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Escaped hook but died on 2nd hook

So I was against a Trapper who loved trapping all the exits of the basement. All 3 of us converge on basement and I go down and unhook my team mate. Trapper is still trapping every piece of floor he can see and I make sure my team mate escapes but I run in a trap and am hooked.
The rest of my team have just finished healing each other and I'm about to go to the 2nd phase but I yeet myself off the hook at the last minute. A few gens and chases later the gates are powered. I protect someone who also just yeeted off the hook (broken status) but Trapper has NOED.
I died on my 2nd hook and everyone else escaped. I wasn't expecting to die on my 2nd hook 😕 otherwise I wouldn't have distracted the killer (as the person had only been hooked once).
Is this a bug or just unlucky? If you get off the hook yourself that shouldn't count as going in to the 2nd phase, should it?
Any interruption (successful unhook) automatically moves you to the next phase.
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I've had this happen before too. Seems like a bug to me.
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Aww that's kind of annoying. I thought I'd of known that by now 😣 thanks
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Depends where the bar is on the first phase if you successfully unhook yourself.
Struggling depletes the bar -- If it goes below half while you are unhooking yourself there won't be a second phase.
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@Tizzle noooo I was almost at the middle of the bar! If I had done it 2 seconds earlier I would have been fine 😅