Legion Rework Idea (Hidden in plain sight)

Zoso Member Posts: 13

Forgive me if this idea has already been proposed.

To keep with Legions lore; vandalism and the idea of being a group of four. My thoughts are focused on generator manipulation and killer disguise. Seeing as we already have two killers with sneaks I propose continuing that idea.

There are two variations.

THE FIFTH - While sneaking and (X yards away?) the legion copies the appearance of the (obsession?) and has no terror radios for (X seconds?.) The legion can Sabotage generators (X amount?) giving them a harder skill check for (X seconds?). The legion sneaks 25% slower than survivor sneak speed.

THE FIFTH - While X yard away the legion copies the appearance of a survivor (no tools in hand). When survivor is in the killers terror radius the killer loses the illusion but can regain it while sneaking for X seconds. The illusion on crouch has a cooldown of X seconds.

I hope that these ideas can be expanded upon in the thread. Haven't thought of any add-ons.


  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921
    edited October 2019

    When the Legion Reveal Trailer dropped, people thought that the new Killer would do exactly as you proposed: disguising as a Survivor. The idea of being able to do that sounds amazing, really. Whether it happens or not, I’m not really sure.

    About the power itself you proposed, I think it should do more. I always wanted a Killer that excels in stealth and deception rather than chases, so in order to be effective, there must be more. I’d like to see this idea be built further. 😁

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
    edited October 2019

    Didn't he was JUST buffed a few months back ?

    Could we buff and rework Killers that haven't been touched in YEARS...like Nurse, Hag, Myers, etc ?

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    Wtv you want to call it.

    His main attack and power got easier to use and more ppl are playing/winning has him medium rank.

    Obviously it's another story higher ups but then again it's mostly always the same 3/4 Killers.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    His power was always easy to use. The change just made him an M1 Killer with a mostly useless power.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
    edited October 2019

    Useless M1 Killer with a useless power ? I though this was about Legion not the Priestess...

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Legion is a weak Killer and always has been a weak Killer. The reasons why he's bad has changed but the fact that he is bad has not.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    Definetly not saying he's a strong killer.

    Simply that since he is now in a stable spot we should focus on other killers which haven't been consistent in awhile.

    Sure I'm definetly for a buff but tbh some other killers needs more attention rn.

  • Zoso
    Zoso Member Posts: 13

    Thank you for the comment. I'm hoping to get a brain storming session going and see if we can mix and match ideas. The creation process is fun to me and bouncing off ideas between people can be really fun. If egos are checked of course, lol. To your point, the idea of a killer who deceives and doesn't really chase is a fun one.

    The long post is for those who work the night shift and are extremely bored (me) or like to read. For all others don't worry about the wall of text there is a TL;DR at the end. xD

    • The Fifth (1)

    Since Legions focus will be on getting as close as possible to the survivors before starting the chase or even tricking the survivor to approach him, the idea of disguise, terror radius manipulation and maybe mimicking survivor movements is how I see him playing. The killer that comes to mind and inspires me is Freddy. Freddy if the survivor is not in the sleep state is invisible when he is a certain distance away and I feel like that can be used on Legion but instead of being invisible he copies the appearance of a survivor. That survivor can be the obsession or maybe just a survivor at random. But to balance him a bit he is never shown carrying an item. I feel this gives a bit of counter play to this trait. I'll be calling this trait (Telephone) for reference.

    Aside from Telephone which is passive, Legion will also be able to activate (Mimic). Legion crouches and has no terror radius. When near a generator Legion moves like he/she is working on the generator (also adds sounds). While crouched he copies the appearance of a survivor or the obsession but only if he/she is standing still for X seconds. While using Mimic on a generator Legion (Sabotages) the generator.

    Sabotage works as followed. You get X amount of skill checks per generator, for each good check the next time a survivor works on the generator his skill check is harder. For each great skill check by Legion the next time a survivor works on the generator the skill check is harder, will sound on a good skill check as if he missed the skill check and will regress X% on a miss. Nothing happens if the survivor hits a great skill check. Think of it as a soft Ruin Hex.

    Lastly, (Spooked), Legion can hide in lockers. When hidden in a locker Legion's terror radius increases by X meters for X seconds. After X seconds in the locker Legion loses all his terror radius.

    • TL;DR V1

    --The Fifth (Legions new skill) focuses on disguise, generator sabotage, and terror radius manipulation.

    --While X yards away the legion copies the appearance of the obsession/random survivor

    --Legion crouches and has no terror radius. When near a generator Legion moves like if working on the generator (also adds sounds). While crouched Legion copies the appearance of a survivor or the obsession but only if standing still for X seconds.

    --Legion can sabotage the generators.

    --Legion can hide in lockers

    • The Fifth (2)

    The second version of The Fifth will be almost identical to the first. Telephone and Sabotage will work the same. Mimic will be a bit different. In this version Mimic will work with a timer and on a cooldown. In version 2 Legion can activate Mimic to crouch, when crouching Legion has no terror radius as before but he copies a survivor for X seconds but the disguise only activates if a survivor is in Legions FOV.

    If Legion stands the disguise is removed and a cooldown begins. Legion can still crouch but the cooldown timer only activates when Legion is standing. Legion does not give out an aura if survivors are using perks such as Bond. (Maybe Legion when disguise is removed gets a speed boost?) Survivors can remove Legions disguise if they have him in FOV for X amount of seconds.

    Spooked is also changed a bit in version 2. Spooked allows Legion to hide in lockers. While in a locker Legion has no terror radius. When Legion exits the locker the locker is blocked from further use for X seconds and leaves Legions terror radius in the lockers location for X seconds. Legion gets a speed boost if he stays in the locker for X seconds.

    I'm still a bit iffy on the speed boosts because I feel like it's lazy but if anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them.

    • TL;DR V2

    --Telephone and Sabotage works the same.

    --when crouching Legion has no terror radius as before but he copies a survivors appearance for X seconds but the disguise only activates if a survivor is in Legions FOV.

    --Spooked is also changed it's a small read on the last paragraph. Doesn't make sense to summarize.

    -- This version plays more with the idea of FOV and terror radius manipulation.

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921
    edited October 2019


    I'm writing my own rework idea for The Legion and I can't think of a power name more suitable than yours to describe mine since it's almost identical to yours. Would you mind if I used the name, "The Fifth"? I'll credit you and link the original source.

  • Zoso
    Zoso Member Posts: 13

    All good, I read it, it was a fun read. In the end of the day that is why we do it. For the fun of it. GG.