PS4 Hawkins Lab

So is it disabled....? I haven't seen it as an offering on the blood web and I haven't played the map once.
No, it shouldn't be. I haven't seen Rotten Fields for a while, and even then, Ill DC from it.
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I just got one on my bloodweb.
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I have a few offering for it but I haven't played on it too much since the release of the chapter
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Be happy when you don't have to play on this map. Worst performance of all maps.
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Why DC just because you got a bad map? You may not like the map, but you can still have an enjoyable experience. It's your role as survivor or killer to overcome all obstacles you face.
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I've had it pop up quite a bit and have multiple survivors use the offering. Quite an enjoyable map until i lose track of where the stairs are :)
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Took me like 56 blood webs but it got an offering.
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Should be disabled, sounds are bugged on it
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No, having an enjoyable experience on Rotten Fields as Killer is a misnomer unto the very tenants of the reality of the game.
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I hate Hawkins Lab. People like to say it's unfair for survivors but I've had nothing but trouble there as a killer.
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@StupidPallets and that’s why people like you continue to get dominated by people like me who main survivor and play every map without DCing
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I can tell you don't play Billy at all, I pray for coldwind as a Billy lol all that open room you can do laps around the entire map with the chainsaw
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Yeah, Coldwind is "Billy's map". It makes perfect sense they work best on that map. But a lot of other Killers don't experience the same joy as Billy unless they're Nurse or Spirit.