Does anyone else not like The Rift?

I really don't feel like it's necessary and I don't think a battle pass should be in any survival horror game. It just doesn't fit with DBD and I really dislike it. DBD is taking a huge different direction but I'm not sure if I am liking it.
Personally, I think it's pretty neat. It sets small goals for me to meet each game, while incentivizing me to use different perks or characters than normal. Alot of it though is just rewarding me for doing what I'd already be doing. I already play the game a decent amount for the fun of it, so it doesn't really feel like a grind to fix X amount of gens or hook X amount of survivors.
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I agree with you that a battlepass doesn't really seem to fit with DBD, but I'm open to the possibility that maybe we just need to get used to it.
Functionally, I'm far more okay with the rift than I expected to be. I love being able to earn cosmetics and extra bloodpoints for doing challenges. Ever since they changed Daily Rituals to make them way easier I've missed not really having particular goals to strive for.
My favourite thing about the Rift, though, is something which to my knowledge wasn't requested much by players, so it was just an idea of the devs, and to me proves that they actually do care more about making a fun experience and rewarding their players than about moneygrubbing. And that is the fact that if you play consistently, you can get all the content and only have to purchase the premium tier once. Essentially, if you keep the cells you get each time, every Rift after the first one is free. They could so easily have made the Rift just BPs and cosmetic rewards so that you have to pay for a new "battlepass" every few months, but they went out of their way to make it accessible like this. It was such a welcome and unexpected change, and I loved it.
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I can understand the sentiment that it doesnt fit with the theme of the game but i can also understand why it was added, the biggest issue i have with it is that it doesnt have any rewards that i find interesting.
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If it doesn't effect game play i see no reason in complaining about it.
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I just don't get it.
I have a serious question for all of you who are booty blasted over the Rift.
Do you guys buy every single cosmetic? Even cosmetics for characters you don't like/play/own? What about cosmetics that you just don't like do you buy them if you see another player using them?
If not then how is the Rift any different? Like, seriously do you have no self control and just buy everything single thing in the game? I know I don't. I cannot play Nurse or Spirit at all so I just don't buy stuff for them. If you don't like what is in the Rift the just don't buy it.
Plus the Archive challenges give you butt loads off bloodpoints at no extra cost. Do you not like extra bp?
For me 10 bucks is a steal for the premium pass. The only thing in the premium Rift I won't get use out of is the Nurse outfit since I'm terrible as her. One outfit costs 10 bucks. 10 bucks for the premium pass is more than fair.
I hope Behavior hears that most of us think they knocked it out of the park.
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The only thing I don't like about it are the character specific goals, especially for survivor when it doesn't play any different. I've never put a single Bloodpoint into jake so I'd be going in on a suicide mission for unhooks just because this thing told me to.
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just another cash cow for the devs to get their twitch goons to push its kinda pathetic expecially when they make all these mistakes like heavily nerfing nurse and not fixing since day one bugs.
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Isn't that a fun challenge though. No perk challenge is fun sometimes and the rift is nothing but a way to make the game more fun by forcing you to do genuinely hard challenges unlike the daily rituals.
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@LordGlint The rift/battle pass is different from the archives.... The archive stuff could still be there and possible without the need of a battle pass. Meaning you'd still have those goals and things.
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The pass is the sole thing bringing me back to the game
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Well its alright with me if some of the challenges dont need the premium pass to access them (AKA Fortnite) and if its possible to get to teir 70 without buying any teirs (AKA Fortnite again) by just doing the challenges alone, having to buy them is a good thing too because if sone people miss out on some of their challengs they can make up with buying them (not like 100% the whole challenge list I - IV and having to buy the rest).
One thing i like what DBD does is after an event they keep it in the shop afterwards (unlike Scorching Summer BBQ, still wondering where my "free song bird slip dress" for kate went just disappeared a few months ago) hoping they keep the items in the rift afterwards so other players that join later on could get them insted of it being event exclusive.
Also just a personal thing, i'd like it to be called a "rift pass" or "premium pass", not all of these are "battle passes" we can't fight the killer so there is no battle
Post edited by Infurioum on1 -
I’m cautiously optimistic
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I personally like them. Gives me a reason to play other characters.
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How does the battle pass work exactly? Can you do anything you want and play any character or their specific things you have to do? And what about people that only means Survivor or killer, are they forced to play the other role to progress the battle pass?
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Except the problem with this is you'd have to play probably 7 games a day for an entire month to complete the battle pass, and that's probably completing a challenge every match. 3-5 points out of 10(from what I'm seeing) per challenge, 100 levels. Even completing 5 point challenges only, you'd have to play 200 games, and that's getting a challenge done every game. No one's gonna complete this without paying for extra levels. Just like Fortnite. THIS is why I'm against battle passes. They lure you in with cosmetics and say "You can get all this if you just get to level 100", then make getting level 100 near impossible and offering a way to speed up your progress by paying more money. This is why I don't understand people being for this. Unless they're gonna spend way more than 10 dollars every month.
