice time with Nurse on console as it always felt a bit sub-par and required extra practice and accounting for some of the issues console playing provides (trying to snap Blink or fake out Blinks). I always played her as a gimmicky, mess around Killer with the intention WAY down the line, to try to seriously practice with her. The Nursr was a Killer initially loved with her lore & design, but after playing her VS playing many other Killers, was just never gonna be a stapple pick for me.
With the upcoming changes for her and the PTB bit...just...what does everyone make of this that plays on console? She was already extremely rare for me to encounter when playing as Survivor (Michael Myers & Wraith seem most abundant) and I personally never went against a scary Nurse player :x
I feel a bit demotivated to ever really playing her as far as console playing goes.
We can’t tell yet cause it’s not on console. We just have to wait. Also I’ve played good nurses on console and I am a decent nurse on console but we just have to wait and see how it turns out.
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I’ve mained nurse on Console for the last couple months. With the right console (Xbox one X) and monitor, she’s a beast. Not the same amount of frame drops and I get to use a different killer besides Billy or Spirit when it comes to SWF (I play in red ranks).
With the upcoming changes, I feel she may be a lot weaker on console as she’s already frustrating enough to play as it is.
People on console never really gave Nurse a shot because of the poor optimization and because she’s the hardest killer to learn.
That being said, this will turn away more console nurses with the nerfs than it already has done.
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Nurse will likely see no play on console after these changes, also coming from a console player here
This will only make her harder, and those add-ons that supposedly help newer players and console players would still require you to always have those add-ons which isn't realistic especially if you don't play often