Escaped hook but died on 2nd hook

So I was against a Trapper who loved trapping all the exits of the basement. All 3 of us converge on basement and I go down and unhook my team mate. Trapper is still trapping every piece of floor he can see and I make sure my team mate escapes but I run in a trap and am hooked.

The rest of my team have just finished healing each other and I'm about to go to the 2nd phase but I yeet myself off the hook at the last minute. A few gens and chases later the gates are powered. I protect someone who also just yeeted off the hook (broken status) but Trapper has NOED.

I died on my 2nd hook and everyone else escaped. I wasn't expecting to die on my 2nd hook 😕 otherwise I wouldn't have distracted the killer (as the person had only been hooked once).

Is this a bug or just unlucky? If you get off the hook yourself that shouldn't count as going in to the 2nd phase, should it?