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"Nobody likes free stuff. Get that crap outta here. We will stick with paying for our cosmetics."
Are you sure we should use that quote, Mr. President? It sounds a bit biased, sir.
"Free is for the weak... On second thought, don't quote that. Let's go with something we know works. Rework complaints!"
Yes, Sir!
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I haven't had a chance to try the PTB yet, but hopefully I will tonight, so I will return and give my thoughts in response once I'm informed enough to do so.
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I could swear I remember it being said that it would take about an hour a day of playing. I don't know how they came to that number or if it includes lobby wait times or anything.
If it does take a ridiculously long time to complete, then I hope people won't put money into it. You can play on the free path, see how far you get, and then if it'd be worth it you can buy a premium pass to unlock stuff retroactively; that seems like the smart thing to do.
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The thing is, after 50 hours of playing nobody treats this game as horror game anymore. Its just becoming a normal game.
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How does console get in on this?
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It hasn't been released, yet; it's on the PTB (PC only). Once it's ready, it'll be released for real on PC and consoles all at the same time. The Halloween events starts Oct 22, so it'll be released by then.
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Okay so, first impressions. I'm going to tag @TragicSolitude in here as well since their comment was relevant.
So I can't be certain, but I'm assuming that the cost to ascend tiers in the Rift doesn't increase exponentially - that is, every tier is worth ten Rift fragments. So let's pretend, for the sake of being generous with our calculations, that every challenge rewards only 3 fragments. Each challenge should be doable in one game if you do well, but you don't always, so let's say 2 games per challenge. So each level of the rift will take, say, 7 games. There are 70 levels, so 490 games to complete the Rift. The Rift is open for just over 50 days, so that's about ten games a day. A longish game might take about 15 minutes, and if we allow 5 minutes between each game for queuing, you're looking at three hours per day, max. However, you'll notice I was almost unrealistically lenient with some of my calculations, so in reality the daily grind would probably be more like half that (so, close to the devs' estimate).
I totally agree with your assessment of Battle Passes, however, in this case, I don't think it's so bad that all but the most hardcore players are forced to pay to progress. An average of 1-3 hours a day is a high call but not a ridiculously unattainable one, so basically, it rewards committed players. In my opinion, that's not unreasonable. I know I could achieve that if I tried, and I plan to.
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I like it and it does fit with dbd according to the new lore updates we get for each killer
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Just want to tell you, the DBD website says rifts are actually open for 70 days. I dont know why the PTB's rift is a little over 50, but it should be 70 days. So, even less play time per day should be required.
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Yeah, I did see that, I just decided to go off what the Rift says for argument's sake, to illustrate the point that even the absolute maximum isn't that much. But you're right, if it is 70 days on the live version, that would mean you'd only need to ascend one level a day, which is only about 60-90 minutes playtime. In my opinion that's very much accessible to even moderately serious players.
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very true. i play with one of my friends at least once a week and we easily play double if not triple that time. and i even play a little bit each day, even if it is just to get a daily ritual done. as it is in the PTB, it shouldnt be hard at all to progress.
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First off, dont buy it then.
Second, if you dont like it or care for it why does it bother you?
Third, it just adds more smaller challenges for players to do so they can feel like theyre progressing towards something or have something to work towards.(so they dont feel bored)
Four, it literally gives you your money back with unlockable uric cells and bloodpoints .
My only grief with the pass is that you can buy levels for it and they cap how many challenges you can do within a certain time.
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If it's only 70 levels then that's a bit better. Still a high amount but a bit better anyways. IF it's reasonable, then fine, it's okay, but otherwise, I disagree with it being in the game. That said, I still hate the idea of forcing people to PAY to GRIND for cosmetics. It's like you're paying to grind for the things you already paid for, and for longer than normal, it also kind of forces you to choose this game above all else over other games you might also be playing, of which, I have several that I play at different times. I miss when games didn't try to force you into only playing their game. One game I used to play had a 3 hour a day limit on how long you could play. They changed that a few months later because people complained(I actually didn't like it either tbh), but it proves they weren't trying to force you to play for longer than average game time. Now of course they have daily rewards that last up to 3 hours or longer, forcing you to be on the game for that long. At least in that case though you can just alt tab while it's going.
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Think of it is you're grinding for rewards regardless, but you're paying for the grind to be more rewarding than it would otherwise be. Remember that you get all the rewards up to that point when you purchase the Rift pass, so you can always see how far you get in the free track and then decide whether it's worth it to pay for the premium rewards up to that point.
I think it should be reasonable, and if not, I'm holding out hope that the devs will make changes to make it more so, since they have explicitly said that their goal with this whole initiative is to make it fun, rewarding and accessible to the majority of players.
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I really don't like it. While its not as bad as most Battle Passes out there, its still just a company reacting to another company making a lot of money and wanting to copy them.
The game's in shambles but at least you can spend money in more ways to get even more cosmetics. That's progress, right?
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Personally I'd hardly call what I saw on the free track rewards. I can't imagine I would want anything that it offered. But that's how it is with every battle pass. Another issue I have with it. They show you this ridiculous difference in rewards that you would get if you paid for the pass, with absolutely nothing that you'd want on the free track. Still, as I said, as long as it's reasonable I'm fine with it and may even pay for it. If it's not, then I'll be sorely upset that I won't get that tank on my David.
I just hope the challenges aren't like they are in the current daily rituals. It took me 10 games before I finally trashed that damn open the exit gates with Nancy ritual.
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So lemme get this straight... you dislike the rift but you are fine with what we currently have in the store? Cosmetics in the store cost $10 a pop. The rift costs $10, has multiple cosmetics and charms, and if you complete it, you get your auric cells rebated. You also get extra bloodpoints and lore for completing the challenges.
So what exactly do you dislike about the rift? So many people just keep saying they don’t like it but don’t explain why.
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Well I was all for it until Paulie Esther's video showed how hard the challenges are.
No one. Not one person is going to complete all 70 levels without paying extra to skip the grind. The challenges only award 3 to 5 rift pieces and it takes 10 rift pieces to advance one single level on the track. Combine that with challenges being insane like "interrupt (grab) 4 survivors" and "get 2 sacrifices during the end game collapse in a single trial". Combine those with 3rd and 4th level challenges beinv time gated off so that they can't even be attempted until near the end of the Rift's life cycle. It's pretty clear the design is intentional to prevent completion without spending more than 1k Auric Cells.
It's disheartening as the rift is why I came back. But id it's as impossible as it looks to complete I'll have to skip it.
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Gating off the later challenges is something I really don't like about this. Releasing it all at once would be so much better.
I imagine a lot of people are going to attempt the free track and only buy the premium pass if they make it far enough for the purchase to be worth it, so if the challenges are impossible for normal players to complete, normal players aren't going to buy the pass. At least, I really hope that'll be the case, because consumers speaking with their wallets is the only way change happens.
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Ppl have no control though. Google "Fear of Missing Out".
It's a psychological tactic designed to make ppl buy things they wouldn't. Ppl will buy the pass because they see streamers do it. This thing is going to sell like hot cakes and no one will be able to finish it without spending more money to skip sections.
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I mean they did take the bunny outfit from us
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You're paying for the privilege for more content, in a game you already bought.
That itself is enough to turn me off of the game. Sorry to break it to you, but this game is monetized out the wazoo. Paid cosmetics, paid killers, and now a paid Battle Pass, all in a game you have to pay for to play in the first place.
Is it so much to ask that I actually get the content in the game by just playing? Look at games like Monster Hunter World, who's DLC Iceborne is essentially a whole new game, which releases new content all the time for free, Rajang just came out a few days ago, or even CTR Nitro Fueled. Even CTR has a Battle Pass, but it just comes with the game, and nothing in it is ever truly exclusive, it can all come back.
Even Black Ops 4 with its disgusting pay to win antics and loot boxes even includes its battle passes for free. You know something is wrong when CoD has a more appealing system in terms of Battle Passes.
Fornite and Apex are fine, as they are free to play games. You already have an entry fee in DbD, on top of needing to pay for certain killers.
This game has sold over 5 million copies. That's bare minimum 150 million dollars BHVR has made on entry fee. If you're going to seriously argue that the additional content this game has gotten has required a budget higher than that of Red Dead Redemption 2, I think I'll just giggle.
Speaking of Red Dead, even the Online of that game has a Battle Pass. But you can earn the Gold in game to get access to it, and buy the time you actually get that gold amount, you'll have already completed the Pass, and you essentially just get your 35 gold back for free instantly, since it is on the Pass. Unless you can get the Premium Pass in this game through some form of gameplay, then even Red Dead Online has a more appealing pass. That's actually sad.
This crap is just playing on people's psychological fear of missing out, while offering a hefty grind in return. Absolutely disgusting.
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I don't mind the rift (haven't seen a whole lot yet) as it gives you some challenges (admittedly brain-dead easy ones, so far) and should apparently provide some more lore to the game.
The Battle Pass however I'm not a fan of. During the "poll" BHVR held I voted "No" for the Battle Pass.